New Northwestern Article On finasteride And dutasteride. (bad News)


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Hey, what age you started minoxidil?

Unfortunately, I can't use finasteride too....but I have slow male pattern baldness and I'm a good minoxidil responder...I hope minoxidil works long term like you


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Full head of hair > A working penis

Real talk though, I haven't had sides on the drug but I always feel bad for the ones with beta genes that can't handle it, as it is like one of the only real things that works for hair loss.

The Baldy Man

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Well, I am already on antidepressants which have a much much much much MUCH higher chance of causing impotence and ED than finasteride (25-40 percent compared to finasteride's 2-5%) and I was okay on those so I figured I might as well try finasteride since I am aggressively balding be a cueball soon without it. No change in sexual function whatsoever for me. For me personally, it was worth the risk.

The Baldy Man

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Foam is much better and easier to aplly. I've been using it for 1 year with excellent results.

What is the best way it apply it. I am new to foam and my hair is not even that long but I still feel like a lot gets in my hair and not on my scalp. Do you need to have a very short hairstyle to use foam or is there some way to get it to the scalp because I liked how the liquid could get to the scalp easier.


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"Young men under 42 taking the drug over a longer period were 4.9 times more likely to develop persistent Ed"


Sounds like a huge number but if put in perspective it's basicly sh*t. If you have a 0.1% chance of getting an ED without a drug, you take Finasteride and/or !!!!Dutasteride!!! And you now have a whooping 0.5% of developing one. Wow, that's scary lmao


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Full head of hair > A working penis

Real talk though, I haven't had sides on the drug but I always feel bad for the ones with beta genes that can't handle it, as it is like one of the only real things that works for hair loss.

You have issues man. Impotence and no libido is not acceptable. It's not a trade off worth making. Almost everybody on this crap winds up with major sexual sides at some point.


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I feel really sorry for the people who do encounter those side effects, but that's a statistically small *** number and definitely doesn't even merely imply that a lot of users will get PED.

I still stand by my advice, try the drug, if you can't handle it, get off it.

Most of the problems start once you get off of it. That's the problem.


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Full head of hair > A working penis

Real talk though, I haven't had sides on the drug but I always feel bad for the ones with beta genes that can't handle it, as it is like one of the only real things that works for hair loss.

Alpha / beta genes having zero to due with finasteride side effects lmao.

I mean personally I'm married to a girl who's a 9 and 5 years my junior, I'm 6'2 and under nw3 in my 30s and attractive, and I visit hair forums a couple times a year. But finasteride sides makes me more beta than a guy who sits on a forum all day jerking off forever alone? Guys over nw3 in their damn 20s lol? Man that's some funny sh*t.

Biology is complicated and some people's bodies don't react well to certain agents, pretending like you're more a man for tolerating a drug is just ridiculous lmao.


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You have issues man. Impotence and no libido is not acceptable. It's not a trade off worth making. Almost everybody on this crap winds up with major sexual sides at some point.

I'll keep you posted.

Alpha / beta genes having zero to due with finasteride side effects lmao.

I mean personally I'm married to a girl who's a 9 and 5 years my junior, I'm 6'2 and under nw3 in my 30s and attractive, and I visit hair forums a couple times a year. But finasteride sides makes me more beta than a guy who sits on a forum all day jerking off forever alone? Guys over nw3 in their damn 20s lol? Man that's some funny sh*t.

Biology is complicated and some people's bodies don't react well to certain agents, pretending like you're more a man for tolerating a drug is just ridiculous lmao.

There was mostly sarcasm in my post. Guys with low T are most likely to get sides.
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My Regimen
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Alpha / beta genes having zero to due with finasteride side effects lmao.

I mean personally I'm married to a girl who's a 9 and 5 years my junior, I'm 6'2 and under nw3 in my 30s and attractive, and I visit hair forums a couple times a year. But finasteride sides makes me more beta than a guy who sits on a forum all day jerking off forever alone? Guys over nw3 in their damn 20s lol? Man that's some funny sh*t.

Biology is complicated and some people's bodies don't react well to certain agents, pretending like you're more a man for tolerating a drug is just ridiculous lmao.
It's a terrible option. Unfortunately it's the the only one that really works though.

If drug companies could develop drugs that simply lower DHT levels without blocking vital bodily enzymes which control other various body and brain functions there would be much less side effects.

g.i joey

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Ever since I decided to get on fina , all i see is topics like this one. What the f*** guys ,lmao

Don't worry, they have been happening wayyyyy before you decided to join here. It's usually the same article recycled 50 times from different sources.

Omg new study confirming something we already know. "A subset of men taking this drug can experienced PED for an unknown amount of time"

g.i joey

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That's a made up number. It's more like 65 percent of people will get sexual sides.

Lmaoo, if you're not bobster himself you're his f*****g brother or father. does ur made up number make you feel better about the fact that you're not on the drug? Keep coping. These forums would be a f*****g bloodbath if 65% of users had dead dick.