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I'm curious as to why you believe that the GLA in Borage needs a vehicle to be absorbed transcutaneously. I could be wrong, but 'm sure I've read a couple of medical articles saying that it IS in fact absored really well...but i need to have scout around to confirm this.

I've just got some oil (details below) that I'm taking orally, giving me over a gram in GLA, I'm not considering putting this stuff in my regime....what do you think? I would have thought that a bigger issue is the quality of the GLA, in terms of how it was extracted, quality etc.

Since I've got your attention :) can you let me know why you are opposed to Spectral DNC, I'm sure there is a good reason but I can't see an obvious one other than its a bit pricey.


Barlean's Omega Twin provides complete essential fatty acid nutrition supplying Omega-3, 6 and 9 fatty acids as well as Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA). Barlean's Fresh ExPressedâ„¢ extraction process gently liberates delicate flax and borage oil, while capturing lignan-rich flaxseed particulate.

Barlean's - The One and Only Fresh ExPressedTM Omega Twin
Leading "Complete" EFA Product
An alternative to fish oil/primrose oil
Lignan fortified
Fresh Pressed - for your health. 100% Cold-Expeller pressed below 98° F
Air Delivery - arriving just days after being made
Freshness Dated - maximum freshness and potency
Suitable for Vegetarians
When it Comes to Good Health Fresh is Best!
Suggested Use:
1 -2 Tbsp. Daily.

100% unrefined, unfiltered, organic flaxseed oil and herbicide/pesticide free borage seed oil, flax particulate.

One Tablespoon Provides approximately:
Omega-6 GLA 510 mg
Omega-3 alpha linolenic 5200 mg
Omega-6 linoleic 2350 mg
Omega-9 oleic 2070 mg
Flaxseed Particulate 2215 mg