My Local Hair System Specialist Video


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Hey guys.

I'm a guy who's turning 23 next week and is already balding quiet a lot for my age (probably NW3-4).

There is a hairdresser in my city who's specialized in hair systems, and I went to my first consultation like 1.5 - 2 years ago, but wasn't ready at the time.
I've now come to the conclusion that I'll give it a shot, at least for 1 month. Going to another consultation tomorrow.

I'd like to know what you think of her work. Here's a video she did 1-2 months ago.



Senior Member
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Looks like a really nice result for the guy - great colour match and a nice haircut. It's a skin system, which is not my favourite kind of base, but the hairline there looks good, and maybe skin systems are fine in the Nordic climate. Definitely worth trying in my view. Good luck, and let us know how you get on.
