michael's story - (34 y/o diffuse thinning w/ photos)


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Hello everyone,

Before I tell my story I wanted to say thanx to everyone on these boards for their input, which has helped me throughout the years.

I first noticed I had hairloss when I was about 18 years (I'm 34 now) old when someone was looking at my scalp up close and told me I was beginning to go bald. I didn't pay much attention then, but in the next few years I did realize my hair was beginning to thin-out. I wore a hat a lot and used Couvre back then when I wasn't, so no one really new about my hairloss.

From my early 20's until I was about 26, I did not treat my hairloss. I just used Couvre and then Toppik as I became aware of it. Around 26/27, I began to see multiple Dermatologists regarding my hairloss. I even had a biopsy and was diagnosed w/ male pattern baldness . At this time I began to take 1.25mg of generic Finasteride (which I still take today). A couple years later I began using Nizoral shampoo as well (I also still use it about once very 3/4 days).

So that is my regimen for the last 7/8 years (1.25mg Finasteride and Nizoral). These are the only things I have done to try and treat my hairloss. I have of course used countless products to thicken the appearance of my hair. As a diffuse thinner thickening shampoos and thickeners can really make a difference.

What I currently use for a thickening effect are:
1. I have tried a million, but after reading a post here or somewhere else I tried Pregaine shampoo. I ordered it from the UK, anyway, it has been the best shampoo for thickening that I have tried.
2. I also use Neutrogena T-Gel Greasy Hair which I have just started and seems pretty good.
3. Then the Nizoral, which I already mentioned.
thickeners (sprays, gels, lotions, etc.)
1. Aveda Pure abundance hair potion - I pour the crystals directly on my scalp and it does give a nice thickening effect/added texture.
2. Toppik Hair Fattener
3. Couvre Protien Hair Expander - how much of a difference 2 and 3 make I can't say, they do help and I've used them for years. I know it is probably a bad idea but I throw all the lotions and hope I get a benefit from all, but who knows. I have used many other lotions and sprays, but those are the main three that I currently use.

If I could recommend two products to everyone it would be the Pregaine shampoo and the Aveda Pure Abundance.

On special occasions, although I hate using them (feeling like a fraud/someone finding out) I use concealers. Mostly I use Dermmatch now, I use it dry and rub a bit on my scalp. I try not and use too much. I also use Toppik, but have used Dermmatch more recently as it is easier for me to apply and I only use a bit and it seems to not come off as much in my hands if I touch my scalp.

Sorry that this is a long post, but i'm trying to get everything in. Now I will explain the type of hairloss I have and the specific issues I have that differ from most w/ male pattern baldness.

Like I said earlier I have diffuse thinning. However I have diffuse thinning all over the scalp (even the sides and back). This of course totally sucks, as its one thing to go bald and have hair on the sides and back and its totally another to lose it all. No hair transplant for me unless BHT's become more common and even then I dont have a lot of body hair so I'm not the greatest candidate. As a sidenote - I saw Dr. Cole (hair transplant Dr. in Atlanta) when he was doing consultations in NYC almost a year ago and he didn't think I was a good candidate for a BHT (Body Hair Transplant).
And I also have two thin spots on both sides of my head in the exact same place, right above my ear that is even thinner than the rest. This was pointed out my a barber about 10 years ago. I was also born w/ a growth on my scalp, it protruded a few inches above my scalp, but went down after a couple years but there is still a scar on my scalp. Also I have scalp acne that I've tried everything to get rid of (I've also battled acne all my life but now I mainly get breakouts on my scalp/butt). I took Accutane three times (I don't think it affected my hairloss though).

So this is my dilema; diffuse thinning all over the scalp and I can't shave my head due to scalp acne/etc. Besides the fact that a shaved head doesnt work for me (I tried once). I can't get a hair transplant as I don't have a donor area on my scalp. I know I can't go bald though. I woudl look like a freak. If had typical male pattern baldness I'd shave my head right now and be done w/ it, I really would. Being a diffuse thinner sucks so bad, I put all this junk in my hair so people think I have a good head of hair, but it is so far from that.

Basically I need to do whatever I can save/grow as much hair as I can. The Finasteride is not maintaining. I know I have thinned in the last few years, but i'm still afraid to stop using it for fear things will get worse. I was on Dutasteride for a month 3 years ago, but get scared of what the sides might be and stopped using it. I have never used Minoxidil so that is one possibility. I have the foam and plan to start using it next week. I have been afraid of shedding but I know I need to use minoxidil and I have finally talked myself into buying it and using it.

I have also had a bad habit of running my fingers on my scalp and picking out white bulb like things, like little beads of sand. i feel for them on my scalp and then pull them out. I've done this for as long as I can remember and and it's hard to stop. I know there must be a medical explanation for what these little bulbs are on my scalp and I know I must have some scalp condition because it is definitely unhealthy with the acne and it can be painful as well. I need a doctor who can actually diagnose a scalp condition but I haven't found one yet so I hope someone can help me find one.

If anyone is still reading I have a few questions:
1. Can anyone recommend an endocrinologist in the NYC area? I want to have blood work done and test for thyroid/hormone issues.

2. Can anyone recommend a hairloss/scalp specialist preferably in NY, but I would travel anywhere in the states for a good dr. Either a Derm. or a Tricologist. Has anyone seen Dr. Kingsley in NY? I was thinking of giving him a try.

3. Any recommendations on what else I should add to my regimen would be appreciated (besides the minoxidil which I will start soon). I was thinking of topical spironolactone, tricomin, etc.

I added a few pics; 2 w/ wet hair and one w/ dry hair, they didn't come out great. I'll add more later.

That's about it I guess. Thank you to everyone for their time and feedback.


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You are doing something right in that first pic. Your hair looks thick there, so I assume you used some of those thickeners you were describing before taking the picture? Maybe I need to get a thickener myself as I have diffuse thinning as well.

It definitely wouldn't hurt to try minoxidil. Keep us updated how that goes. That sucks about your scalp acne; I have never heard of that, and I would assume that you have a rare scalp condition. Well, since hair transplant are probably out of the question for you, looks like HM (hair multiplication) will hopefully be the answer. It would be nice if that would become available sooner rather than later.


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There we go..someone who correctly diagnosed himself with diffuse. Damn mate that looks pretty full blown. I suggest you take a look @ some of my pics brotha. Take a clipper to ur head like me (guard 0) and chop that mother f****r down. I got lots of pics that show me going from my long hair to my current look today. Trust me bro take a look before you shrug off the buzzcut.


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The dry and wet pics make day to night difference.


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I added a few more photos below.

You are doing something right in that first pic. Your hair looks thick there, so I assume you used some of those thickeners you were describing before taking the picture? Maybe I need to get a thickener myself as I have diffuse thinning as well.

The hair in front is probably the thickest I have on my entire scalp; go figure. That pic is just after Pregaine shampoo and a blow dry. I will post a photo soon of me w/ the thickeners in my hair and maybe a concealer.

Take a clipper to ur head like me (guard 0) and chop that mother f****r down. I got lots of pics that show me going from my long hair to my current look today. Trust me bro take a look before you shrug off the buzzcut.

I wish I could get a buzzcut, but I have scalp acne which obviously i don't want to show and my hair is very far from as thick as yours, if it was I'd shave my head in a second.

The dry and wet pics make day to night difference.

Yes, my hair does look terrible wet and can look halfway decent dry with the right shampoo and other junk I throw in it.





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Dude, your hair looks near identical to one of the guys I work with. He has coverage everywhere i.e. no receeding no bald spot, but his hair is very thin, its very strange to have no real bald spot in my opinion and have thinning


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Are you kidding me? My hair has degraded a bit since these pics but take a good look again @ the pic where i have my hair up and spiked :SMy hair isnt thick @ all! Only coverage I get is from length not from thickness.


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long hair makes it look nasty if your hair is thin.


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Are you kidding me? My hair has degraded a bit since these pics but take a good look again @ the pic where i have my hair up and spiked :SMy hair isnt thick @ all! Only coverage I get is from length not from thickness.

Well, I think we are probably all our own worse critic when it comes to our hairloss. I hate my hairloss so much I'd take almost anyone else's. To me your hair looks good shaved, my hair wouldn't look like that if I shaved it.


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taug whats up with the new avatar?

It seems like you didn't think you look as bad as you claimed to be.


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Just to update my situation, I went to see an endocrinologist recommended on another board and had all the blood work done (sorry, I don't remember everything he checked but the they took about 6 vials I think). On January 4th I go back to see him and check the results. After that appointment I will list everything he checked and my numbers. BTW, the Endo was a really nice guy and took his time and asked a million questions. He also had seen patients before regarding hair loss. His name is Dr. Hulinsky and he is in New Haven CT.

I haven't started the foam yet. I guess I'm waiting for the 4th to see what the Endo has to say about the blood work.

I also went to see a hair transplant Derm just for the hell of it to see if he did BHT's, which I may have to have in the future. He basically said I have too much hair to have a hair transplant and that I definitely do not have a donor area on the scalp and that most of his patients would love to have my hair. What an @ss; my hair looks like sh*t and he's telling me I'm good and hold off on the Rogaine and save it for when I really need it.

The only thing I want to do now is see a hair/scalp specialist. Someone who will actually look at my scalp and diagnose me w/ whatever scalp condition I have. Also someone who can analyze my hair as well.

If anyone can recommend a Dr. for a scalp/hair analysis, please let me know.



dude you wouldn't look like a freak if you shaved. don't worry about having thin side and back hair when it comes to shaving your head. all that means is you may be able to get away with shaving every other day. if you do a good against the grave shave the first time, you wouldn't be able to see a hair shadow anyway, even if you did have thick wreath(back and sides) hair. a lot of guys who have the thick horseshoe thing going would love to be able to get away with shaving every other day and just lose all the hair rather than keep hair at sides and back.

i am a fellow diffuser like you by the way, as some of my pics show. not back and sides like you too, just top, but diffuse.


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I noticed your hair on the sides is very thin as well, could your hair loss be caused by hormone imbalance?


my opinion is it's a possiblity ragin, but more like 90% chance it's just that diffuse unpatterned alopecia. damn we are seeing a lot of these lately aren't we.


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JayMan said:
my opinion is it's a possiblity ragin, but more like 90% chance it's just that diffuse unpatterned alopecia. damn we are seeing a lot of these lately aren't we.

yup, one of my co-workers has it, he has perfect hairline, but his hair is thinning everywhere.


this is by the far the worst type to have because of the lack of a permanent donor zone, so i hope for the original poster's sake that they do find something minorly wrong with him like a thyroid condition, and that the condition is fixable, because i imagine if they find anything wrong with his thyroid that there's a good chance it's causing it.


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JayMan said:
this is by the far the worst type to have because of the lack of a permanent donor zone, so i hope for the original poster's sake that they do find something minorly wrong with him like a thyroid condition, and that the condition is fixable, because i imagine if they find anything wrong with his thyroid that there's a good chance it's causing it.

I think this kind if hair loss is more likely reversible.


RaginDemon said:
JayMan said:
this is by the far the worst type to have because of the lack of a permanent donor zone, so i hope for the original poster's sake that they do find something minorly wrong with him like a thyroid condition, and that the condition is fixable, because i imagine if they find anything wrong with his thyroid that there's a good chance it's causing it.

I think this kind if hair loss is more likely reversible.

if it's not androgenetic alopecia then it probably is. if it is in fact diffuse unpatterned alopecia(form of Androgenetic Alopecia) though, with no medical things causing it besides genetics, it's actually very hard to reverse. rassman showed a study i think that showed only 50% of people with DUPA could expect maintenance from propecia, after 2 years compared to the 83% overall number. regrowth %'s were a lot lower too


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JayMan said:
RaginDemon said:
JayMan said:
this is by the far the worst type to have because of the lack of a permanent donor zone, so i hope for the original poster's sake that they do find something minorly wrong with him like a thyroid condition, and that the condition is fixable, because i imagine if they find anything wrong with his thyroid that there's a good chance it's causing it.

I think this kind if hair loss is more likely reversible.

if it's not androgenetic alopecia then it probably is. if it is in fact diffuse unpatterned alopecia(form of Androgenetic Alopecia) though, with no medical things causing it besides genetics, it's actually very hard to reverse. rassman showed a study i think that showed only 50% of people with DUPA could expect maintenance from propecia, after 2 years compared to the 83% overall number. regrowth %'s were a lot lower too

thanks for the info JayMan, if thats the case, it certainly IS the worst type of hair loss.