On modern feminism


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http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the ... y-and-evil

Although it is not Susan Pinker’s intention in writing it, reading her excellent book The Sexual Paradox: Troubled Boys, Gifted Girls and the Real Difference Between the Sexes cannot help but further reinforce my view that modern feminism in the 21st century is simultaneously illogical, unnecessary, and evil.

First, modern feminism is illogical because, as Pinker points out, it is based on the vanilla assumption that, but for lifelong gender socialization and pernicious patriarchy, men and women are on the whole identical. An insurmountable body of evidence by now conclusively demonstrates that the vanilla assumption is false; men and women are inherently, fundamentally, and irreconcilably different. Any political movement based on such a spectacularly incorrect assumption about human nature – that men and women are and should be identical – is doomed to failure.

Further, modern feminism is unnecessary, because its entire raison d’être is the unquestioned assumption that women are and have historically always been worse off than men. The fact that men and women are fundamentally different and want different things makes it difficult to compare their welfare directly, to assess which sex is better off; for example, the fact that women make less money than men cannot by itself be evidence that women are worse off than men, any more than the fact that men own fewer pairs of shoes than women cannot be evidence that men are worse off than women. However, in the only two biologically meaningful measures of welfare – longevity and reproductive success – women are and have always been slightly better off than men. In every human society, women live longer than men, and more women attain some reproductive success; many more men end their lives as total reproductive losers, having left no genetic offspring.

It is also not true that women are the “weaker sex.†Pinker documents the fact that boys are much more fragile, both physically and psychologically, than girls and hence require greater medical and psychiatric care. Men succumb to a larger number of diseases in much greater numbers than women do throughout their lives. The greater susceptibility of boys and men to diseases explains why more boys die in childhood and fail to reach sexual maturity and why men’s average life expectancy is shorter than women’s. This, incidentally, is the reason why slightly more boys than girls are born – 105 boys to 100 girls – so that there will be roughly 100 boys to 100 girls when they reach puberty.

Another fallacy on which modern feminism is based is that men have more power than women. Among mammals, the female always has more power than the male, and humans are no exception. It is true that, in all human societies, men largely control all the money, politics, and prestige. They do, because they have to, in order to impress women. Women don’t control these resources, because they don’t have to. What do women control? Men. As I mention in an earlier post, any reasonably attractive young woman exercises as much power over men as the male ruler of the world does over women.

Finally, modern feminism is evil because it ultimately makes women (and men) unhappy. In a forthcoming article in the American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, Betsey Stevenson and Justin Wolfers of the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania show that American women over the last 35 years have steadily become less and less happy, as they have made more and more money relative to men. Women used to be a lot happier than men despite the fact that they made much less money than men. The sex gap in happiness (in women’s favor) has declined in the past 35 years as the sex gap in pay (in men’s favor) narrowed. Now women make as much as, sometimes even more than, men do. As a result, today women are just as unhappy, or even more unhappy than, men are. As I explain in a previous post, money does not make women happy.

The feminist insistence that women behave like men and make as much money as men do may not be the sole reason for women’s rising levels of dissatisfaction with life; a greater incidence of divorce and single motherhood may also contribute to it. At any event, the culpability of modern feminism in making women steadily unhappy, because it is based on false assumptions about male and female human nature, is difficult to deny. Men’s happiness has not declined in the last 35 years, because there has not been masculinism; nobody has insisted on the radical notion that men are women, although, as Christina Hoff Sommers documents, this may be happening in our current war against boys. For anyone who is looking for an effective antidote to modern feminism, I highly recommend Danielle Crittenden’s 1999 book What Our Mothers Didn't Tell Us: Why Happiness Eludes the Modern Women.


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Feminists don't insist that women should act like men, just that they should have the same opportunities.

Who wrote this sh*t? And why do Americans like calling things they don't like "evil". It was probably a Christian who wrote this, trying to use logic and argument to support his/her conclusion that women belong in the kitchen. And, as all Christians who try to use logic do, he/she fails.

Anyone who honestly believes that women have just as much power as women and have all throughout history solely because they have a vagina that men are interested in is retarded. So women couldn't vote, but as long as they were hot, they had just as much power as men?

PS What the f*** does life expectancy and infant mortality have to do with anything?

Edit: Scratch that. Forget I ever said anything. I assumed this was an article from the magazine, not just a blog post with unapproved contents. And if you wikipedia this author, he's got a pretty bad reputation for being sh*t. This is far more interesting: http://jezebel.com/5866602/


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twenty.five said:
This is far more interesting: http://jezebel.com/5866602/

Interesting, but trash. Yes, I may agree with many of the statements of rapists, that does not mean I will be a rapist. If men want to have sex, they have to be the ones to make the move, in this they are similar to rapists. But most of us know when a woman draws a line, and we back off.


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Exodus2011 said:
do they have articles about the psychology of hair loss? if not do you think you could link me to some articles please?

I dunno.

PS: As with all articles, these articles have to be taken with a grain of salt. Some good point, some bad ones.

uncomfortable man

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Different and equal are not mutually exclusive.


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I see the article went over everyone's heads. I figured out the concepts in the article on my own, before reading it. I disagree with the last point, though, that making more money makes women less happy. Well, I agree partly. They are less happy because they are working harder than they did in the past. In the past, the men made all the money. I think ugly women are happier today, though, since they have other ways to attract money besides their failed looks.

My feminist beliefs were based on the equality axium. But the fact that women bear kids and men are disposable means that we are not at all equal. And the next time you see an alpha male surrounded by 10 women, don't be so quick to assume he won't gladly give one of them to you. He wants a beta male to raise his kids, after all. The smart alphas act nice so you'd almost be willing even if you knew.


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CCS said:
I see the article went over everyone's heads. I figured out the concepts in the article on my own, before reading it. I disagree with the last point, though, that making more money makes women less happy. Well, I agree partly. They are less happy because they are working harder than they did in the past. In the past, the men made all the money. I think ugly women are happier today, though, since they have other ways to attract money besides their failed looks.

My feminist beliefs were based on the equality axium. But the fact that women bear kids and men are disposable means that we are not at all equal. And the next time you see an alpha male surrounded by 10 women, don't be so quick to assume he won't gladly give one of them to you. He wants a beta male to raise his kids, after all. The smart alphas act nice so you'd almost be willing even if you knew.



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It's funny how feminist always assume men can only think with their dicks. :whistle:

Any 'ism' is stupid anyway really, feminism is no exception.


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«unquestioned assumption that women are and have historically always been worse off than men»

Yes, this is an interesting point.

It's true that throughout history women were denied several liberties (and they still are, in some societies). On the other hand, men were forced to battle wars and provide for their families. Who's got it worse?


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In the past, women could not work or own property, and thus had to marry a man even if she did not want him.

Today, women can support themselves, and thus can take their time being choosy of whom they date. They can sleep with alpha males all they want, and wait patiently for the beta males to get desperate and give into their demands of "buy me this/that and I might consider kissing you". When a beta males does marry, he feels so lucky that he does not want to blow things by asking her for a DNA test. In 42 states, even a DNA test does not overturn patternity if they are married. The "lucky" guy gets to work hard raising an alpha male's kid, and is lucky if she has sex with him now that he is financially tied to him either way. The next time you see a "father" who does not love his kids, maybe that is why.

Alpha males often don't love their kids much either, but because their mother is one of many beta females he impregnated. He loves his kids of the alpha female he found, or so he thinks they are his.

And if you boycott the system, your genes get weeded out, after you get taxed at a much higher tax rate so the families who outnumber single people can get their tax credits.

You could just insist on a DNA test and get married after, or better yet get married in California, where DNA tests actually matter. If I decide to have kids, I'll get married in California.


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Often when women pick mates, they are not picking the smartest or best looking. A big part is just how tall you are. We are getting taller every generation, but we still have just as many dumb/ugly people. And quality of life has not gone up since for ever tall good guy, there is an equally tall bad guy, and we all have less space available to share.
But if one female does not care, then her ospring will be smaller and less able to compete with the other's. What would you rather do: make everyone on this planet (men and women) 20% taller, or make them all 20% better looking? Which do you think would make us happier?

Also, kids have bad upbringings because many parents don't love them. Both parents want a partner more attractive than themselves. If they don't get one, then they feel they are settling and at least one of them will neglect the kids. Some will bond with the kid because they are a nice person, but it will be the same strength as an addoption. If the guy was lucky to impregnate a pretty woman who did not abort the kid, then the mother will not love the kid nearly as much as she would if she knew the father was an alpha male.

DNA tests let one parent know for sure he/she got lucky, but they also let the other parent know for sure she/he got the short end. If you get rid of DNA tests, then both parents just wonder, like they do about everything else: "Is my partner cheating on me?".

If we had some way to trick both parents into thinking they got a good deal, then they would love their kids far more, and the kids would grow up much better in life.


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Even if we all looked better, maybe we would all just get used to it and be just as happy. I think the brain just adapts like that, always telling us to be better.

But if you look at the spectrum of possible dates, the best ones are like a high does of cocain, and the low ones are like withdrawal symptoms. Staying single is like staying sober. Falling in love feels good, and breaking up hurts unless you already don't like them and are looking at something better you know you can get.

I've been thinking a lot about how our brain works. Very interesting.


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If you were given a million dollars today, you would be happier, maybe even for several years. Who knows how long it would take for your brain to adjust.

If you are born with a million dollars, you likely would not be happier. Do you feel happy with your $1000 because you know that 80% of the world is poorer than you?

I bet the illegal mexican immigrant making $6 an hour feels happier than you do making $12, because it is so much better than where he came from.


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CCS; Why are you comparing capitalism and vanity with feminism?

You seem obsessed with thinking that everyone's view of the world and their desires is the same as yours; the world and it's people is a much bigger place than your corner of America.

I really can't decide whether your stunningly blinkered view of the world is hilarious or terrifying.


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CCS said:
. In 42 states, even a DNA test does not overturn patternity if they are married.

Are you serious??
If I marry a girl and she cheats and has a kid by someone else, I'm on the hook for child support?????????????


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Belmondo said:
«unquestioned assumption that women are and have historically always been worse off than men»

Yes, this is an interesting point.

It's true that throughout history women were denied several liberties (and they still are, in some societies). On the other hand, men were forced to battle wars and provide for their families. Who's got it worse?

Do you even know what you're talking about? You've changed tense. Are you talking about the past or now?

So a woman can't vote, can't own property, is property herself, can't work, can't get an education, is treated as a second class citizen, is forced to spend her life cooking and cleaning and breeding, can't control her own reproductive rights, can't get justice when she's raped, gets beaten by her husband and no one gives a sh*t, but boo hoo, a man has to have a job?! Do you really think that's equal? Oh, and when there's the occasional war once or twice every CENTURY, he may have to fight? And the women just stay back home and chillax, right?


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CaptainForehead said:
CCS said:
. In 42 states, even a DNA test does not overturn patternity if they are married.

Are you serious??
If I marry a girl and she cheats and has a kid by someone else, I'm on the hook for child support?????????????

Oh yeah, CCS isn't just completely insane and can't even spell the word paternity, he's also a legal expert. Go ahead and take his word for it.

By the way, a man marries a woman, not a girl. Girl = child.


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twenty.five said:
By the way, a man marries a woman, not a girl. Girl = child.

Come on now.
Girls can be adults.
Showgirls not showwomen.
Vivid girls not vivid women.


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CaptainForehead said:
twenty.five said:
By the way, a man marries a woman, not a girl. Girl = child.

Come on now.
Girls can be adults.
Showgirls not showwomen.
Vivid girls not vivid women.

I had to google vivid girls.

Isn't it funny (or just plain creepy) how the term "girl" is used in a context where the woman is sexualised? They're not called "businessgirls", are they?