New patent:Hair-growth-promoting solution , preparation and using methods thereof


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Tyreze is the tip off that this probably a scam. His first post was something like "This is what we've been waiting for. I'm going to give this man all my support". Yeah right. Somehow Tyreze wants to give somebody all his support after reading a patent and seeing some pictures that could have just been before and after pics reversed.

Lmao, that would be rich, posting reverse balding pics as proof. Can't help to laugh at that, kinda like some reverse before and after weight loss out there on the net.

But seriously now, it's clear this Tyreze guy is trying to pull a fast one. His English is Also terrible just like the author of the socalled so to be patent. Which begs the question of how did he write such a flawless patent without matery of the English langague?


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My Regimen
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If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

That said, this thread is full of questionable members.


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You guys can't expect from an European to speak perfect English. Yes there are some lol, but not every of us are good in English.

I grew up with two native languages. I had to learn English as my third language on my own through books unless you guys.
At least you can understand what I want to say - leave it there please.


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My Regimen
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Damn they got me in the first half ngl


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My Regimen
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Hype was out of this world too


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