minoxidil 5% once a day?


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I am getting great results with twice a day after about 5 months. I now am interested in only applying at night. What do you guys think about this?


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if it's doing well keep on it for at least a year..than apply it once a day for maintanence


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I agree with ix, thats exactly what I did. I believed I was at the full potential of what minoxidil was going to give me after 12-14 months so I switched to once per day applications this summer. No negative effects up to this point. I have always shedded a decent clip but it grew back at the same speed so I don't notice any increase in the thinness. Also, its mucho easier to apply before bedtime along with other topicals rather then applying in the AM and having to wait till it dries out. Also I have to apply over my entire 'horseshoe' area of my scalp resulting in a lot of minoxidil being absorbed into the system. Some of the side effects resulted in what I believed were a bloated face and possible headache.


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Shed Master, i'm sorry to hear about your side-effects. I get "rapid heartbeat" sometimes if i put too much on my scalp or if i do it with a wet scalp right after shower...which absorbs into the blood stream easier. So once a day would be great! I have about 7 months and then i will switch to once a day! Thanks for the help guys!


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yes well like I said, it wasnt really bad side effects. I just remember that when I first started minoxidil, I splattered that crap on my entire scalp like it was going out of style. then I learned that it was not necessary. But I did notice a slightly bloated face when using the minoxidil twice per day with 2ml per application. When I went to the once per day this went away. It has been speculated that once per day applications of the minoxidil is sufficient enough to achieve the maximum benefits in the 1st place. So I figured that once per day for maintenance would be plenty. So far so good. I have also started folligen for blondes which I really enjoy so far and seems to control the shedding. I use this along with emu oil. Any other questions?