Minoxidil mixed with Pumpkin seed oil


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So I have been using Rogaine and Dutasteride since 2009. Whatever hair loss I though I had stopped and today I have pretty much a full head of hair. I am 45 years old now. I want to stop taking dutasteride due to some recent articles of liver, kidney and LDL cholesterol issues. I have noticed that my LDL has been unusually high since 2015 even though I am a pescatarian and plaque was recently found in my arteries. Not sure if its related, either way I would like to stop. I currently get my dutas from all day chemist. Recently, Ive read some articles on Pumpkinseed oil and reishi mushrooms that sparked some interest. i know the pumpkinseed trial was mixed with other stuff so its not totally valid in itself but I was wondering if anyone has made a mixture of it with rogaine? Also Ive seen numerous studies of reishi mushroom inhibiting DHT by as much as 70%. Has anyone else seen or heard or tried any of these methods? I currently take mushroom supplements due to my diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis to include Reishi but have no idea of its stand alone effects due to the dutasteride. I know that stopping dutasteride is going to make the hair fall like rain and its going to be drastic in my case cause my hair is very thick right now and Id rather try to find something to pick up the slack before the dutasteride clears my system and it looks like I went through Chemo. Any info would be greatly apprecaited. Thanks again

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I drank concentrated pumpkin seed oil and brewed reishi several times a day. I have also taken peony, licorice root, and many other herbs at various times that have been shown to inhibit AR and suppress T, but it was all even.
Having studied the subject, I realized that all the herbal inhibitors are not compared to chemistry, because their period of inhibition is very short. Even if they suppress DHT by 70%, but because of the short duration of action it will not be beneficial.
It is much better to suppress DHT for 40% for 24 hours than to suppress it for 100% for two hours.

I think herbs/mushrooms can be effective but you have to take them every 3 hours, which in turn will lead to poisoning. So alas, don't waste any time on phytotherapy.


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Thanks for the reply. Is topical Dutasteride effective? I have seen some posts on it with results but whatever they were using seemed to be custom mixed. Thanks again.

Get my hair back

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I've read a lot of good reviews from people using local dutasteride. But I don't think it's all that clear-cut.
The thing is, if you have high systemic DHT, topical dutasteride won't have much success because it will suppress the hormone in the skin, but with the bloodstream it will reach enough to progress Androgenetic Alopecia.
If systemic is normal, you will get better results.


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Hey, Thanks again. So I may just have to take a shot and see what happens. Im sure right now my Systemic DHT is low from taking 1-1.5mg of Dutas for all this time so even if I get a test im sure it will be skewed. I know it takes some time for the Dutas to exit the system but I really dont want to wait and see that hair shower. I though I read somewhere you cant take topical and oral at the same time. Im not sure if that means the same as just having it in you system as I do. It has a long half life and takes a while to clear out.