New Forum Coming - Prep Yourselves!


Staff member
My Regimen
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Just a heads up. Over the next week or so, we will be doing a major upgrade to this forum software.

Unfortunately as gorgeous as this thing is (and I would never change a thing), over time, software becomes obsolete and then it can become a security risk to the website.

So if you want to keep the site secure, you have to keep your software updated.

Along with that often comes a completely new appearance which you may or may not like. A new structure. New flow. New location for things in places you're not familiar with, etc.

Those who are averse to change REALLY hate these upgrades. :D

So I would just humbly ask for your patience in figuring out where things are, and any potential loss of features you may feel that you've discovered. In the end, it'll be the best, fully functional version of this forum software available today. And we have to just deal with what we get.

The site may be offline for a few hours or half-day at some point in the near future when we finally go live.



Senior Member
My Regimen
Reaction score
can you add a feature that allows you to put an image or a gif in your signature? Other sites let you do this.


Established Member
My Regimen
Reaction score
Just PLEASE keep the notifications functioning as they do now. The best feature of the forum and better than on any other forum I've used.

I second this request. It's better than any other site for this feature alone


Senior Member
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Senior Member
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Yea pray for a CURE or permanent CURE TREATMENT!


Senior Member
My Regimen
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RIP old


Senior Member
My Regimen
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Yeah dude


Senior Member
My Regimen
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It's positive I like it


My Regimen
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I made a thread in the Antiandrogens section. It wasn't made public and just got deleted while it took me a long time to write it.
What the actual.. ?


Reaction score
Hi Admin,

When viewing a thread can you add page numbers at the top of the thread as well as at the bottom? It’s a pain having to scroll to the bottom to navigate to another page.

Also when viewing a forum it might be good to have page numbers under the thread titles. Meaning you can go straight to the last page of the thread for example. Can’t remember if it worked like that before.



Staff member
My Regimen
Reaction score
Why did you get rid of the dislike button? I hate it already. RIP
Dislike is there if you hover over the "Like" button.

@Jambo "When viewing a thread can you add page numbers at the top of the thread as well as at the bottom? It’s a pain having to scroll to the bottom to navigate to another page."
Page numbers are already at the top and bottom for multi-page threads.

@321nickname123 : "I made a thread in the Antiandrogens section. It wasn't made public and just got deleted while it took me a long time to write it.
What the actual.. ?"
Its possible you wrote it the second they froze the forums and then did the data migration so it was a last second change that was lost. What did you mean that it wasn't made public? You mean you saved it as a Draft or something? I'll see if we can find the content for it and I'll DM it to you if we can so you can create a new thread with it. Both copies of the database still exist.

@Jambo : "Also when viewing a forum it might be good to have page numbers under the thread titles. Meaning you can go straight to the last page of the thread for example. Can’t remember if it worked like that before."
These are already there.
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