More serious health problem causin hair loss?

The Gardener

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It needs to be stopped. All this testosterone floating around these boards is bound to be converted into DHT, which won't help anybody.


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I am not saying you must adopt a Paleolithic diet but it is also worthy of noting that there have been other technological advancements in the field of human health that have extended the average lifespan.

Therefore comparing the average lifespan 10,000 years ago to today is unfair with regards to "diet" and "lifespan".

The bottom line is that a Paleolithic diet even IF slightly modified is going to present you with benefits that are simply not found in modern Neolithic diets of today.

People just need to understand the connection between genetics, diet and hair loss (or for that matter any other ailment) is more relevant than they think.

If you ignore the connection then you are rejecting possibly some of the most valuable information you will ever get your hands on.

Move away from curative to preventative. The message is clear.

...and whats this talk about Gay? Feeling like you want to the do the YMCA after being on these forums?

I think this debate in this particular post we are having is highly important. It needs to be had, read and talked about by others too. This sh!t is as important part of your regimen as anything else or do you simply prefer the same rehashing of posts on Propecia, minoxidil, Nizoral or any other pill, capsule, potion or lotion?

You don't have to answer that either!


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if you read back on some of my posts you'll find im one of the biggest supporters of diet having an effect on hair loss. and yes the paleolithic diet could hold some benefit. i just get a little shiggy when people get onto that 'it was all great when we lived at one with nature' crap. at one with nature.... what when only one in 30 infants would reach adulthood? when a cut finger could lead to infection and painfully slow death? sounds like paradise.

end of rant. :)


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Powersam, I don't doubt your advocacy for health and diet specifically, I was making a sweeping generalization.

However you are now referencing a period in time where modern medicine did not exist.

What do the dietary ways of people who lived in that era and the rate of survival or infectious disease have in common? Very little.

This is why your comment makes no sense to me. Are you saying that living at one with nature references a certain point of time in human history?

You are trying to cross relate living at one with nature, diet, infection disease and the rate of survival with opposite points in time with very different circumstances.

If the era that spawned the Paleolithic diet had the modern medicine that we have of today I would safely theorize that they not only would live longer than us but would have fewer if any genetic dispositions.

...and you could hardly call what we live in today, Paradise.

The Gardener

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Your inability to concede that you were wrong in posting a picture of Dr. Weil and the Macrobiotic diet which you thought I was suggesting but clearing was not proves to me that indeed any intelligent conversational skills truly elude you.

I am assuming those prehistoric dinosaurs are metaphorically a representation of you.


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Gardener you have purposely graphically altered Dr. Weil's photo -- if you turn it around 180 degrees to its original poisition, he is a Norwood 0 and clean shaven with nice sideburns that can be used for BHT in the future when he is 80 yrs old.


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I would be interested in any evidence showing that diet can stop hairloss. I just cant believe they even made a drug called propecia when all they had to was give us a multi vitamin? Ok then eating healthier is better for us? then how on earth do people that eat perfect diets still hit norwood 7? that should be impossible.


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On the other end of the spectrum, I work with a guy that is massively overweight- he trimmed down a little, but still huge, and he has a great head of hair. I mean, thick, healthy- he's thirty with hardly any recession. Plsu, he's suffered from depression for a long time, of and on, so, so much for a great attitude. Speaking of attitude and health, didn't the poor guy that wrote "don't sweat the small stuff" die of cardiac arrest? I feel bad for the guy and his family, but it just shows that if it's in the cards, it's in the cards.


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I'll say it again,

Poor diet over the evolution of mankind has resulted in anomalies passed from generation to generation which are otherwise known as genetic defects. One of these genetic defects is hair loss.

That's why people who eat so called perfect(?) diets still hit a NW7.

However I'd like to know what your definition of perfect is because I'd bet the house on it that what you define as perfect is set within the confines of today's miseducated mass-market of health and wellness.

A person may think he/she eats well but only by todays standards which are defined largely around dollars and cents in a fast past highly process world.

It is this same constraint that people on these forums place their own understanding regarding hair loss and therefore are not willing look beyond the smoke screen to find out the TRUTH about their health.

Instead people ask for evidence proving diet can stop or reverse hair loss whilst the evidence coldly stares you in the face each morning when you look in the mirror. Yes, the evidence is you!

You are the result of evolution. How can you deny that the way we have evolved over the history of man kind has not effected your state of being? If you did deny it, then you'd also not believe in the theory of evolution AT ALL.

If you, and everyone else change their habitual ways of poor eating in generations to come hair loss may not be prevalent!

Though just as most people you probably do not care about the future, your children or their children thereafter.

As with people today we want a solution NOW, preferably YESTERDAY, not in decades to come.

Despite the complexities and the dedication required to rid the gene pool of hair loss short of shooting every diffuse, receding, bald man; you can still make a positive impact on your hair loss by modifying your diet, believe it or not.

I think we have thrashed this topic enough...


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i see my thread took a turn.....

gettin back on topic of my hairloss,

is it ok for me to start off usin nizoral or should i be lookin at purchasin propecia?

id like some input on a regime to grow my hair back


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Pasta, bread, wheat, grains , dairy and even potatoes is a no-no!

What we suppose to eat then?


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tiredofloss said:
i see my thread took a turn.....

gettin back on topic of my hairloss,

is it ok for me to start off usin nizoral or should i be lookin at purchasin propecia?

id like some input on a regime to grow my hair back

It is fine for you to start off using Nizoral but look towards starting Propecia as soon as you can if you're wanting to stabalize your hairloss.


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Before Paleolithic diet:


After Paleolithic diet


OMG!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:


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lot of interesting theories behind the paleolithic diet. all theories however, as determing what diet was eaten back then would simply be guesswork based upon the available plant and animal life. that said, taking a look at the suggested diet, it would probably be great for staving off insulin resistance and diabetes.

The Gardener

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Here is some food for thought...

Obviously, this fellow whacked off too much and ate too much dairy, pasta, white flour, and potatoes.