Not too many positive testimonials on this section


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Seems like there is more complaining about dutasteride on this section then there is praising.

Could it be that those who have resorted to dutasteride have more extreme cases of male pattern baldness and are tougher to respond to ANY meds or is dutasteride not all it's cracked up to be?


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I had been wandering the same thing. Ive just recently started on dutasteride, after reading lots of 'scientific' evidence and succesful studies, but outside of the lab im not hearing the same stories of success.

dutasteride has been around a few years now, shouldnt there be more of a buzz if it is so good?


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Manutd4545 said:
Seems like there is more complaining about dutasteride on this section then there is praising.

Could it be that those who have resorted to dutasteride have more extreme cases of male pattern baldness and are tougher to respond to ANY meds or is dutasteride not all it's cracked up to be

I dont know why, but I have just recently started 2.5mg Dutasteride per day- I will give this a shot for six months to see how much my hair improves.

why not just take like 1.5mg of dutasteride with tall glass of grapefuit juice and save a lot more money because grapefruit juice will make dutasteride a lot stronger and cut down on cost so 1mg could turn into 1.5mg and so on.


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"why not just take like 1.5mg of dutasteride with tall glass of grapefuit juice and save a lot more money because grapefruit juice will make dutasteride a lot stronger and cut down on cost so 1mg could turn into 1.5mg and so on."

how confident are you on this?

i think that a lot of people on this board have aggressive hair loss and thus a higher inhibition of dht is needed. that is why i have increased my daily dutasteride intake to 1.5 and I might go higher. 2.5 seems to be the best dose if you are serious about keeping your hair.


I had succes with finasteride
I had succes with finasteride-dutasteride Kombi

i had begun under finasteride with minoxidil my succes from finasteride Went down the stream
I stop minoxidil (11Month) a half Year later my Hairs very good

I take dutasteride to finasteride my Hair get better and better
than comes the New minoxidil Foam i put on, my Hairs rapidly Downhill (12Month Foam)

You can take 5mg dutasteride when minoxidil works bad you become no succes
minoxidil can IGF-1 Insulin Inhibit IGF1 is good for Good Hairs!

Next worse thing

Minoxidil increases 17?-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and 5?-reductase activity of cultured human dermal papilla cells from balding scalp

Toshihiro Satoa, *, Taketsugu Tadokorob, Tadashige Sonodaa, Yuji Asadaa, Satoshi Itamib and Susumu Takayasua

a Department of Dermatology, Oita Medical University, Hasama-machi, Oita 879-5593, Japan
b Department of Dermatology, Osaka University Medical School, Osaka, Japan

16 February 1999.


Minoxidil is known to induce hair growthnext term in male pattern baldness, for which development androgen plays a central role. We studied the effect of minoxidil on testosterone metabolism by cultured dermal papilla cells from balding or nonbalding scalp and dermal fibroblasts. In all three groups, 17?-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity was much higher than 5?-reductase activity. Minoxidil increased 17?-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity by nearly 40% (P<0.001) in dermal papilla cells of balding scalp, whereas the effect was less marked in dermal papilla cells from nonbalding scalp and dermal fibroblasts. 5?-Reductase activity was also slightly increased by minoxidil in dermal papilla cells from balding scalp. Again, the effect on 5?-reductase activity was insignificant in the other two groups of cells. Whether such modification of testosterone metabolism in dermal papilla cells of balding scalp by minoxidil is related to its therapeutic effect remains unknown.



2,5mg dutasteride

and your Sex drive??? is it down?
and other side effects?



Hard to believe

0,5mg all 5Days and my Sex drive is Dead



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So Timi, after you've made hundreds of posts about how bad dutasteride is and how it destroyed your life, you have now decided that it was in fact minoxidil?


oh sh*t

i have take for 4Days 0,25mg Avo
my Body Burning as fire, my face red ,two Days big Hairloss all over
3Days Prostata Pain burning extremly

is that Testosteron Increase???

thats No Joke



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Timi, dutasteride is obviously no good for you as you say so many times now. You have big sides and appears allergic reaction.

Its no good for you, don't take it. finasteride instead.

You cannot generalise for everyone its no good as for some there are no sides and good hair results.

I've got no noticable sides but its not working for hair so i'm not praising it as its not working for me either, not yet anyway but at least I don't have the sides..if I did then I would have stopped it ages ago. i'm trying to keep faith like many that the shedding and loss is a really long cycle...we all just hoping it is..does seem 6 months is not enough to tell for dutasteride.



You are right
is better for me stop it
when so a little Dose makes this sides
can be a Allergic Reaktion from dutasteride



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i was only on it for 2 months, 0.5mg per day. Been off a month and a half BUT I've still got puffy nipples, especially in the right which has a small hard bit. I'm not fat either 6,1 and 81 kg - I keep meaning to go to the Doctor but always think it will go away. So for me, but not everyone, dutasteride was not a good choice.


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Andrea, do you think 0.5mg daily is an excessive dose?


I think 0,5 all Day is very high Dose

but i have take all 5Days 0,25mg
and big side effects
with finasteride NO side effects and good Responder
but i would fill the Corner and with dutasteride the Hairlinie goes extremly worse



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Yes Easynow!
0,5 mg daily is the same dose to the treatment of IPB...
I see in my forum that all best results (no sides) came fron 2/3 caps weekly.


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i take it daily just fine.

I actually lost some of what i gained when i went to 3 times a week.

I'll praise and speak all kinds of positive for this stuff.

hell just read my story. Granted my year update pics were literally like 2ft under a florescent office light and I JUST had a haircut that was much shorter then usual, you can still see my improvement. It actually looks a hella lot better not that my hair is starting to grow a little longer.

The "normal" sides pretty much ALL went away 4-5 weeks in except the gyno. But I have had a mild case of it before i even started and this just aggravated it a little further. I am taking tamaxofen to counter it and it has recessed and hasn't gotten any worse. Now that I'm getting off my lazy *** and hitting the gym it's actually getting ALOT better.