New To The Forum - Seeking Advice On Hairsystems


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Hi guys

I am currently in the process of finding a company that provides the best natural hair systems in the UK. Would anyone recommend MensHair2Go as a place which offers a good service?

I have also come across this company called “Hairsystems Heydecke” which is located in Hamburg.

I have a lot of questions in regards to hair systems.

1. Are they detectable?
2. How long may it be left on without maintenance?
3. Will you be able to style it as you do with natural hair? i.e hairdry, product, hairspray

I’m still in the early stages of research, therefore I would greatly appreciate any other advice.


Senior Member
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Hi Motion

To answer your questions:

(1) yes, if you choose a good supplier, don't go wild on the density, get a good cut-in, and keep up the maintenance, they are highly undetectable. I have had relationships with people for months on end at very close quarters without their being any the wiser that I wear a system, and I know from talking to other posters on the forum that they have had the same experience. I think most members of the public are not aware how good hair replacement has become.

(2) I would say 7 - 14 days is the sensible range. Some people keep them on for longer, but I wouldn't recommend that for hygiene reasons, amongst others.

(3) yes, it is real hair, so you can use anything that you can use on your real hair. Try to keep alcohol-based products off the hairline, otherwise it may affect your bond.

I have sent you a PM with some comments about possible suppliers.
