Please, can anyone post ACCURATE info on Propecia and its REAL side-effects?


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I know you've been asked this about a million times but I'm looking for some pure, conclusive information on this issue.

I'm about at a Norwood III-IV and although the Sly look might be for some, I kind of like a tiny bit of stubble up there, and I know that although I won't regrow my hair with Propecia it will save what's left (or so it says).'

My question is, I've spent hours reading online and it's always 50/50 about whether it does or does not have side effects. The worst I've read is it causes permanent impotence which scares the crap out of me!

So I come here, and ask you, what is the current conclusive evidence for taking this drug? Please post your most honest answers, whether or not you're for it or against it.

Thank you so much for your help guys!


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The absolute strongest scientific data we have with regards to side effects is in placebo controlled studies involving many thousands of men. There have been 3 or 4 such studies done on the drug and they all showed low side effects rates in line with the 'official' numbers Merck shows (around 2-3% incidence rates). Additionally, no controlled study has ever conclusively linked finasteride to irreversible side effects except for rare cases of gynecomastia.

Most of what you read on the internet (especially on forums) is based on speculation and media story-driven BS. You can trust in the studies, or believe that they are all somehow faked and propaganda from the drug companies, like many people choose to do.
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its simple.. take it, if it works and you get no sides , keep going....

If you take it and develop some sides, then weigh out the risk reward with severity of sides to how much you value your hair...

If you somehow believe you can trick your mind into thinking you have sides when you actually don't, then you're a fuc king a**h** and no amount of medication can help you...

Quantum Cat

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be careful believing anything you read from 26.10 (aka Hair to Learn) - he's strongly biased against Finasteride. He's also an attorney masquerading as an armchair biochemist.

speaking if which, HtoL, you claimed that some major revelations about Finasteride would come to light at the roundtable last week. So what was the outcome of the discussions? Or is it a secret?


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Stunning idiocy. Wrong on so many levels. In no way are clinical trials "the absolute strongest scientific data we have with regards to side effects is in placebo controlled studies involving many thousands of men." The scientists who ran the Propecia studies disagree with you, as does everyone else who isn't completely inept with science. The clinical trials only offer limited data for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to Demand Characteristics, lack of construct, internal and external validity. To say "no controlled study has ever conclusively linked finasteride to irreversible side effects" is just another dumb comment of yours. Merck Internal Documents describe persistent finasteride side effects that warranted medical intervention. Merck warned about persistent finasteride side effects as early as 1992 in its Proscar Monograph.

I'm not sure what you're talking about when you say "based on speculation and media-story driven BS." I also don't know what you're talking about when you say "faked and propaganda from the drug companies, like so many people choose to do." Can you reference one person saying the studies are "all faked and propaganda from the drug companies?" Can you cite Merck, the FDA, or anyone saying "The absolute strongest scientific data we have with regards to side effects is in placebo controlled studies involving many thousands of men?"

@OP, if you want evidence Merck described persistent finasteride side effects, including impotence, let me know. A little research shows Merck scientists themselves questioned Propecia's safety before it even hit the stream of Commerce.

Since finasteride blocks a useless hormone, side effects are absolutely minimal. Most of them are fabricated by hysterical hypochondriacs in the internet, who often don't read the list of possible side effects carefully, and become impotent after minoxidil and get a puffy pace after finasteride LOL

I have been taking finasteride for 8 months and I haven't felt any change. Absolutely nothing (which is to be expected). Four weeks ago I added dutasteride, 0.5 mg twice weekly, and the only thing that I have observed since that time was an increase of libido.


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My Regimen
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26.10 was the Propecia Foundation guy back again (Hair to Learn / Nigga Please, etc etc ) He has been banned.


Quantum Cat

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aww you banned him before he could reveal the secrets of the Finasteride roundtable talks


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You're not going to get a hard answer on this just personal opinions. I'll tell you my experience, I started using 1.25mg of finasteride in 2007 along with a bunch of other things and had great results but around 2010-2011 I noticed that I was "slowing down", lacked energy, poor sex drive, etc. I stopped finasteride about a year ago and within a couple of weeks I could tell a difference and after about 3 months off I realized I could never take it again, I felt a million times better with loads of energy. I think it sneaks up on guys and they don't realize how much it affects them, at least that is how it was for me. I've lost much of my hair I had regained from finasteride but how I felt off finasteride was way more important to me. I recovered fully in about 6 months so I don't think there is anything to the "permanent problems" thing. The other side is there are thousands of guys that have no problems at all with finasteride and have taken it for 15 plus years.

Good luck.

I know you've been asked this about a million times but I'm looking for some pure, conclusive information on this issue.

I'm about at a Norwood III-IV and although the Sly look might be for some, I kind of like a tiny bit of stubble up there, and I know that although I won't regrow my hair with Propecia it will save what's left (or so it says).'

My question is, I've spent hours reading online and it's always 50/50 about whether it does or does not have side effects. The worst I've read is it causes permanent impotence which scares the crap out of me!

So I come here, and ask you, what is the current conclusive evidence for taking this drug? Please post your most honest answers, whether or not you're for it or against it.

Thank you so much for your help guys!

Quantum Cat

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I have the lethargy/low energy , but I'm not brave enough to stop finasteride like you Casper. I guess I'd rather be chronically tired with hair.


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I have the lethargy/low energy , but I'm not brave enough to stop finasteride like you Casper. I guess I'd rather be chronically tired with hair.

Lethargy and low energy is a side effect in so many drugs.

Just thought it might be worth noting, as I've taken many a medication in my life and being tired seems to be a side effect in a large amount of them.

For what it's worth after a month on finasteride I feel fine. Boosted libido, strong erections, hairs doing good. Might be because I really am not scared to take any drugs and don't stress myself out thinking about them. Who knows.

Allen Parks

Since finasteride blocks a useless hormone, side effects are absolutely minimal. Most of them are fabricated by hysterical hypochondriacs in the internet, who often don't read the list of possible side effects carefully, and become impotent after minoxidil and get a puffy pace after finasteride LOL

I have been taking finasteride for 8 months and I haven't felt any change. Absolutely nothing (which is to be expected). Four weeks ago I added dutasteride, 0.5 mg twice weekly, and the only thing that I have observed since that time was an increase of libido.

You should add Saw Palmetto. A buddy of mine had nearly the exact same regime as yours. Had good results. But when he added Saw Palmetto, the results were twice as good. He looked like Elvis, lol

Mens Rea

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Since finasteride blocks a useless hormone, side effects are absolutely minimal. Most of them are fabricated by hysterical hypochondriacs in the internet, who often don't read the list of possible side effects carefully, and become impotent after minoxidil and get a puffy pace after finasteride LOL

I have been taking finasteride for 8 months and I haven't felt any change. Absolutely nothing (which is to be expected). Four weeks ago I added dutasteride, 0.5 mg twice weekly, and the only thing that I have observed since that time was an increase of libido.

I don't post on here much anymore,

But i was just scanning the form and read this comment.

Im ****ing affronted by this dangerous misinformation. If you don't know what you're talking about - hold back. This is a serious subject.

The enzyme that finasteride blocks is far from "useless". DHT is FAR from a "useless" hormone. The enzyme it blocks is responsible for critical neuro-steroids in the brain. Finasteride passes the blood/brain barrier. It's a strong drug that shrinks your prostate, alters your hormones and increases your estrogen levels.

You've been taking finasteride for 8 months and you're an expert? I took it a year without sides, stopped due to lack of results, started again. It took another year after that to develop sides. They got pretty bad after that. Be cautious is my advice. I'm sure most people are fine but a certain % get it bad from finasteride and to ignore that with senseless comments and "facts" is insulting.

Quantum Cat

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Warlord isn't taken very seriously.

The enzyme it blocks is responsible for critical neuro-steroids in the brain. Finasteride passes the blood/brain barrier. It's a strong drug that shrinks your prostate, alters your hormones and increases your estrogen levels

not saying you're wrong, but have these things been conclusively proven?


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Yes, 5ar2 is in the human brain and allopregnanolone (and other neurosteroid) levels drop (2 studies showing this solitary fact already). It has been proven, though, that it doesn't raise estradiol, but biologically thinking, it should, because testosterone also rises.


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Yes, 5ar2 is in the human brain and allopregnanolone (and other neurosteroid) levels drop (2 studies showing this solitary fact already). It has been proven, though, that it doesn't raise estradiol, but biologically thinking, it should, because testosterone also rises.

Unless there are some new studies I haven't yet seen, finasteride's effect on HUMAN neurosteroids has yet to be proven. I know there are animal studies, but these do not constitute proof when it comes to human medicine. I saw another study on humans that showed lower allo levels, but these were serum blood tests, and levels in the brain could show a very different story. I agree that existing evidence sure points to this being the case, but it's not proven until it's proven.

What do you mean it's been proven that it doesn't raise estradiol? I recall seeing in the original finasteride FDA approval document that it raised estrogen levels by 15%, and several other studies have shown the same.

Allen Parks

What do you mean it's been proven that it doesn't raise estradiol? I recall seeing in the original finasteride FDA approval document that it raised estrogen levels by 15%, and several other studies have shown the same.
Merck's letters to the FDA says it doesn't. Merck's Propecia patient information leaflet says it doesn't. You need to cite your source when you make claims like this. You say the dumbest stuff.


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Merck's letters to the FDA says it doesn't. Merck's Propecia patient information leaflet says it doesn't. You need to cite your source when you make claims like this. You say the dumbest stuff.

You say I should cite my sources, but make two claims without citing yours? I also said "I recall seeing" which is much different than stating something as a fact. If you believe I am wrong, the alternative to being a complete dick is to correct me on it and explain why you believe I am wrong. Whoever you are, enough with registering all new new accounts to bash finasteride. Clearly you have posted here before and i'm guessing have also been banned. You should try not to make it quite so obvious next time if you want to hold an account for any substantial period of time.

ANYWAY, you say Merck's letters to the FDA and Merck's Propecia patient information says it doesn't increase estrogen. But is that the case? Do they explicitly state that finasteride does not increase estrogen, or do they not mention it at all? Because those are two very different things.