The first few weeks I had ball ache, watery semen, and some zits on my forehead. That went away after a month. No sides at all after that. After a two year hiatus (once again, really regret doing that) I've had no sides other than maybe an increased libido. Unfortunately, not sure the medication is working as it once did, been back on for 5-6 months so just going to ride it out.
I have pictures on a different forum when first got on finasteride 5 or 6 years ago, there might be some on here as well. I'll try to find the thread.
From the pictures I've seen it doesn't appear you've taken a huge hit. If you're staring in the mirror all day you're going to drive yourself crazy.
You said you did blood work before taking finasteride. If you are really worried go back to your dermatologist and get your bloodwork done to see if your hormone levels have changed. As far as RH is there any medical documentation on this or is it just a theory created on hair loss forums? Not saying it can't happen, it probably does in some instances, but there should be at least one documented case where finasteride caused someone's DHT levels to spike dramatically. You never hear about this side effect with people who take finasteride for prostate issues.