My Experience On Finesteride/propecia - What Now? (blood Tests)


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Hi All

I have been debating trying Finasteride for around 6 months or so with the standard scare stories putting me off.

I decided to take the safe route. I took a blood test before I started and as soon as that was in the post, I started finasteride.

My initial dosage was 0.25mg and straight away (that very night), I felt tingling in my testicles. I continued taking 0.25mg and within the 2 days or so I noticed watery semen and difficulties maintaining an erection. My libido was more or less unaffected but it was the semen and erection that had me worried.

So three days in to Finasteride my blood test results came back (see attached). Apparently my Testosterone levels are already low (which obviously has nothing to do with Finasteride as these are base line levels taken before starting).


The issues with the erections and watery did not stop and after taking 0.25mg for 8 days (2 pills) I've decided to stop. My erections have somewhat improved (expecting this to return to normal though) and my semen is a lot better too

The reason I stopped was because I hope to have a child within the next 5 years (I'm 25) and was worried about the impact this could have on that. I was planning on increasing the dosage to 0.5mg but a read a few threads on here that if you experience side effects, it is wise to stop and not just push through it. If I was experiencing those side affects at such a low dosage, I imagine 0.5mg would have been worse.

I guess my question is, have I made the right decision to stop aftr 8 days (2 pills), especially given my low Testosterone levels to begin with?


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You are unsuitable to take Finasteride. Don't take Finasteride never more. Wait for new treatments.


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Do you know if any credible source for optimal labs in regard to Hairloss and impacts of propecia. I had similar results and I’ve been considering Finasteride but concerned that with already low DHT and strange thyroid results I be also immediately in the same situation. T always in range but jumps over 200 either direction, trending down.


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I;m not surprised my T levels turned out to be low, I have been experiencing fatigue for a while and issues with my mood but thought nothing of it. Glad I took these tests before deciding to play with my already messed up hormone levels.

I'm now just on the big 2, Minoxidil and Nizoral but feel like these are pretty useless at the moment. Guess I need to look for alternative treatments.. just a shame that finasteride isn't for me


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I wouldn't worry much about your low testosterone, just take the pill and see how it goes. If you experience significant side effects then just drop it. finasteride is really no big deal, it's FDA approved and has been in use for decades, very few people get bad sides.


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But it did kill my erections and I had really watery semen (literally in 2 dosages of 0.25mg). I'm torn, I want to start again but is it risky to ignore the side effects? I feel helpless again without it


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Are you gonna act on your tes levels? TRT?

Could you not go on TRT and finasteride?

What about taking Dutasteride or RU?


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Are you gonna act on your tes levels? TRT?

Could you not go on TRT and finasteride?

What about taking Dutasteride or RU?

Yeah I went to see my GP about them (tests originally done privately). Getting a retest on Friday after which I will be referred to a specialist in hormones to discuss my options (TRT may be one of them) . Shall keep this thread updated

Does anybody know if there are any adverse effects of being on TRT and finasteride at the same time?

Wouldn't Dutasteride have a similar or worse impact in terms of sides? I am going to look in to RU this week


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There shouldn't be as you are only inhibiting Testosterone from converting to DHT. That extra Testosterone will just bind to proteins to become Bio Available Testosterone, converted to Estradiol or bound to SHBG. What time of the day did you have your lab work done? Testosterone levels are generally best to have done early in the morning when your levels are at the highest. They are usually come up lower the later in the day you have them done.

Test was done 7.30am (morning as per the instructions). I'm re-testing this Fri but im not surprised about having low test. I am always extremely fatigued and have been weight lifting for over 2 years with little muscle development. My strength is high but I find hard to maintain the muscle. I may be finding issues with myself because of the results which is another reason why I'm keen to see the results of the retest


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harsh thing, try 0.5mg every other day before sleeping.