Ot: Study: Women: "80% Of Men Ugly/ 10% Avg/ 10% Attractive


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I've noticed college girls are more into average. I guess they're smart enough to value intelligence as well as beauty, and not just look for pointless sex. I mean, they could get both anyway.


Stats show women outnumber men at 2to 1 on campus

Those chicks are slumming


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I've noticed college girls are more into average. I guess they're smart enough to value intelligence as well as beauty, and not just look for pointless sex. I mean, they could get both anyway.

Sex is not pointless and brain power has nothing to do with sex drive you misogynist. You wouldn't say the same about men with a high libido.


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Unfortunate that your spelling standards* are so low. Also I do love a good personal attack on someone on the internet.
I'm sorry that my third language is not good enough for you to understand. Most other people don't have a problem with it. If you'd like, we can switch to German or Russian, I'm better at those. Your nickname sounds kind of French, sorry but I'm not too good in that one either. :)

Señor AIDidaS

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My sympathy

I was in a graduate program 20 years ago dominated by clueless rich girls at a rich school

The empty headed comments were astounding

You could feel the feminista bullshit sapping the life out of your nuts

I've been waiting for an excuse to use Memri TV quotes.
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Seriously, OP, most people are average-looking/slightly above average, a minority is good-looking and a yet smaller minority is ugly as f***. We belong to the latter, and we can only get over it. Genetics condemned us, that's it. Accept it and move on.

I don't think we can use a bell curve or use the term "average" (for looks) as we would normally use like when measuring intelligence. Sure, when measuring intelligence, you can measure objectively (to a degree). With looks, it's a lot more subjective. When women are bombarded with images of very good looking men all day long, suddenly the "average" looking guy seems uglier. I'm back in the UK for a couple of weeks, and was at a service station yesterday. I couldn't believe me eyes. Almost every guy I saw looked ugly. More than half the guys were slick bald, if you want to include NW2 upwards, that's probably 70-75% of men I saw. Just so many physical flaws - weird faces, weak jaws, overweight, bags under eyes, awful posture. It was like a freak show, yet I caught myself and thought "maybe it's just my perception". I never used to see men that way. Before, it was just a case of "oh, look, a bloke" (no judgement). Maybe I've been "looksmaxing" for too long and my radar homes in on physical flaws.

I can see the same thing happening with women in that horribly, male looks are becoming more and more important to women as the male role of being provider is being eroded away to nothing (welfare, more women in professional roles, women outperforming men at education). Now, men are (horribly) being seen more and more as peacocks. We have to present ourselves well. Now it's about quality of sperm (good genes) much more than being a provider. So...then you get a survey like this where 10% of men are seen as attractive. Go back 40 or 50 years, and if you have a good job regardless of your looks....society looked up to you and saw you as a "good catch" for a woman. Now? The same guy is ridiculed if he's short, bald, weak jaw, any flaws. He's a "nerdy loser" even if he can provide. Men have nowhere to go when society moves in this direction. It's become a lot more ruthless toward the male and his role.

The corollary to this is that the male standards for a female partner have lowered. Women don't need to try as hard - they can be very overweight and unhealthy, a plain or ugly face, have a boring personality - no problem. Furthermore, the societal shift toward the female has enabled some very bad behaviour by women. They are not held in check like men are. If you dare criticise, you are a misogynist. Men have a short leash (held by society), women a much longer one.


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That explains why I see 7/10 athletic fullheads coupled 5/10 chubby girls I'd never even touch. Hypergamy is more than just a problem today, is a sickness which is spreading quickly.

I see it all the time too - in the west, at least. Choosing not to choose is probably the smartest move. Most guys in a relationship these days are betabux one way or another - beasts of burden without the recognition.


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In this case, being ugly spared me lots of pain in exchange for a different kind of suffering.

You are correct. It's a poisoned chalice to be deemed "good enough" (but not GREAT like Chad) by women. If anyone "settles" for you, they already don't respect you. They already have classified you as beta. It's a case of "you'll have to do, but I'm dreaming about Chad". In a way, and believing your words and that you do NOT have a severe case of BDD but are indeed as ugly as you say you are....you have avoided a lot of pain and suffering. In chess, when not making a move is the most advantageous situation, it's called zugzwang. Zugzwang (not making a move) is a decent strategy in the modern dating game. There is no neutral position. It's not true that dating is better than not-dating. It really depends. And many people end up in nightmare situations because they sought validation through dating.
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It's not only a statistic, it's the Pareto principle, which applies to any area where there is a production of value inside a competitive market.

And yes, men are ranked by women on the dating market. Some men are better-looking than others, some men are more valuable than others. Shocker!

10% of men could have access to 90% of women if they wanted to. 10% of men are above average, these are the ones who are also going to "make it" and 80% of men are seen as below average.

Among those 80%, we know by looking at history that only 30% will reproduce most likely with looksmatched or females who are below them looks-wise.

In a free society, 50% of all men never get the chance to reproduce. The bottom line is that all women are extremely selective, it's their role and assures the evolution of the species.

The stats in these thread are spot on, I remember pulling them out of my *** based on that OKcupid study. But it turns out I was right.

Take notes:

10% of men are seen as attractive.

10% of men are above average or good enough.

80% of them are below average to ugly. They initially don't make the cut but they might reproduce with other females on their level which won't find them attractive and will cope by pretending that looks don't matter. We also know this.

Now stop coping.

Your last paragraph explains it all. Even if a woman states looks arent important or even says they are attracted to their mate, some dbag like you adds their own interpretation to get the results they want. In other words, some self loathing fool like you wanted to prove this was true so they did what they could to drive the results. In any case, Im fine with being the anomoly. My wife is hot and I was def above average before my hairloss. What I mean by that is I had plenty of women throw themselves at me. Once hairloss hit my looks are def not what they were. Yet I still get bjs and sex from my wife on a regular basis. I guess you will say that she settled. Ultimately, she pursued me in the beginning. Furthermore, what difference does it make when shes grinding on top of me with her beautiful titties in my face.


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Ps...I know what your going to say, but she met me over 10 years after my hairloss started!


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Ps...I know what your going to say, but she met me over 10 years after my hairloss started!

All women care about looks, but not all women can get attractive men. Men too. There simply is not enough attractive people to go around. So yes, when a women gets with a guy that is clearly fugly and she claims that looks don't matter she is lying, plain and simple. The reality is that she wishes she could get someone better but she can't so she will take what she can get. Guys do the same thing, everyone takes what they can get, we can't force people to like us back. People talking about how looks don't matter are either delusional or willfully blind. if a woman can choose between brad pitt and danny devito she is going to choose Pitt 100% of the time even if personality and money are all equal. BUT when she realizes that she can't get Brad, she will settle for some other guy that is more attainable. In conclusion, men and women both try to get the best that they can, it doesn't make us shallow, it makes us human.


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If I had BDD I would not have suffered what I suffered and would not be mocked and ridiculed on a daily basis, as much as the bluepilled, good-looking pricks in this site would like to prove the contrary.

Tfw :D


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I agree I think that is the physical draw....this was not the case for 10000 years, its been the 'expectation' of society as main driving force of who we settle for.

so OP would like to force 'settling' again when we just moved out of this relatively speaking in the course of history.

BUT most men want to be 'chosen' they don't want to be settled for..thats the paradox.

they want the illusion of being chosen..not the actual reality of choice..('they' meaning men like OP, not you)

I'm quite stoned but I have no idea what you mean. Men want the reality of being chosen. Any lad with 100$ can f*** a hot chic. The choice is everything.

Most guys don't want a girl who has fucked 9/10s to settle for them, they would rather be the best she has ever had. To me this seems normal, but obviously we can't always get what we want.

I believe that women have a hard time understanding/emphatizing with men specific problems. OP has offered an absolutely retarded solution to a very real and legitimate problem.


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I'm quite stoned but I have no idea what you mean. Men want the reality of being chosen. Any lad with 100$ can f*** a hot chic. The choice is everything.

Most guys don't want a girl who has fucked 9/10s to settle for them, they would rather be the best she has ever had. To me this seems normal, but obviously we can't always get what we want.

I believe that women have a hard time understanding/emphatizing with men specific problems. OP has offered an absolutely retarded solution to a very real and legitimate problem.

I think you are a very pragmatic person and man. Not all men (or people) are like this.

it was in context to previous poster.

I am talking about men who wish it was still 1950s and women had pressure to be married.

those women 'settled' mostly to be married young..it was not like 'hey what do you want to do when you grow up?" it was "what kind of man do you want to marry when you grow up?' mentality.
It was expected to be married by 23.

So men who say 'i want those times back' they want to be at a time when women were pressured by society to 'settle'

It was not that women were more physically attracted to these men. These women 'had' to get married or feel ostracized...they could choose not to be married but they were also choosing to go against grain (most people are not that strong to do so.)

anyway I think men who are struggling now in 2017 to have a woman--who are saying if it was 1950s I would be married--they need to understand it would not be because they were more 'desirable' to the woman they married it would be because women were desperate and had less alternative options...not by nature but by society.

IF they want to pretend otherwise it would be an illusion....

The reality is if they want that--they can still have it via making money/status to get a gold digger..its still a woman choosing a man for settling for 'security' over 'looks'.