No Results after 11 Months on Propecia and Minoxidil


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Here's my story:

I've always had thick hair, but approximately 1 year ago I started noticing hair loss. I decided to be proactive about it, as I am with most things in my life, and start propecia. After 6 months in and no results, I hopped on the minoxidil, supplement and laser comb band wagon and I have been continuing that for the past 5 months. Now, 11 months in, still no results. My hair follicles have grown so thin that I don't even notice my hair falling out anymore because some of them are so hard to see. The most interesting thing though is how dry my scalp gets at times. Usually in the front where I apply the minoxidil, I can see big chunks of dried skin with a yellowish hue to it. It's pretty disgusting actually. Has anyone experienced this?




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You won't see optimal results unless you're also shampooing with Nizoral a couple times a week.

The scalp must be in a healthy state for treatments to work at all. Its very possible your scalp skin is an enflamed mess. See a dermatologist about the chunks. Use whatever he gives you. Then begin evaluating results 3-6 months after that point.



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I'll definitely get an appointment with a dermatologist then. However, is it safe to assume that propecia is not working, thus fine to stop? I've been shedding hair ever since I started using it, with very few and only short periods of non-shedding.


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Same thing happend to me. The non stop shedding was to much for me so I quit all treatments 4 months ago.


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Same thing happend to me. The non stop shedding was to much for me so I quit all treatments 4 months ago.

Which products, and how long were you on them before you quit? And what is your progress since stopping?


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finasteride 1mg a day for 10 months, Also minoxidil 5% twice a day for 5 months, ktoconazol 2% 3 times a week and dutasteride for 3 months.
My hair is pretty much back to where it was before i started the treatments with a bit less hair at the temples


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finasteride 1mg a day for 10 months, Also minoxidil 5% twice a day for 5 months, ktoconazol 2% 3 times a week and dutasteride for 3 months.
My hair is pretty much back to where it was before i started the treatments with a bit less hair at the temples

Sorry for all the questions, but you seem to have almost the exact same regiment as I did. In the four months since stopping everything, did the shedding stop?


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I know taking vit d3, omega 3 and bimatoprost 0,3mg/ml, so far doing ok even do I know I´m still balding at least i do not see my hair falling around all the time
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You won't see optimal results unless you're also shampooing with Nizoral a couple times a week.

The scalp must be in a healthy state for treatments to work at all. Its very possible your scalp skin is an enflamed mess. See a dermatologist about the chunks. Use whatever he gives you. Then begin evaluating results 3-6 months after that point.


What about zinc pyrithione shampoo? Ketocarazole looked and felt like it was just killing my hair. It was irritating (mentally and physically). Some people get results off just finasteride, right?


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I suppose each person is different but your post stuck out to me because I saw no results at the 11 month mark on Propecia alone. Then I added nizoral. Got the inflammation and itching in check ... and things took off.