New Hair Loss Solution (study Invite)


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I have been a part of the online hairloss community for two years, mainly on reddit. I have, with others, been working on a hair loss solution with natural ingredients from Thailand. These are not chemicals and will not affect DHT levels. It's a shampoo that maintains and regrows hair. We are completing a test study on the product now. If you would like to participate in the study please send an email to saying "Interested in Study". We will simply send you one invitation email to participate (in about a week when the shampoo is ready to ship).

I will attach my before and after photos to this post, and I can answer any questions. I'm 63 years old so age does not impact results but I imagine an individual's progression of hair loss will. Our study will be 100 participants over 3 months and we will publish a full research paper on the study. All participants will document their journey with 3 photos (once per month) and be invited into a Discord group to chat about their experience with all other study participants.

Here are the photos. I had a haircut 2 days prior to the 'after' photo, so same length.

*Mods, if you need me to confirm my alt account, please let me know. This is a professional account that I created to inform others of the study.

*Edit: Thank you to those who have emailed, we have spots open. Important note, the study is intended for only the United States and Thailand right now. But we do have the capability to ship worldwide. And no matter where you are, we will email you back the results of the study.


  • Before.jpg
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  • After.jpg
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These are not chemicals and will not affect DHT levels. It's a nice shampoo that maintains and regrows hair. We are completing a test study on the product now.
Everything is a chemical. DHT is a chemical. You are made of chemicals. Saying that you aren't using chemicals is not a meaningful distinction, but let's say that I know what you are trying to say. That still doesn't justify not saying what is in the shampoo. Why not just tell us the ingredients? Why a shampoo, and why not a topical? I would think you are obligated to provide more details than, "I have a shampoo - I need human volunteers to test it on." One might get the wrong idea, perhaps suspecting that you have ulterior motives or that you are preying on the desperation of insecure, balding men.

Our study will be 100 participants over 3 months and we will publish a full research paper on the study. All participants will document their journey with 3 photos (once per month) and be invited into a discord server to discuss their experience (and talk to all other study participants).
Now before you get started underway, let me make some very important suggestions. Simple photographs are not a compelling form of evidence for gauging the efficacy of a hair regrowth product, especially when you are suggesting that participants themselves should be in charge of taking the photos (ironically, the pictures you posted of yourself prove exactly this). This is ridiculous and will not yield data that any reputable journal would find acceptable. I suggest revisiting your proposed protocol and at least using microscopy, such as in the example below. The pink mark is a temporary tattoo, so that the same region can be inspected over time.


It's very generous of you to produce this offer of yours but one must be skeptical in the hair loss world. And based on the information you have posted thus far, one can only assume that you are either naïve or feigning ignorance, neither of which inspire confidence in the volunteer.
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You're right it is still "chemical", just all produced by nature. And you're right to be skeptical of hair loss solutions. I was skeptical. Then I really noticed my hair become thicker, but I understand if you choose to wait for the study. We are FDA approved in Thailand, and are not a large operation. I do understand what you are saying. I want to offer the study to those who are interested, this is the best hair loss product (in my experience better than the pharmaceutical options) and I am excited about it and I know it works. We will send out all of the ingredients that are inside the shampoo in our email to those who are interested in the study. But please only send an email with "Interested in Study" if you are truly interested in being a part of the study. We will have all of the study data public. There will be visible results from the photos and we will release all of the photos and testimonials (while keeping participants confidential unless they choose otherwise).
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BETTER THAN DRUGS ————- check✔️

I don’t know what’s up but if I had to take a guess this is 99.9% scam.


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There is a different part of the HairLossTalk forum for natural remedies, so maybe I should have posted this there. The reason I posted it in new research, studies, and technology is because we would like to only distribute the shampoo to 100 people, and complete the 3 month study/review. This way we know for certain that it works well on everybody on all different stages of hair loss. So the participants of this study / review will be the unbiased user reports on effectiveness that you refer to. And there will be a Discord group (a mobile app that provides an anonymous chat box) for all participants to discuss and chat throughout the whole 3 month period so everyone will know how it is working for the other 99 people as well.

Again, I understand if anyone is hesitant (We are not one of the well known brands) and I still hope if you see the product becoming larger you will consider to give it a try at that time. This is just for those wanting to try a shampoo hair loss treatment and report their experience.


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Do we have to pay the shipping cost for the shampoo or is it completely paid and covered by your brand?


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@Falsenine The email we send back next week (to everyone who sends us an email) will explain the participant role and expectations, and link you to the page on our website. The email will say that if you look at the website and cannot reasonably feel okay about the study role or participant price (Less than the cost of production is what we were planning for the study), then to simply email back saying you cannot afford but would like to participate. We will try to provide everyone who is a good participant a bottle regardless of the money. It will all be in the email we send back next week to anyone who sends us an email saying they are interested in trying the shampoo for the study. The goal is to confirm with many participants that we have an all-natural cure to hair loss. I have spent over $20,000 USD of my money to develop and get FDA approval and now I would like those interested to reach out if they would like to learn more for the study or even just learn about the study results.

*I'm not going to reply to the user who now called me a moron. Our hairloss product will be shipping to those with hairloss within 3 weeks, Brotzu can't say that so if you'd like to try a shampoo that works (you can even add to your current regimen or like myself use by itself) feel free to send an email. We are looking for candidates who will not take a bottle and then ignore the study. Or ignore updating us with photos of progress, or forget to use the shampoo. I hope that makes sense.
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Me Vs DiffuseThinning

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Another a-hole who preys on our dire situation. I hate you and everyone like you.


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Cant even explain the mechanism by which this works.

Sorry but this has scam written all over it.


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You have FDA approval in Thailand? That’s weird, the FDA is an American drug regulator and doesn’t approve drugs in other countries. You’ve spent 20 grand on getting this drug FDA approved? That’s weird, you couldn’t even get a clinical scientist to sh*t in a box and hand it to you for 20 grand, but you have an entire protocol designed for this study? Are you the investigator for this study? What are your credentials? What institution are you based out of? You’re recruiting “subjects” on an Internet forum? That’s weird. When will the “subjects” be visiting the site, or are you collecting all your data remotely? Yeah, the FDA is going to love that...

God damn dude, put an hour of research in next time. Pretty pathetic how bad you are at scamming people.


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Also just one other thing, if you were actually trying to gain FDA approval with this study you would have to Register your shampoo as an Investigational New Drug (IND), and you can’t charge your subjects for the IND. so many holes in your shitty story lol


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"Each category of medicines has a distinct set of requirements. The Thai FDA issues drug licenses for indefinite periods of time. Medical devices in Thailand are regulated by a specialized division in the Thai FDA."

If this was a scam, I wouldn't do any test on the product with you. I would skip that, and just push for sales promising everyone the results I got. If this was a scam, why would we ask for study participants from an educated base such as the online hair loss forums ? I ask this, what am I supposed to do with my shampoo that regrows balding hair? I am open to your considerations. I think a test like this is the best we can do. We are not backed by any pharmaceutical company for obvious reasons.


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@NatureGrow I think you should provide scientific reasons/theory why and how your shampoo would work. Merely saying a shampoo grows hair doesn’t really help your case.
You should provide the active ingredient that you pressume/think it will help grow hair.

Finally, provide more before/after picture from subjects(surely, you have tried the shampoo on more than one person) with the same conditions, angle and lighting.

Since you’re being respectful, I’m giving you honest advice.
If you can’t provide the above then honestly you shouldn’t be posting here in the first place.


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I love all the replies. Im so happy this forum exist and above members reply to such postings. Thanks guys. Keep up the sceptism! Sorry my reply doesnt add anything to this forum, I just want to show my appreciation as a long time lurker.

Cue Bald

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I'd say he is looking to sell this product for around $100 to $200 (it will probably cost around $10 to make) , if even 20 people sign up for the group buy he's made an easy 4K, if 100 people buy it that is an easy $20,000. he has probably seen how easy people sign up for group buys for other treatments and how much they are willing to pay, and thought "i can cash in on that".

also, on your after pic, on your frontal island; what is that square on the left side? too much Toppik or a photoshop artifact?


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If it works, just send free samples and cover the shipping expenses too. I am pretty sure you can find volunteers to use it then report if it works or not.

If it works, you are a potential millionaire or billionaire So why do you ask from forum users to cover shipping fee in first place?