My hair, sometimes I will update with new pics

better? almost the same? worst?

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Ok guys another picture, I took a new pic today and was a nice one to compare to that pic that I took last year... take a look...


another pic, this time the right temple (my worst temple)


and the usual front hairline pic updated:


Take care guys and keep your hopes up in the treatment.



ok guys, some update here, I think there is some new hairs, but I really dont know....

Im on propecia (5 months) + nizoral (almost one year).... nothing more.

What do you think guys? do I have hope in this fight?


thanks and take care


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nice pics for comparison, i would say you are having some improvement, check out some of those new hairs out in front (i have a few myself) though my hairline only come down a bit, more on the temples. I think some of that is just normal male hairline maturation, and nothing can be done to get to back down pre post puberty levels. Hopefully you will still continue to get some improvement over the next 6 to 18 months!


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most of those hairs are hanging down from higher up. But a few are darker looking.

The only reason someone can't keep pre-puberty hair is if those are two sensitive to androgens and died really fast and fully. Theoretically, a good enough topical anti-androgen combined with a good dutasteride regimen and other stuff could make an environment the hairs could survive in.


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well guys thanks for the response.

my "pre-pubert" hairline was very weird...., do you see those hairs in the sides of my hairline (see pic down)? most of them are alone now... but there was my hairline when I had 16, the center of my hairline is almost the same...

I really prefer my hairline now, before was like a woman hairline... really... but I dont want to loose more hair... or density

(Those hairs are gone since...... the 2000)



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you look in good shape man, did you notice just loss in other places, or just the hairline changing?


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bubka said:
you look in good shape man, did you notice just loss in other places, or just the hairline changing?

just the hairline, and a bit of density loss, but only around the hairline zone, more in the right temple (a bad sign if you ask me)


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i have the same sort of black short stray black hairs growing and they are from the propecia.

i think your hairline really looks good.


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There should be a separate section called "Success Stories?" for threads like this :)

Anyways, your hairline did improve a bit. Pretty surprising considering you don't use any topicals



I voted for "almost the same", yet tendency goes towards better. I am with CCS on this one, what looks like new hair is basically the same hair, which was pulled back from your hand in the first pic. Yet, the hair in general looks healthier and somehow thicker. If maintenance was your goal you definetly achieved it.

I have a question, how can you draw such lines in a picture? I am using the freeware "Xnview", yet I don´t manage to find such an option. I am quite a newb when it comes to computers......


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Taugenichts said:
I have a question, how can you draw such lines in a picture? I am using the freeware "Xnview", yet I don´t manage to find such an option. I am quite a newb when it comes to computers......

photoshop :wink:


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id say better.youve at least maintained your hairline.well done.


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Ok guys another picture, I took a new pic today and was a nice one to compare to that pic that I took last year... take a look...


My reg. is the same as the original post, and almost no sides.

Take care guys and keep your hopes up in the treatment.


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it looks as if the temples may have grown back just a bit... was debating that on the 9 month...

still awesome maintenance to say the least! congrats!


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man.... you have the farthest thing from a serious receeding hairline that i have ever seen... i envy your hairline, and i think it's really stupid that you're even here.


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Gangularis said:
man.... you have the farthest thing from a serious receeding hairline that i have ever seen... i envy your hairline, and i think it's really stupid that you're even here.

No man, I had a serious temple receeding and density loss last year....

another pic, this time the right temple (my worst temple)



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Well guys, Im going to update my thread after almost 6 years.

Before the pic I have to say that I quitted propecia, I just got tired of that pill, after a couple of years my penis was failing me, so thats is a no no for me. Im still with nizoral.... and never tried minoxidil (to scared to have a big shed).

I did a big changes in my life though, I changed my diet (no sugar, small amount of sal in my meals, no chocolate, no milk [I became alergic], no processed food and Im eating a lot of vegetables, fruits and almonds lol), also, Im sleeping well now and exercise every day.

Also I changed the way I see the life, I have a more relaxed life without stress, I no longer worry about my hair because I dont really care anymore, and how ironic, I think that way of thinking is helping to controll the loss.

As you can see in the following picture:


I didnt loose much hair in all those years, only the small ones, the hairline its almost the same. But I have to say, the density overall is worst, but almost nobody notice that and its impossible to capture that with my camera, only mysef know that because... well... its my hair.

Also, the way I have sex have changed a lot. Im trying to not ejaculate when I have sex because that way my wife enjoy more the act (I last much longer now) and maybe, I mean maybe that zinc Im saving is helping, I dont know. Btw, I only have sex twice a week and I never masturbate. But I will say this just to be clear, I dont belive that crazy masturbation=hairloss theory.

Also, Ive been with dermmatch all those years.

Another thing that helps: Im shaving those brave hairs that survived and still live where the old hairline was (1 cm down), this way people will never notice that my hair was better before.

Keep fighting guys, if you have a positive way of living you will loose less hair... maybe... :punk:

Temples pics later...


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It looks to me like your male pattern baldness is just VERY slow, and that's a good thing. You might never lose anymore.