Nearky 30 and diffuse thinning has accelerated


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Hair loss is much like that of an assassin. It creeps up on you when you expect it the least. My hair loss started at the age of 23 in a diffuse fashion. For one fine day when I attempted to use a styling gel on my hair it was completely see through. I panicked and my insecurities got the better of me. It cost me my relationship and made me spiral into a deep depression.

Started with a minoxidil/aminixiedil combo in the first year and then added finasteride and nizoral 18 months later. They helped me maintain and even garnered some thickening to the point that any hair loss was not noticeable when my hair was dry. Wet though it was completely see through.

I am nearly 30 now and have switched to generic dutasteride. For two months; I used it thrice a week without noticing any sides or results before going to every day from Jan. Noticed severe shedding towards the end of jan to the point where my scalp would show even when my hair was dry. Rather than resort to a combover, I just buzzed it all off.

It made me the subject of ridicule at work especially by women. Considering that I was a somewhat good looking guy before it was immensely depressing. End of Feb now and even the back of my head and sideburns look diffuse. I am riding it out with dutasteride for a few more months. Topical anti-androgens are not available here in India so that is not an option. It's difficult indeed.


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**** those women and **** anyone who ridicules you for something you have no control over. Your doing everything you can right now and hopefully this is just a shed and you regain what you lost plus more. It doesn't hurt sometimes to lash out at those type of people just not in the work space. Unless you plan to quit then go for it.


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Life isn't fair and I don't expect much. I have diffuse unpatterned alopecia and my recent tryst with dutasteride makes me wonder it was the right call. Hair looks like crap under LED lighting or even the sunlight here.

@sachalamp: Does not sound like a tenable enough hypothesis. Perhaps for someone with conventional male pattern baldness (I have DUPA). Live in a tropical country and make it a point to spend a few hours in the sun every day. I also have been taking Vitamin D supplements for the past few months.

**** those women and **** anyone who ridicules you for something you have no control over. Your doing everything you can right now and hopefully this is just a shed and you regain what you lost plus more. It doesn't hurt sometimes to lash out at those type of people just not in the work space. Unless you plan to quit then go for it.


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Hair loss is much like that of an assassin. It creeps up on you when you expect it the least. My hair loss started at the age of 23 in a diffuse fashion. For one fine day when I attempted to use a styling gel on my hair it was completely see through. I panicked and my insecurities got the better of me. It cost me my relationship and made me spiral into a deep depression.

Started with a minoxidil/aminixiedil combo in the first year and then added finasteride and nizoral 18 months later. They helped me maintain and even garnered some thickening to the point that any hair loss was not noticeable when my hair was dry. Wet though it was completely see through.

I am nearly 30 now and have switched to generic dutasteride. For two months; I used it thrice a week without noticing any sides or results before going to every day from Jan. Noticed severe shedding towards the end of jan to the point where my scalp would show even when my hair was dry. Rather than resort to a combover, I just buzzed it all off.

It made me the subject of ridicule at work especially by women. Considering that I was a somewhat good looking guy before it was immensely depressing. End of Feb now and even the back of my head and sideburns look diffuse. I am riding it out with dutasteride for a few more months. Topical anti-androgens are not available here in India so that is not an option. It's difficult indeed.

Sorry for your troubles. If the minoxidil/finasteride/nizoral combo was working for you previously, why not go back to that? Was there any particular reason you felt the need to switch to dutasteride? Did the old regimen stop working? If the old regimen worked, why reinvent the wheel?

Another thing to consider is that shedding is typical when you start a new treatment. Thus, it doesn't necessarily mean the dutasteride is not working either.


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I noticed that I had lost ground after three years on finasteride. While there was no recession, the hair thinning seemed to continue and there was no respite.

Thought of switching to dutasteride as it is considered to be more potent. Have continued with nizoral and minoxidil.

Apart from the shedding, dutasteride has been tolerated well and have noticed a sporadic surge in libido and t-levels. Conversely, I wonder if the rise in Testosterone has accelerated my hair loss. Reckon that I have to wait it out.

The only thing that seems to worry me is the hair loss in the donor area(sideburns and back of the head) . I only noticed this after buzzing my hair to a number #1. While my official diagnosis is not DUPA but diffuse thinning; it does look increasingly like DUPA atm.

With my thinning hair, I look years older and feel less attractive. My confidence has also taken a hit and I have been avoiding social gatherings completely. Now, my life has been wholly relegated to work and watching tv shows or playing games on my computer.

Haven't gotten laid in six months.

Sorry for your troubles. If the minoxidil/finasteride/nizoral combo was working for you previously, why not go back to that? Was there any particular reason you felt the need to switch to dutasteride? Did the old regimen stop working? If the old regimen worked, why reinvent the wheel?

Another thing to consider is that shedding is typical when you start a new treatment. Thus, it doesn't necessarily mean the dutasteride is not working either.


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I decided to put up a few photos that are indicative of my present condition. Insomnia and stress had led to dark circles and a a more sombre look in the face shot. However, that has been resolved.



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What does your hair look like grown out?

Tough to tell with shaved head photos, but your crown looks consistent and full, hairline as well.

Were you diagnosed with androgenic alopecia?


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No. Diffuse thinning. I have no recession. With my hair grown out, the thinning is consistent throughout and this includes the sides and the back of my head and one can notice a lack in density; the scalp is see through.

I was on finasteride/minoxidil/nizoral for 3 years. Replaced the finasteride with dutasteride and started an everyday regimen since January 2016. What bothers me is that I don't quite know if this is the right treatment for me or if DHT is even the cause of my hair loss. However, I suppose that I can handle the shaved look.

Just that, in India, women below 30 are not very receptive if you are bald. I had no problem hooking up with women in Europe with a buzzed head. It is just a socio-cultural perception perhaps. I am 6'2 and am contemplating getting scalp micropigmentation done. It might just be a better long term solution.

I'll post more pics once my hair grows longer.

What does your hair look like grown out?

Tough to tell with shaved head photos, but your crown looks consistent and full, hairline as well.

Were you diagnosed with androgenic alopecia?


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So, have you been diagnosed with Telogen Effluvium then? If you are diffuse thinning all over, I'm not sure what else it would be.

The reason I ask about diagnosis, is that looking at your photos, I can't see much of a problem. The density looks good to me. I am wondering if you are suffering from some form of body dysmorphic disorder.


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I'll update some photos today.

So, have you been diagnosed with Telogen Effluvium then? If you are diffuse thinning all over, I'm not sure what else it would be.

The reason I ask about diagnosis, is that looking at your photos, I can't see much of a problem. The density looks good to me. I am wondering if you are suffering from some form of body dysmorphic disorder.

Have been trying to update photos. None of them were accurate. Took the shooter from my friend and tookthe pictures myself in my attic. The thinning is consistent throughout; including the back of my head and sides. If only to a lesser degree than my scalp where it is more apparent.. If certain areas look thicker then it is due to a lack of uniform lighting. Also, the attic is a mess. WP_20160320_10_17_41_Pro.jpgWP_20160320_11_28_32_Pro.jpgWP_20160320_11_28_51_Pro.jpg


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I noticed that I had lost ground after three years on finasteride. While there was no recession, the hair thinning seemed to continue and there was no respite.

Thought of switching to dutasteride as it is considered to be more potent. Have continued with nizoral and minoxidil.

Apart from the shedding, dutasteride has been tolerated well and have noticed a sporadic surge in libido and t-levels. Conversely, I wonder if the rise in Testosterone has accelerated my hair loss. Reckon that I have to wait it out.

I understand now. However, once again, 2 months is not long enough to be able to tell whether or not a treatment is effective. It takes at least 6 months.

I don't think the rise in testosterone would "accelerate" your hair loss. The substance that causes male pattern baldness is dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is formed when testosterone combines with 5 alpha-reductase. The reason your testosterone levels seem higher may be that the dutasteride is PREVENTING testosterone from reacting with the 5 alpha-reductase. As a result, testosterone is not being converted to DHT as much, so there is more testosterone "left over" than normal. This is evidence that the dutasteride is lowering DHT levels.

Of more concern is the nature of your particular type of hair loss. If you have diffuse thinning (either telogen effluvium or alopecia areata), then your methods for addressing it should not necessarily be the same as for someone who has androgenetic alopecia. For example, something can be CAUSING your diffuse thinning, and simply removing that cause could make the thinning stop. For instance, some ANTIDEPRESSANT medications can cause telogen effluvium ( If you happen to be taking any, perhaps you should go to a doctor and ask about switching the medication.

I think you should go see a dermatologist and find out for sure whether or not it is in fact DUPA. If it is not DUPA, I strongly recommend stopping dutasteride or finasteride, as the cause of your hair loss would not be DHT in this case. Once again, however, I recommend discussing your hair loss with a qualified doctor.

With my thinning hair, I look years older and feel less attractive. My confidence has also taken a hit and I have been avoiding social gatherings completely. Now, my life has been wholly relegated to work and watching tv shows or playing games on my computer.

Haven't gotten laid in six months.

I understand where you're coming from bro. I personally think you are selling yourself short though. There are ways to effectively cover up hair thinning immediately, especially the type you are describing. For example, see this short video ( You can confidently present yourself in public, go to parties, etc. without anyone noticing. In the meantime, you'll be addressing the underlying cause and fixing it until it is no longer an issue.


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Thanks for all the help and advice gentlemen. I was worried about my T levels affecting hair growth. Since it does not have as much as an effect as DHT then that grants me some solace.

The shedding phase with dutasteride is certainly a little frightening. I'll give it time and wait it out until then. I have continued with minoxidil (10 percent) and nizoral of course.

I have also been using a combination of organic castor and coconut oil with some essential oils as well as apple cider vinegar thrown in for good measure once a week.

Six months it is. I am also scouring the internet to assess if there are any online suppliers of topical RU that ship internationally.

Btw I still got asked out by this girl at work. Hair loss notwithstanding. I like two women at work and this one is the less attractive of the lot. Neverthless, something is better than nothing. The doe eyed olive skinned girl from Kashmir was my primary target.

As a journalist, I travel abroad a few times a year and find that European women are generally more receptive even if you have hair loss. I buzzed my head in Europe and found that there were several men there sporting a similar look. Women too were extremely friendly and receptive. And these women were vert attractive in the sense that they had the curves in all the right places while being fitter than Indian women on an average. They are also down to earth; in my experience.

Conversely, Indian girls are not that accommodating and seem to espouse a princess complex. Most of then anyway. Ironically, the girl who asked me out also made fun of my hair loss but I took it in my stride and told her that my head shines because I am an englightened being.

My course of action for the long term is to see if my present regime is effective. If not, I'll switch back to finasteride I am also contemplating scalp micropigmentation because it can give me a dense look while buzzed. Since, at present, my primary concern is being cormfortable with my self image. If a girl does not like me because of my condition then she can go to hell. I am still me.

I concur that concealers and dermamatch might be a good short term solution. After my dutasteride trial is over I'll get a scalp examination done to assess if my condition is really DUPA, alopecia areata, DPA or chronic Telogen Effluvium. Still, if scalp micropigmentation gets the job done then I am not even going to bother. Life is too short to get obsessed over some minor shortcoming.


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Thanks for posting some pictures with the hair grown out. I definitely see what you are talking about now. For the most part, it does look like DPA.

If you are continuing to sport the shaved head look, I'm not sure that you need micropigmentation, as even with the close up photos, I couldn't really tell.

If you grow your hair out a bit, something like Toppik could do wonders for thickening up the appearance of hair.

Anyways, hope the meds help you. You've seemed to have caught it quite early on and I'd wager there has been improvement from these pictures with longer hair to now, based on your shaved head photos.


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Thanks for all the help and advice gentlemen. I was worried about my T levels affecting hair growth. Since it does not have as much as an effect as DHT then that grants me some solace.

I have also been using a combination of organic castor and coconut oil with some essential oils as well as apple cider vinegar thrown in for good measure once a week.

Btw I still got asked out by this girl at work. Hair loss notwithstanding. I like two women at work and this one is the less attractive of the lot. Neverthless, something is better than nothing. The doe eyed olive skinned girl from Kashmir was my primary target.

Conversely, Indian girls are not that accommodating and seem to espouse a princess complex. Most of then anyway. Ironically, the girl who asked me out also made fun of my hair loss but I took it in my stride and told her that my head shines because I am an englightened being.

No problem. That's awesome about that girl who asked you out! Like I said, don't sell yourself short lol. And good move playing off that girl's comment as a joke, that's the right response.

little morris

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That's a pretty wonderful response to the woman who made fun of your hair loss -- might have to think of something like that in the near future. Glad you seem to be doing well


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I suppose that we take ourselves too seriously. If I didn't have any responsibilities then I'd junk the dutasteride, minoxidil and supplements among other things while seeking asylum as a monk in the Himalayas.

Reading deadpool helps in those instances where you are very very depressed.


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It's tough!

I just wanted to say that I have a similar experience and I know how tough it is. Be strong.


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An update: End of month 4 on dutasteride. Stopped using castor oil but I intend to re-initiate my dosage by June. This time I'll take it orally rather than use it topically.

Shedding has stopped. Some thickening and my hair looks darker. Perhaps some regrowth as well but that is hard to tell. What do you guys think?

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