New Dermaroller Study; Thoughts, comments?

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Positivity is over-hyped. It will never regrow hair or cure cancer. And if you do believe such statements, I hope you never get cancer.

Finding a solution for hair loss? You mean you will find a solution for hair loss, in your basements? While the top scientists of this world can't figure it out? Right.

I did have a lot of success for the record, but with minoxidil. I used during times of happiness and sometimes several months of major depression.

And guess what? Its efficiency never varied because of my mood. Minoxidil just works, and you don't have to think about rainbows and butterflies to make it work.

You sounds like a broken record.. Why don't you go fu*k yourself?:punk:


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Well that could have gone better


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He such a loser... He should be banned from Belgium.

I don't care if you agree with him or not, but you are possibly the biggest loser here. 4000 post on hair loss forum, and writing and cursing like a 13-year old when he doesn't have any overly positive comments against his baby dermarolling. You were 35 years or something? Jesus..


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Well, I'm out of this topic for a while. At least my contributions will stay there, if someone is crazy enough to read the 400 pages of this thread.

What a poor excuse for a man, I see so much negativity in you, what's the point of your life. I think it's to show other people how being a total loser is pathetic. Such a crybaby has nothing good to say and always assumes the worse. You probably have a vagina and your taking it out on the world. I hope you grow some hair and some masculinity.


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I don't care if you agree with him or not, but you are possibly the biggest loser here. 4000 post on hair loss forum, and writing and cursing like a 13-year old when he doesn't have any overly positive comments against his baby dermarolling. You were 35 years or something? Jesus..

It is an experimental treatment, not happy with it. GTFO. ?? Why it is so hard to understand on this forum? TMNK you don't like to read my curse? Go on your control panel and black list me. Cool? Thanks for the negative reputation.. You are the only troll on this forum that did it twice. See useless you are.. you contribute to nothing.. you are just another POS floating. You should fly to Belgium on a week-end and you and FredTheBelgium can suck each other dicks and rub each others bald scalp? Sounds like a plan? That will keep you both busy and out of this place for a while...


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I did have a lot of success for the record, but with minoxidil. I used during times of happiness and sometimes several months of major depression.

I've seen a lot of dubious "news", unreliable rumours and sometimes just flat-out BS posted on hairloss forums over the years....but WTF MAN?!! Fred the Belgian now claims to have had TIMES OF HAPPINESS??

That just takes the biscuit. :laugh:


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Well, I'm out of this topic for a while. At least my contributions will stay there, if someone is crazy enough to read the 400 pages of this thread.

Good grief! Your logic makes no sense. Just because minoxidil worked for you doesn't mean it will work for everyone. Just like most hair loss treatments, it's all trial and error.

When I first started losing my hair, I tried minoxidil for a year with no results. I didn't troll forums afterward to tell everyone minoxidil doesn't work. How does that "help" anyone??

Also, what "contributions" are you talking about? You would contribute far more if you stayed off of any and all forums for good.

Seems like you have far bigger issues than just losing your hair. Mental issues (my guess is bipolar or manic depressive). Fix that first with all the pills and prescriptions that science backs up. See how awesome those side effects are :)

Good luck with life. You need it.


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Good grief! Your logic makes no sense. Just because minoxidil worked for you doesn't mean it will work for everyone. Just like most hair loss treatments, it's all trial and error.

When I first started losing my hair, I tried minoxidil for a year with no results. I didn't troll forums afterward to tell everyone minoxidil doesn't work. How does that "help" anyone??

Also, what "contributions" are you talking about? You would contribute far more if you stayed off of any and all forums for good.

Seems like you have far bigger issues than just losing your hair. Mental issues (my guess is bipolar or manic depressive). Fix that first with all the pills and prescriptions that science backs up. See how awesome those side effects are :)

Good luck with life. You need it.

This is what he needs ASAP:



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Wasn't LASIK a stumbled upon cure to correct vision or were the top eye surgeons just carving into peoples eyes with the expectation of finding a solution... I feel like some of the greatest findings in history were stumbled upon by less than qualified people...


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Wasn't LASIK a stumbled upon cure to correct vision or were the top eye surgeons just carving into peoples eyes with the expectation of finding a solution... I feel like some of the greatest findings in history were stumbled upon by less than qualified people...

+1 trillion:punk:

Rocky V

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there are so many pussies in this thread, its starting to smell like fish. The dermaroller works. It's not rocket science. It's common sense actually. youre breaking down the fibrosis on the scalp which in turn leads to improved growth.

think of the scalp like a garden, where it needs proper nutrients and bloodflow to regrow hair. the fibrosis/excess collagen is an interruption of the healthy growth. Dermarolling rids the fibrosis and hence makes it a proper environment for growth.

just like hair loss is a long gradual process, the reverse (regrowth) also takes time. people, at the very least, have to wait 18 months before they make an assessment.

I've been rolling for 8 weeks with 2.5mm and I'm seeing results.

as for the Fredthebelgian :
drink bleach


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It's not rocket science indeed. More like bro-science at its finest.

18 months? Minoxidil usually takes a few months to work, your made-up timeline is invalid.

So you're seeing results? Pictures!

Drink Bleach FredtheTaliban. There is tons of pics already look for them lazy cu*nt

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ok guys Go to Settings right top corner Edit Ignore list and add FredTheBelgian. Thanks me later. You can do the same for me.. I really don't give a damn.


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I've been quite depressed because of my hair (how unusual I know), so I've been evaluated by multiple psychiatrist, sorry to disappoint you, I have absolutely no mental disorders.

I've been here for 4 years now, you've been here for a few days. You don't know anything about the hair loss world. It's a crual world, and you will discover it soon, even if you're a woman, it's quite obvious when you look at the arguments you're using. It's funny because squeegee has also the same type of emotional reactions.

And now he wants me to get beaten up. I may not be suffering of mental disorders, but squeegee surely is.

Lol. Your response just proves to me how misguided and close minded you really are. I've been dealing with hair loss for 7, close to 8 years. You think I just happened to stumble upon hair loss forums a few days ago?? You don't think I know what a cruel world it is for hair loss sufferers?

I've seen you around other forums for years and was glad to see you get banned by some.

I think you must love the abuse if you keep coming back and re-signing up on forums you've been banned from to continue the hate. Stop spewing your negativity and think you are helping others. You are helping no one, not even yourself.

Stop contradicting yourself, calling this bro-science when you just did your third roll. Why are you wasting your time? I see you taking supplements in your regime. You must also believe in this "bro-science". If not, why don't you follow "real" science that say vitamins and supplements have shown have no real benefits and can even be harmful:

I didn't sign up on this forum to argue with close minded people like you. I came here to share my experiences and to get encouragement / encourage others. We're all here to achieve the same goal. I'm done responding to you unless you wake up and start thinking outside the box.


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I guess I kind of started this , just for the record my original responses to Fred wasn't to bash or even really argue, I was actually trying to get him to see how people viewed him but that went downhill fast. I guess I better stick to just posting results. Sorry guys, you too Fred


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Lol. Your response just proves to me how misguided and close minded you really are. I've been dealing with hair loss for 7, close to 8 years. You think I just happened to stumble upon hair loss forums a few days ago?? You don't think I know what a cruel world it is for hair loss sufferers?

I've seen you around other forums for years and was glad to see you get banned by some.

I think you must love the abuse if you keep coming back and re-signing up on forums you've been banned from to continue the hate. Stop spewing your negativity and think you are helping others. You are helping no one, not even yourself.

Stop contradicting yourself, calling this bro-science when you just did your third roll. Why are you wasting your time? I see you taking supplements in your regime. You must also believe in this "bro-science". If not, why don't you follow "real" science that say vitamins and supplements have shown have no real benefits and can even be harmful:

I didn't sign up on this forum to argue with close minded people like you. I came here to share my experiences and to get encouragement / encourage others. We're all here to achieve the same goal. I'm done responding to you unless you wake up and start thinking outside the box.

Settings/Edit Ignore list/FredTheBelgian . Don't try to argue with mentally challenged people. He's been doing that for years.

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I guess I kind of started this , just for the record my original responses to Fred wasn't to bash or even really argue, I was actually trying to get him to see how people viewed him but that went downhill fast. I guess I better stick to just posting results. Sorry guys, you too Fred

That retard has been around for a while. People should stop playing his "suffering" game LOL

This message is hidden because FredTheBelgian is on your ignore list.


Experienced Member
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Is any of your posts more relevant? FredtheBelgian. You are the biggest joke on every Hairloss Forums. Stick to the other threads (Impact of hairloss) or Forums then dumbass.

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It is pretty messed up ^^^^^ LOL

2Young..Let's start the derma rolling clinic ASAP!

I tried pretty much everything on the market.. you get fed up of indigesting these proteins shakes..2-3 times a day.. the flavors gets old quick as well! I don't know what your goals are.. but the 2 best proteins products are from Twinlab

Got all the Amino Acids needed for proper recovery and results.

One for MASS and one for Lean Muscles.. couple scoops a day,no upset stomach like the protein shakes. Best absorption ever as well.®-liquid-original

Creatine is also a must.. the best on the market is the Kre Alkalyn one.. No sides effects like water retention.. bloated face etc.. highly recommended.

Proteins is excellent to support hair growth. Amino Acids are the building block of life.

so this i ll tell you is kinda science fiction but. first rolls were making a lot of sound, later couple of rolls no pain almost and the next ones gradually more painfull. in all rolls i did 100 newton almost force to wound sufficient the hypodermis since our bitc h cells are located there.
2young , do u feel pain More easily now on scalp ? Im experiencing the opposite, i need More pressure to feel pain at the temples.scalp there got much More soft and not that hard anymore thats what i can say for sure

Fred you inflated my testicl es with your attitude. we have a cure here. be man wound hard grow hair f uck that p ussy.
Positivity is over-hyped. It will never regrow hair or cure cancer. And if you do believe such statements, I hope you never get cancer.

Finding a solution for hair loss? You mean you will find a solution for hair loss, in your basements? While the top scientists of this world can't figure it out? Right.

I did have a lot of success for the record, but with minoxidil. I used during times of happiness and sometimes several months of major depression.

And guess what? Its efficiency never varied because of my mood. Minoxidil just works, and you don't have to think about rainbows and butterflies to make it work.

squeegee check that hair. then check that amg.

i need a fred the belgian inhibitor. really i dont want any pessimist antagonist anywhere,


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fred i am sorry things dont work out for you. i dont have to hate for anyone as opposed to you. you seem to need psychiatric conselling. i sense many disorders right there. its a small d ick talking there or a raped kid i dont know. you need to get healed. and i believe one day that a cure in the supermarkets is available you r gonna try to disaprove it too. ....

i hope you get thick hair. drop the hatin it will mess your karma.

a vid for you that you come from the civilization.
[video=youtube;Bd3gw3caSEk][/video] <-----for fred.

just did it.did i wound enough this time?


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i have to report its 2 plus months into treatment.
-hair doesnt shed.
-hair has increased diameter.
-new hair has sprouted although its hard to say in a %, generally i dont look like i am "thinning" and hairline is more aggresive.
-galea elasticity remains increased.,
-blood now comes as it comes to any part of the body after injury.galea is not more like a brick i can sense it when i touch it.
-hair is also slightly darker? lol
-if i did this two years back i would be completely saved.
-we need more advanced methods of numbing.
-we need to find which protocol is the more effective of all.
-we yet have to see if we stop and months later improvement kicks in as exactly in wound induced neogenesys.


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fred say whatever . i just dont care.


​have you seen the moon reflecting on your norwood?

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fred say whatever . i just dont care.


​have you seen the moon reflecting on your norwood?
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