My results (photos!!)


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he PM'd me his regimen so here it is:


My current Regime is:

Retin A once a day (right before foam)
Rogaine foam twice daily
Nizoral 2% every other day
1/4 Proscar every day cept sunday
7 Dutas pills on sunday
Laser Comb 3x a week
Iron/Multivitamin daily

and most important

do NOT jerk off!! (your results will accelerate, i am dead serious)


it sounds good but "7 dutas pills" wtf!?!?!?!?!


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emex4 said:
he PM'd me his regimen so here it is:

7 Dutas pills on sunday

7 dutas pills??? You would be dead!! This has gotta be a joke. For me its gotta be 1 of 4 things.

1. The after pic is actually his before pic

2. Its a hair transplant

3. Its a hair system

4. Its a twin


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metalheaddude said:
emex4 said:
he PM'd me his regimen so here it is:

7 Dutas pills on sunday

7 dutas pills??? You would be dead!! This has gotta be a joke. For me its gotta be 1 of 4 things.

1. The after pic is actually his before pic

2. Its a hair transplant

3. Its a hair system

4. Its a twin
In the phase II trials, they had a 2.5mg group, as well as a 2.5mg starting period group, I would bet that when dutasteride hits the market for male pattern baldness, there were be a initial starting dosage that is higher


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7 dutas pills??? You would be dead!! This has gotta be a joke. For me its gotta be 1 of 4 things.
There were patients in the FDA Dutas trial who took 3.5mg (7 pills) daily for 6 months. So why would taking that dosage once per week kill you??

The uneducated will remain bald :punk:


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lmao, yeah we might be bald but at least we'll have dicks that work. nobody even knows the effects of taking dutas over a long period of time. who knows what could happen to you after swallowing that sh*t for years and years.


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I don't understand how a few of you can treat your hair loss like a workout regimen with carefully planned out days and 2 hour processes per day. If it takes that much effort, you weren't meant to have hair, and all that hard work and dedication to growing some hair back is only going to hurt more when you realize you can only pause the process for a relatively short while. I hate to be negative, but what are you doing with your lives?

And who is this clown ignoring peoples' requests for regimen details and then PMing it like it's some kind of secret family recipe. Get out of here, this place is for people helping people, not people taunting people.

Edit: Oh yea, and jerking off accelerates baldness? Gimme a break, where did this guy come from?


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Every regimine takes time... taking a pill and waiting 10 min for minoxidil to dry isn't exactly a full time job. Deaner you probably spend more time each day on your computer thinking up useless responses.

Man this site has really gone downhill since a came here for help a few years ago. First my pics were fake, then I had a hairpiece, then a hair transplant, now i'm impotent because I'm taking dutasteride :laugh: ... . I can see why alot of the old users have left. :roll:

Deaner said:
Get out of here, this place is for people helping people, not people taunting people.
Please read your post above, delete it and leave.


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Must be the lazercomb that does it. :jackit: :mrgreen:
6 finasteride and 7 dutasteride a week? I would'nt try that unless there had been a proper scientific evaluation done. Who knows what the long term effects could be.
I'm on 0.75mg of finasteride a day and I still have my worries about that.


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gambit420 said:
Man this site has really gone downhill since a came here for help a few years ago. First my pics were fake, then I had a hairpiece, then a hair transplant, now i'm impotent because I'm taking dutasteride :laugh: ... . I can see why alot of the old users have left. :roll:

i love how this random dude comes here and posts pictures with zero explanation then talks like he is the sh*t. go to hell buddy with your mysterious pics.

heads up: there is no miracle cure for baldness. 1mg/fina per day and minoxidil are your best bet - take no substitutes.

god bless.


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Pretty sure finasteride was well tolerated with insane doses. dutasteride 7 pills in one day i dont really understand it, but whatever floats your boat.

Any serious side effects?


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"And who is this clown ignoring peoples' requests for regimen details and then PMing it like it's some kind of secret family recipe."

very funny haha...


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sammo said:
"And who is this clown ignoring peoples' requests for regimen details and then PMing it like it's some kind of secret family recipe."

very funny haha...

lol yeah I laughed at that line too.


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so about the no jerking off part

I think this is the most important part of his regimin

no joke


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Who would sacrifice any sexual activity for hair improvement. :dunno:


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Well I believe him. I notice a lot of the people who have the best results have dark hair, seems to be a trend like they respond better. He attacked his hair loss from all sides with more weapons than most of us so why should we be so surprised he got good results? Kinda makes me want to consider a laser comb..


New Member
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Treeshrew is right - Don't give this idiot anymore props. That is not him or he photoshopped on some hair. We had the photos professionaly analyzed. If he was really regrowing that much hair why hasnt he posted on here in a year? We know what the top treetments are. This guy doesn't know sh*t so go back to where you came from and never come back! The point of this site is to stear people toward finasteride and minoxidil. Nothing else WORKS! Except maybe his penis around gays. :jackit:


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You can either sit on your ***, get jealous of others and criticize their success. or go make something with yourself. I decided I didn't want to end up like some of the bashers here and went with the second one. I made my own regimine. Now I'm out living life again with almost a full head of hair and they're on a message board talking about my dick. If only I could trade... :roll:

If you really knew more, you would be posting proof of your own instead of knocking down others when they get results.

I'm out for good. To the users that have ruined this board :finger2: :finger2: :finger2: :finger2:

and to the rest of you GOOD LUCK!!