My friend thinks the Food we eat causes Acne/Hairloss


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I think acne is a different topic and might be more under control of diet then male pattern baldness is but even acne is a big part genetics like generally when you get it, how bad it gets etc.


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But did you guys know genetics is influenced by diet, our genetics change through diet, but with them poisoning us through foods etc makes sence why more people are suffering diseases etc, after all the pharmaceutical industry love us.


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Hey does anybody know if cutting a 5mg finasteride into 4ths works well? I have a 5mg finasteride but I've been cutting it into half since the size of it is the same as 1mg propecia. I know the coating of the tablet doesn't really matter as long as you have 5mg, but I'm worried that cutting it into 4ths will cause the pills to be too small. Here's whatit loos like


It's the same size and shape as a 1mg propecia, but has 5mg inside it instead of 1mg. Do most of you have a similar looking generic brand in terms of shape & size. And does cutting it into 4ths still prove effective?