Over masturbation


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Rework24 said:
at the risk of gettin abuse.... it is interesting this post. finasteride and other anti-androgens lower sex drive so less wanking/shagging which could contribute to hair growth/thickening?
Talk about your experience.
I'm on my 4th month on finasteride and my sex drive hasn't been reduced, in fact I would say its a little higher. The first two weeks had an unusually high sex drive, it was like I was 13 again.
After a horrible shedding I'm starting to see new hairs on my hairline.

Talking abut anecdotal evidence, I started to notice my hair loss during a period of severe depression. My libido was destroyed during that time.


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The Gardener said:
Dude, Hugh Hefner is 84 years old!? And he still has a very age-appropriate hairline. How many people have ANY semblance of a hairline at 84? Most people would be LUCKY to have Hugh's hairline at 84, and he's always had a decent if not very good head of hair.

In addition, it can cause more sebum, because of the heat it produces for your scalp without circulation.
How does masturbating cause heat on your scalp? Or sebum?

[quote:224b1npc]Guess where all the blood goes instead of your scalp?
First off, the body has mechanisms to moderate a relatively constant blood pressure all across your vascular system. Second, if, as you say, blood is flowing AWAY from your scalp, then the follicles would be attacked by less DHT, as DHT travels in the blood, no? Third, if there is less blood flowing to the scalp, then why would the scalp get warmer? If anything, warm blood flowing from the body's core helps maintain body temperature, when blood flow is reduced, temperature COOLS, not gets warmer.

Plus, it burns up testosterone.
How does masturbation "burn up testosterone"?

Masturbation is physical exertion, and muscular exertion. This may burn blood sugar, but I have yet EVER to hear of ANY scenario where physical exertion is supported through the burning of hormones. Hormones aren't burned by muscles! Sugar and fat are! And, in contradiction to your assertion, muscle exercise has been shown not to reduce testosterone, but actually, it INCREASES testosterone.

Where on earth do you guys get this stuff? Makes no sense.[/quote:224b1npc]

just do your research. stop relying on your own logic. I understand what you're saying, and naturally one would THINK if blood travels elsewhere, your scalp cools...but unfortunately, the exertion warms your body. Secondly, this exertion and "exercise" IS muscular in nature, but the hormone processes outweigh the "work out." lol. in terms of producing and killing testosterone, masturbation is like taking two steps forward, and three steps back. and most people aren't TOO sensitive to DHT, so their hair loss is pretty gradual...so it's hard to notice. but I must have a genetic hypersensitivity to DHT. lol.


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balanceguardian said:
If male pattern baldness sufferers cut down their sexual activity by 70% then their hair would stop minutarising and begin to thicken again.

Would it make a difference if a person was not masturbating or engaging in sexual activity, but was constantly horny and repressing it?
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Some of these neagative people are so stupid and hyppocritical. They go round calling people trolls for suggesting or questioning that masturbation which is know to effect hormonal balance might be detremental to hair loss.

'Wheres the scientific evidence?'

None of us or most of us here are not scientists. Also the truth of the matter is capitalist scientistist arent interested in researching natural product or natural remedies for things, coz theres no profit involved.

So why not put all of our non scientific heads together to come up with good practices through trial and error and anecdotal evidence. After all this is a public forum for people with hairloss. Some people are idiots.

Ps Ive posted this on another thread but some things need to be said.

I am also not a troll and genuinely interested in slowing downmy hair loss.
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been roughly six weeks since my last ejaculation. my hair is deffinitely thicker and it seems to be improving daily. I did however quit finasteride about 3 weeks ago so perhaps that has a lot to do with it.

I believe that if you suffer diffuse(all over) thinning Testosterone is the more severe culprit. I think DHT causes more localised thinning. finasteride made my hair worse over the year that i took it coz it raised my T levels. I really believe that there are two types of hairloss sufferers.

Abstaining from masturbation should solve all diffuse thinners problems. I firmly believe not masturbating for a while and then perhaps eventually going to once a week will sort my hair right out. Back to my teens.


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Just six weeks and you hair feels thicker?

Damn, your hair grows really fast :whistle:

IF you are going to make outrageous claims, at least try to make them credible :thumbdown2:
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It is a myth that the hair shaft has to fall out before it can gain diameter. Once the follicle is allowed to restore itself to a healthier state the diameter of the hair shaft expands. Benefits of healthier follicles can be seen in just two weeks.

Dont be so blind!


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monty1978 said:
I totally agree with the above post!

Get a treatment that works well for you and inside of week hair quality can signifacantly improve.

You know hair only grows at about 1cm per month right?


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Ah ok, np.

That aside, while I won't argue about fast response (I experienced extremely quick response and superb results on finasteride myself after hitting NW6 over a couple of years), I didn't experience the physical sides and I don't think any of my TG friends have either.

Have you had blood tests and spoken to a specialist? I'm concerned that something else may be wrong that you're overlooking. Maybe Finasteride acted as a catalyst to expose an already existing problem?


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Crikey, good luck with all that. It sure puts the "hairloss = the end of my life" gang's issues into perspective.

Not sure if there is anything I can do to help, but if you think of anything and need an assist just drop me a line.


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monty1978 said:
Well I am going to see a specialist at some point its just that I have so many problems I don't want to overwelm my really supportive g.p. just yet.

He has referred me to see a craniofacial specialist for a determination of cranio synostosis which he and I think I have never been diagnosed for. I figured i'd find out what the hell is wrong with my general gentics before I started to tackle my endocrine system. I have a mutant head shape with a boney ridge on the top, its really long egg shaped (sagittal). I want to see someone to see what my future holds re cognitive impairment, brain damage also potential surgery (unlikely after 10 years of age). I have A.D.D and avoidence type personality dissorder. Symptomatic with the average adult with untreated cranio apparantly. Also horrendous memory (not symptomatic). 130 iq so no learning dissability

Its all change in my life right now. I am havin a bit of an awakening. Used to have a bit of an ego so perhaps having my masculinity and remaining looks taken away from me is a way of becoming a better person.

I'll be a damn saint if I get through all this sh*t lol

With reference to ongoing alpha 5 reducactse inhibitor side effects. I am bloody ugly right now so having no working parts doesn't really matter too much and all the other side effects like ME type symptoms, depression, brain fog, anxiety have gone so it could be worse. :whistle:

aw s*** man I'm sorry to hear about all that. From what I've gathered it's not impossible to recover from at least the milder lingering finasteride sides (decreased erectile strength, etc), but I'm really not too sure about the later stages. I'm sorry to hear about everything else :( I hope it gets better man, hang on in there!


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balanceguardian said:
If male pattern baldness sufferers cut down their sexual activity by 70% then their hair would stop minutarising and begin to thicken again.

male pattern baldness business out of business.
cut it down by 70%? so no matter how often you masturbate, you need to just do it 70% less and thatll make you not bald?
jesus christ i dont even know where to begin

seaback said:
The Earth is flat. Also, having sex with a virgin can cure your aids.
thats what i thought but it turned out i just gave my brother/sister/daughter/pupil/friend/whatever aids