Maliniak Method


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If you had done any research prior to posting you would discover that Leon has answered the question regarding hair transplants. Whether his explaination is correct or not doesn't "debunk" whether the method works or doesn't. Just because something doesnt have a solid answer doesn't mean it doesn't work.


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yes yes and that answer was BS.... no one has regrew any hair from this method. Your pictures are crap and they don't show anything. Also - what about Vin Diesel?


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In your opinion perhaps, that doesn't mean there isn't a reasoning behind it.

Why do you care so much about Vin Diesel? I'm sure he's not suffering much from his lack of hair.


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elliotramsey said:
In your opinion perhaps, that doesn't mean there isn't a reasoning behind it.

Why do you care so much about Vin Diesel? I'm sure he's not suffering much from his lack of hair.

you're just making that guy money.... you won't grow any hair. male pattern baldness is simply androgenic, that's why it's called - ANDROGENIC ALOPECIA. male pattern baldness has some connection to prostate, look into that. Head shape? wands? Won't work. PERIOD. The only reason I mentioned Vin Diesel is because of this head shape...


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Luckily us humans still have free will, so I don't have to listen to you.

And FYI, Mr. Maliniak is not making any money off of me. On the contrary, he asked me to try his program and honestly report my results, to either validate or invalidate the method. He even provided me with a device that he recommended free of charge. All I have to do is honestly report my experience, no questions asked.

Call me crazy, but I think most scam artists take peoples money.


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elliotramsey said:
Luckily us humans still have free will, so I don't have to listen to you.

And FYI, Mr. Maliniak is not making any money off of me. On the contrary, he asked me to try his program and honestly report my results, to either validate or invalidate the method. He even provided me with a device that he recommended free of charge. All I have to do is honestly report my experience, no questions asked.

Call me crazy, but I think most scam artists take peoples money.

It's been over a year... no one has regrew anything. You are all wasting time


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Since the thread was created? Yes, it has been over a year. But definitely not since actually starting the method.

I can tell you are another one of those people who just needs to have the last word. I don't know why you insist on trolling this thread. You don't agree with it, fine. But unless you have something more intelligent than "it's BS, what about Vin Diesel" then just don't post. Half the pages of this thread could be cut away if you people would let us discuss but rather it's full of "this is BS!!!" posts. They don't contribute anything meaningful, so just stop.


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elliotramsey said:
Since the thread was created? Yes, it has been over a year. But definitely not since actually starting the method.

I can tell you are another one of those people who just needs to have the last word. I don't know why you insist on trolling this thread. You don't agree with it, fine. But unless you have something more intelligent than "it's BS, what about Vin Diesel" then just don't post. Half the pages of this thread could be cut away if you people would let us discuss but rather it's full of "this is BS!!!" posts. They don't contribute anything meaningful, so just stop.

I don't know the guy but he seems to troll all threads. Always negative, never helps but causes problems.


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My last argument here: Look at my first picture. That is not where I started. That was a picture of the new hairs that had come in at the 2 month mark and the picture is of an area about 2 square inches where I had lost my hair at my temple. All hair on my head is over a foot long so anything less than a foot long is new growth. That area pretty much had no hair when I started this.

Now look at my last picture at the 6 month mark. I'd say that 2 square inch area has about 50 hairs now. I'm not going to be putting it into dreadlocks anytime soon but that is 25 hairs per square inch I have acquired in 6 months.

So, all I can say at this point is there is something where nothing was and it has come in consistantly the same each month. Hopefully the progress continues for another 6 months.

I've had my say. I'm out.

Wayne Sunn

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Hi everybody. Although I've lost a lot of confidence in this idea, I'm still valiantly carrying on by doing the Maliniak Method religiously, hoping that mine is just a stubborn case and results are right around the corner. So far, no results, and I am doing it correctly.

Good luck to everyone, and thank you to Leon Maliniak, Drex, and Elliot Ramsey for always continuing to encourage others to try this method.



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your skulls are fine geez...... yeah yeah just do some massages and use a special wand and you'll grow a full head of hair! :innocent: :innocent: :innocent:
this is a more ridiculous theory than a flat earth one...


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^This is exactly what I was talking about a couple posts back.

Can a mod please ban this guy from posting in the thread? He obviously doesn't know how to contribute anything meaningful. ALL of his posts do nothing but bash and add unnecessary length to an already long thread.

And it's just plain annoying.


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hey guys, I just jointed the forum and would like to share my experience with Maliniak method. Hopefully we can all get good results at the end.

ok a little about myself: I'm now 29 and still have most of my hair. but it's been thining on the top and crow in the past 2-3 year. around middle of last year, I felt I have to do something about it and found out about Maliniak Method. I actually liked the idea becasue it doesn't used any drugs etc. and I had never tried any hair restoration method or drug before. so I bought the book and started the massage thing in June 2011. I didn't buy the machine at that time and just started with the massage. at the beginning I should say that I didn't do the msassage regularly and of course didn't get much results.

so in September 2011 I bought the machine, exactly the one that Leon Maliniak uses and started the method seriously deom October last year. since then, I've been massaging the scalp 10-15min a day and using the machine 2 times a day, 7 min each time. I actually use a timer to make sure I do enough.

I almost ididn't get any results till January and after that I started to see that my hair in the frost (which wasn't fairly thick and wasn't a problem area really) is starting to get even thicker, which was good. but have not yet since noticed any substantial changes on my problem spots. it's now almost 7 months that I'm using the method, but I still do believe in the method and won't give up as Mr. Maliniak says.

I should aslo say that I've been using a type of hair thickening fibre to cover up my thin spots. I've been using it in the past 6-7 month actually almost same time as I started the method. I use the fibre daily but I also wash my hair daily. about 2 months ago, I talked with Leon and told him about using the fibre, He advised me to stop using the fibre as it may clog the skin pores on scalp. but honestly, I have not stopped using the fibre and that can be the problem. but I hate the thin hair so much that I can't stop using it.

anyways, that was my story..just curious if any of use have used the thickening fibres and what do you think about it! it's a natural product and doesn;t seem to be interfering with the Maliniak Method...any thoughts?


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I believe the topic of hair fibres blocking pores has been tackled already in the cosmetic section and I think the concensus was it would not cause any harm.


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It shouldn't have any negative effect unless you aren't washing your scalp on a regular basis.

I have a bottle of the stuff but I never use it. There's just something about "faking it" that I can't bring myself to do. Besides, my crown is fine and it wouldn't benefit my hairline much because instead of getting in the hair it just gets on my forehead.


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I hope these guys continue to go on and continue to post updates (with pics) whether they are positive, negative or neutral.

We need people to keep testing things otherwise a 'cure' will never be found, I'm not sure why there is so much negativity in this thread. It isn't like any of them are trying to sell the ebook and wand.


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the world is full of negative people with nothing to contribute; they're just selfish people and thats just life. Anyways i'm at the 6.5 month mark. nothing much happening, still elongating a few vellus hairs here and there at the front, and my stubbly crown has a nice bristly feel that it didn't have prior. Nothing really cosmetic going on tho. its really hard to tell an overall effect when i keep my hair 1mm long, i just don't see any new terminal hairs.


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To me success is a halt of hairloss, but that is because I still have an acceptable amount of hair. If I am able to keep what I have for most of my life using these techniques then that is nothing short of a miracle (and science).

The past couple weeks my temples have felt different when I touch them. Like a thin layer of hair that is coming up, definitely not as long as my regular hair (about an inch or so right now).

Here is a really interesting observation I have though, and it is in regards to other people and me.

Since I started my college career a year and 1/2 ago, i've met at least 3 guys who definitely showed signs of aggressive hairloss. I considered myself to have aggressive hairloss given the state of my hairline at my age.

Well, a year and 1/2 later, my hair is still nearly the same as it was when college started, but their hair has gotten REALLY bad. One guy who had a decent amount of hair when I met him now has a huge bald spot on his crown. Another i've only known this year, and his hair is getting REALLY bad, when it was passable before.

So whether I credit that to the Maliniak Method, I don't know, but i'm definitely not going to stop to find out.


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ok, f it i'm going to try this method after my hair piece solution went balls up because it was so damn uncomfortable and too much work!

now i've got a buzzed cut and look alright but wish to fill out my crown and temples..

ellio, can you please tell me where to buy the devices you're using? can you summarize what methods you're using to retain hair atm?

where did you buy your violet ray machine?


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where did you buy your violet ray machine?

i don't want to buy it off Maliniak as it's way too pricey!