Pick a Concealer for Me Please!!


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I agree. I really love the Loreal spray. I use 20 second hair which does not rub off at all for me when using the Loreal. I personally didnt have as much luck with Toppik.

I would imagine you could use most any fiber concealer with diffuse thinning since it sounds like you have plenty of hair for the product to "cling to" but the real key is going to be which has the best color match for your hair.

If you hair is still pretty thick you might even like the dermatch powder better than a fiber product.

Dont forget to test your pillow as well if you dont want your girl to know you are using something. Seeing the evidence on the pillow after sleeping over used to drive me crazy. I used to use darker pillows at home so I didnt have to worry about it.


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if you're a diffuse thinner all over, i recommend dermatch. also, try not to use that much paste/gel/water when styling. the more you use the thinner your hair is going to look. go for a "dryer" look.


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I've used Dermatch, Fullmore and Toppik. They all have their pluses and minuses in my opinion, but in terms of value, I have to go with Dermatch hands down. I'm on my 2nd month, and I think I can easily get another month out of it.

I live in Canada as well and just to warn you, it's impossible to find concealers anywhere. Nobody has them. I've heard that Canada bans the sale of Toppik because of something in the fibers? I don't know, it's pretty weird.

Fabove.ca is a great Canadian website that has everything, but it ships from BC (which is a pain because I'm in Ontario)