New System In A Few Days - How Do I Keep The Silky Shine?!


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I'm 2 months into this piece (it was my first UTS and I completely fudged the base after one refit!!). My new one is due to be fitted soon and I would love to hear from you guys about tips and techniques you have for maintaining the hair quality. I know all the basics (no hot showers, silk pillow case, leave in conditioner) but I was hoping more to hear from people who have perfected a regimen that works for them.

Thanks in advance guys!

Diesel guy

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I didn't realize how the water quality impacted my system until I visited friends who have a water softener. After a couple days there, I was amazed at how much better condition my hair was in. I Iive in Texas and water here is basically a liquified cinder block. Since I don't have a softener, I found that if I use distilled water in my spray bottle, and refrain from sticking my head under the shower except when I need to, my system stays healthy, longer.


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Distilled / Filtered water - what a great idea! I will try this too. I also live in an area where the water is too hard.

I also don't wash the hair often. Perhaps once a month with shampoo, though I do let water run through it every 2 weeks or so.

Definitely find a leave-in conditioner. I use one that gives the hair some shine and also some hold, so that I don't need to use any gels etc. I also have a cream leave-in conditioner that is better for a longer condition, and puts some weight into the hair.


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The silky sheen of a new system is silicone, that is sprayed on the hair and the base, for protection until use. THAT never comes back. You can use a good leave in conditioner with UV protection to help fight fading and drying.


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Thanks guys. Yeah I actually don't like the initial shine (the silicone) but there is a quality that is lost after a while, and I'm keen to prolong that.


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Thanks guys. Yeah I actually don't like the initial shine (the silicone) but there is a quality that is lost after a while, and I'm keen to prolong that.

Leave-in conditioner, every day, one that has UV protection.


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Yup, leave-in conditioner with a good sunscreen (SPF30 or higher) any day you are going to be outdoors, and only wash with shampoo once a week. Sun damage and over-washing are the factors to avoid. A bit of argan oil once in a while is nice too.