Myth about hot showers causing hair loss may be true...


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It may eb an old wives tale but it may be true afterall check this out:

Beards, baldness, and sweat secretion.

Cabanac M, Brinnel H.

Universite Laval, Faculte de Medicine, Department de Physiologie, Quebec, Canada.

The hypothesis according to which male common baldness has developed in the human species as a compensation for the growth of a beard in order to achieve heat loss has been tested. In 100 clean-shaven men direct measurement of the area of glabrous skin on the forehead and calvaria was found to be proportional to that of the hairy skin on the lips, cheeks, chin and neck. During light hyperthermia the evaporation rate on the bald scalp was 2 to 3 times higher than on the hairy scalp. Conversely the evaporation rate was practically equal on the foreheads and chins of women and unbearded young men, while in adult clean-shaven bearded men it was 40% less on the chin than the forehead. These results support the hypothesis that male baldness is a thermoregulatory compensation for the growth of a beard in adults.


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i have recenlty switched to cold showers and noticed that my hair loss has stabilised....


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chewbaca said:
It may eb an old wives tale but it may be true afterall check this out:

Beards, baldness, and sweat secretion.

Cabanac M, Brinnel H.

Universite Laval, Faculte de Medicine, Department de Physiologie, Quebec, Canada.

The hypothesis according to which male common baldness has developed in the human species as a compensation for the growth of a beard in order to achieve heat loss has been tested. In 100 clean-shaven men direct measurement of the area of glabrous skin on the forehead and calvaria was found to be proportional to that of the hairy skin on the lips, cheeks, chin and neck. During light hyperthermia the evaporation rate on the bald scalp was 2 to 3 times higher than on the hairy scalp. Conversely the evaporation rate was practically equal on the foreheads and chins of women and unbearded young men, while in adult clean-shaven bearded men it was 40% less on the chin than the forehead. These results support the hypothesis that male baldness is a thermoregulatory compensation for the growth of a beard in adults.

lol. im 26 years old and I CANT even grow sideburns, let alone a beard, as well as having a near shaved head for the past 8 years, I should be growing like a chia pet. What a bunch of malarky.


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I know hair dryers do it. I parted my hair on the side and blew dried it from the one side toward the other when I was younger. Guess which side dissapeared first?


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I would like to know what temps are good to use. I like warm showers not ice cold ones.

Full Head of Hair

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Cold or cool water is definantly better for the scalp and hair. I gel and gently blow dry my hair, but I highly doubt that causes or has any effect on hairloss.


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This is bullshit..... male pattern baldness is caused my genetics and DHT overproduction, you cant generalize and point the finger at everything such as swimming pools, masterbation, eating meat, smoking etc....

If its in one's destiny you will be going bald.


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Redbone said:
This is bullshit..... male pattern baldness is caused my genetics and DHT overproduction, you cant generalize and point the finger at everything such as swimming pools, masterbation, eating meat, smoking etc....

If its in one's destiny you will be going



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If hot water temperatures etc etc cause hairloss then why are women uneffected at the same rates as men? and why only hair on your head? I could go on and on with these questions because the idea is preposterous and falls apart when logic is applied.

I'm sure hundreds of people have gone away believing all sorts of nonsense from reading some of your posts on the possible causes of hairloss. What next, flossing?


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It seems that the general concensus is that it is actually the inflammation (caused by DHT presence) that causes the hair to fall out. So hot water would aggrivate an already inflammed scalp leading to more fallout, right?

I believe a way to slow down hair loss is to reduce DHT accumulation first, but equally important is the task to reduce scalp inflammation. Cooler water will help a little. Scalp moisture is also very important. Avoiding laurel/laureth sufate shampoos is a good idea. Copper peptides show promise to repair damaged scalp tissues.
Using essentail oils will also regulate scalp condition.


chewbaca said:
i have recenlty switched to cold showers and noticed that my hair loss has stabilised....
Wow, that's incredible... Within the time span of two posts your hairloss stabilized. That IS a powerful solution.

S Foote.

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goingoinbutnotgone said:
It seems that the general concensus is that it is actually the inflammation (caused by DHT presence) that causes the hair to fall out. So hot water would aggrivate an already inflammed scalp leading to more fallout, right?

I believe a way to slow down hair loss is to reduce DHT accumulation first, but equally important is the task to reduce scalp inflammation. Cooler water will help a little. Scalp moisture is also very important. Avoiding laurel/laureth sufate shampoos is a good idea. Copper peptides show promise to repair damaged scalp tissues.
Using essentail oils will also regulate scalp condition.

Yes i agree that the `hot and cold' issue, is not related to the developement of male pattern baldness, but helps in the control of the adverse conditions in the male pattern baldness scalp.

S Foote.


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Chewbaca, interesting stuff. Could you post the link where you found this study? It's helpful to see the bigger picture of why this particular study was conducted and the rest of the particulars as well. Thanks as this is interesting stuff. I just need more details :p

Green Soap

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I take HOT showers, I mean I like my shower steaming hot, it's a small part of the good life.

And my hair has done nothing but improve so I call major BS.


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Seems like you guys are taking all the good things in life and putting them behind the cause of hairloss.

Hot showers
Eating meat

Damn what next? No more watching sports?

I couldn't give away my daily dose of masterbation and hot showers. My life would become so stressful if that happend and I think that may cause my hair to fall out even more.


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Stokes said:
Seems like you guys are taking all the good things in life and putting them behind the cause of hairloss.

Hot showers
Eating meat

Damn what next? No more watching sports?

I couldn't give away my daily dose of masterbation and hot showers. My life would become so stressful if that happend and I think that may cause my hair to fall out even more.

Also, don't forget, the only working hair loss treatment causes your penis to shrink...


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I have been washing with ice-cold water for a month now. I can honestly say that my shed has decreased. Course, I recently dropped minoxidil which irritated my Seb. Derm, so that could be it. When I shampoo with my Nioxin, the icy feeling is really nice.


Stokes said:
Seems like you guys are taking all the good things in life and putting them behind the cause of hairloss.

Hot showers
Eating meat

Damn what next? No more watching sports?

Don't forget having sex too is a cause of hairloss. :roll:
Also don't forget flossing causes hairloss too. :shock: