One Year Fighting Hairloss As A Norwood 7


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Hi All.

Quick backstory:
Went bald at 23. Started fighting male pattern baldness at 32.
Wife showed me a Hims ad and I said 'f' it whatever, probably won't work but I've never really tried.
I was pretty certain NW7 level = doomed.

Started out with the Big 3 + Biotin vitamins
3 months in I added weekly 1.5mm dermaroller sessions
Shortly after I added Vitamin D3 and Collagen peptides
at month 9 I switched from a dermaroller to Dr Pen A6 microneedle, upped it to 2mm weekly sessions.
at month 11 I decide (for no good reason) to change things up and do twice daily 1mm needling sessions right before applying minoxidil.

Screen Shot 2019-05-24 at 1.11.44 PM.png Screen Shot 2019-05-24 at 1.02.30 PM.png Screen Shot 2019-05-24 at 1.13.00 PM.png IMG_20190524_125603.jpg 20190524_124957-COLLAGE.jpg


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Amazing result, you must be over the moon! Have you noticed a difference since switching to the twice daily 1mm sessions?


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Amazing result, you must be over the moon! Have you noticed a difference since switching to the twice daily 1mm sessions?
My scalp feels more tingly every day instead of just for a day or two after doing the 2mm. And there is much less pain even though I have to do the sessions frequently. I'd like to believe there is more blood flow / something happening when I feel this way but it could just be no benefit.

Last month I have had very nice results. But I feel each month has been better than the last with my recovery so its hard to say if its had any real effect.


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Fourth in epic thread.

Only criticism is stop changing the damn routine every week dude. At least wait longer time intervals to evaluate. Especially screwing with your needling depth and frequency when you suspect it plays a big role in your regrowth. Thanks for reporting your experience!


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Fourth in epic thread.

Only criticism is stop changing the damn routine every week dude. At least wait longer time intervals to evaluate. Especially screwing with your needling depth and frequency when you suspect it plays a big role in your regrowth. Thanks for reporting your experience!

You're not wrong. Weekly 1.5mm sessions were used for the bulk of my year. If someone were to start getting into needling I would recommend 1.5mm weekly sessions.


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Amazing results, I had initially assumed NW7 was well into the point of no return but your hair is looking amazing so far. How long were you bald for, since 23? If so this sheds a lot of light on the potential for regrowth with decade old bald zones. There have been a few cases like this but they are pretty rare, it'd be interesting trying to isolate what caused you to have such drastic regrowth. Aside from your unique genetic make-up/situation the only thing that seems special in this case would be the collagen peptides, I'd be curious to what exactly you're using.

My regime was actually quite similar to yours minus the peptides and minoxidil. I saw some pretty good results but nothing extreme like regrowing from NW7 with a long balded scalp. I was coming back from NW4.5 which I thought was bordering on the point of no return.

Anyways congratulations on your progress so far, it all looks great!


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the result are unbelievable, are you sure not using some hormone drugs ?
Yup, no hormone drugs. Finasteride is the closest thing.

What collagen peptides & why?
You produce less collagen naturally as you age, and collagen has shown to grow healthier hair and faster. It's just an amino acid your body needs for nails,hair,skin,etc. Similar to Biotin. It should help with the healing process in dermarolling. Really not a bad thing for anyone to take.
The reason I ultimately decided to start taking it was to check all the boxes. I didn't want my body lacking something that is beneficial to hair growth, etc.

Any kind of deficiency could be the reason for someone's hair loss. So I threw in as much sh*t into my regimen as I could.


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Amazing results, I had initially assumed NW7 was well into the point of no return but your hair is looking amazing so far. How long were you bald for, since 23? If so this sheds a lot of light on the potential for regrowth with decade old bald zones. There have been a few cases like this but they are pretty rare, it'd be interesting trying to isolate what caused you to have such drastic regrowth. Aside from your unique genetic make-up/situation the only thing that seems special in this case would be the collagen peptides, I'd be curious to what exactly you're using.

My regime was actually quite similar to yours minus the peptides and minoxidil. I saw some pretty good results but nothing extreme like regrowing from NW7 with a long balded scalp. I was coming back from NW4.5 which I thought was bordering on the point of no return.

Anyways congratulations on your progress so far, it all looks great!
Thank you!

Yes, 22/23 was when someone pointed out I was balding and then I realized my hair in some spots had stopped growing and not in others. Had varying lengths on the top especially.
The next haircut I had was my last "real" haircut. It just never grew anymore on top. And it looked bad, so I just started buzzing it to a 0 and accepted fate.

Believe me, I REALLY wish I could call out some thing that is different with my regimen, or my diet, or my routine, or something that may be the trigger to help others. But as far as I know I just do what everyone else does.


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I would also be interested to know which Collagen Peptides you take and the daily amount of Biotin. I've had some good results lately with needling and minoxidil but I'm not supplementing on top of this. Thanks for you time!


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I have seen regrowth photos. I’ve had some regrowth, but not like this. What that proves is dormant follicles can be revived. What is particularly amazing is the hairline has reappeared and is quite thick. This is typically the hardest area.
Could you recap specifically your protocol.
I think I know it, but because the results are beyond spectacular, I think this needs to be studied more.
You mention the Big 3..
Also you have natural red thin hairs, not black thick hairs. The red hairs have come back even thicker.


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Im certain the reason why a NW7 got so much regrowth is because of the derma stamping.
There are studies done where participants got regrowth with derma stamping after zero results with finasteride and minoxidil


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I'd be curious to know if you had started working out during this time, and or if you lost weight?


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I have seen regrowth photos. I’ve had some regrowth, but not like this. What that proves is dormant follicles can be revived. What is particularly amazing is the hairline has reappeared and is quite thick. This is typically the hardest area.
Could you recap specifically your protocol.
I think I know it, but because the results are beyond spectacular, I think this needs to be studied more.
You mention the Big 3..
Also you have natural red thin hairs, not black thick hairs. The red hairs have come back even thicker.
Yes, always had a touch of ging in my hair especially my beard.
Will add more details of my routine in a bit.

Did you give the forehead lines a blast of the pen? :D
Haha, I think I am just raising my eyebrows a bit more in the one photo :)

Awesome. Just f*****g awesome. You must be ecstatic. Congrats!
Thanks. It's a good feeling. Watching it all come back over a whole year desensitized it a bit, and it still doesn't feel real seeing myself.

I'd be curious to know if you had started working out during this time, and or if you lost weight?
My weight fluctuated a lot over the year. I play hockey once a week, I was running 4 nights a week for about 3 months where I lost 35 lbs. But then gained 35 lbs. Losing again lol.
I do stay fairly active. No weight lifting or gym membership though.


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Excellent results -- thank you, they are giving me hope!

I'm coming from a similar level of baldness, and on a similar routine, can you tell us when you started to see minor/major growth? Do you have any other progress pics of the hair beginning to grow?
