Maliniak Method


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i'm at the same stage as you cleve, not quite ready to dance in the streets lol; i just hope it turns into somthing cosmetic. The fact that it is strengthening some vellus hairs is significant however, even if nothing comes of them because this may turn out to be a way to prevent further loss.


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4th picture is up. 4 months, one week. I see continued progress, although extremely slow as always. It seems to me, up close as well as standing back in the mirror, that it is filling in from the edges. I don't know why it would happen like that but that's what's apparent to me in real life. You can even see in the recent picture that the hairs nearest to my older hair are still not as thick. That's how it has been going..the newer hairs take at least a month to thicken.

Cosmetic success, as you guys mention, is what we're striving for. As this has gone on, I had figured it would take 6 months to see that but at times now, I believe I see a small bit of improvement without looking for it.

I will not be hanging around here arguing with people who say this doesn't work without them even trying it. It would be like their ancestors claiming the earth was flat without leaving their village.

The reason I post is because for one, it's exciting to me. The other reason is I first came to this thread looking for someone who had done what I am doing now. It was too early yet for me so I am doing it for the ones watching this to see if it works out. I am glad you other guys are getting varied levels of success. Maybe it just takes longer for some? I don't know. I will be back around the 25th with another pic.


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Here are the sanctimonious douchebag's Drex1999's photos.

Surprise surprise they are all at different angles and don't show a thing.

drex1999 said:
I will not be hanging around here arguing with people who say this doesn't work without them even trying it. It would be like their ancestors claiming the earth was flat without leaving their village.

Yes on that basis we should all run out and try every nonsense treatment we can get our hands on, because to not do so is tantamount to believing the world is flat. :jackit:


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Not even in order. Nice job, lol!

I was able to grow those new hairs you can see in every picture when you zoom in just to trick you. I'm crafty like that. You have the floor for the next 3 weeks. Try not to hurt yourself.


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...those new hairs you can see in every picture.

So we take your word for it they're new. Good one.

Order is clearly completely irrelevant since different angles in every one.

You're either mates with Maliniak or you're just a nutcase.


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Don't fuel the trolls Drex, just let him be.

Hairhoper, you don't have anything useful to contribute to this thread, so please refrain from posting until you do. Thanks.

I'll say this about your photos Drex, you sure haven't LOST any hair. That is a good sign IMO.


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You really think you and drex are contributing anything useful by keeping up this nonsense without a shred of evidence there is anything to it?

Yet criticism and demanding proof for your crazy claims is trolling and not useful?

Funny how that works out for you and your mate's e-book isn't it. Pretty amazing how you started this thread over a year ago and you're still so hyped about it despite no-one having any results with it.

It's also amazing your interpretation of Maliniak's photos in your opening post. They show nothing of what you described, just like Drex's photos, claiming to see progress with absolutely zero photo evidence to back it up.

To be clear the pictures on Maliniak's site are totally inconsistent in angle and lighting, they could be of several different people for all we know. (And we do know there are many companies that routinely do this for before/afters, why would we expect anything less of another guy flogging a product online). The most suspicious are the almost completely bald ones as it is highly suspicious that anyone would ever take photos at such an angle when they had no expectation for some magical hair improvement to suddenly occur. And no surprise there are no photos of the guys face, matching up to his supposed heavy baldness days.

If you believe this you'll believe anything.


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Uhh okay.. the thread was started last June, so I don't think it's been quite a year, but none of us were properly on the method until more recently.. I don't really have anything to prove to you since i'm not seeking your validation however. All I can say is that I haven't lost more hair. I can't prove that cus i'm at college and if I took pictures in this different lighting you would give me crap about faking it.

Wayne Sunn

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Hi everyone. I didn't check this thread often enough to realize zambutu replied to me. Thanks for doing that zambutu, and I will now reply at length thanks to your reminder. I started using the Maliniak Method last summer, not last November. My post that you quoted was from last November because at that time I bought an even higher rating violet wand. As it turns out, the violet wand I'd been using up til then was indeed powerful enough, but I wanted to be absolutely sure I followed Mr Maliniak's instructions (Hi!) to the letter.

I've been using this method a long time, and before anyone asks for photo (understandably), I don't have any positive result photos to show. Nothing's happening but a lot of cumulative lost time, lost hope, lost money (high quality violet wands aren't cheap) and an ever-creeping doubt. Some of the people posting here may think there's a good reason we're not seeing photos from anyone that are convincing. You'd think there'd be tons of photos by now from all around the world, and some of the postings seem to be from the same people at times, seemingly trying to appear that they're separate people. I am not naming specific names, so no innocent party should be bothered by that observation. Some of the people I shared this thread with (and the immortal hair website's Maliniak thread you'll find if you Google it) said the same thing. Why are so many people becoming personally offended when someone understandably asks for proof of the huge claim being made? We all know there have been thousands of claims over the years regarding the answer to hairloss, so of course people are going to ask for proof. Of course.

Since my previous posts were quoted, please also read my past posts on this subject for my list of concerns, since I don't want to elaborate on them again, one by one. But I must say that I'm surprised the bornagainhair site still doesn't have any result photos more recent than June 2011. It's reasonable to ask why, so please, don't anyone start playing the naysayer, sarcasm, or "I'm offended" card. Let's please stick to the facts and realize that a huge, huge world-altering claim has been made here that many desperate people (like me) are taking seriously. There's nothing wrong with asking for photos if the method works.

All I know is I really, really wish this method worked for me, but it's not. The theory made perfect sense to me, it still does Leon, but I can't come here to this thread and say I'm growing tons of hair, or any hair. Because I'm not. By the way, I am also occasionally following the other thread about the Maliniak Method at Immortal Hair (you'll have to Google it. The robots on this site removed the link I gave) in hopes of reading about some breakthroughs.

Again, sorry Drex/Elliot/Zam/LM/etc, but I am doing it the right way, and it's not working for me. I hope it works for others, though. I am still hopeful, but am losing hope by the day. I'd hate to think I' wasted even more precious time with misplaced hope yet again.



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zambutu said:
Wayne, which wand were you using previously?


just how stupid are you people? none of this sh*t will make ANY DIFFERENCE!


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zambutu said:
my question still stands for Wayne only..

If Maliniak method did indeed work then I'm sure Vin Diesel would be using it and yet he's still bald...


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elliotramsey said:
Uhh okay.. the thread was started last June, so I don't think it's been quite a year.

That's not what the forum says Shilly McShill-Pants. Your opening post for this thread was in January 2011, almost 14 months ago:

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 3:30 pm


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Wayne Sunn said:
... But I must say that I'm surprised the bornagainhair site still doesn't have any result photos more recent than June 2011. It's reasonable to ask why, so please, don't anyone start playing the naysayer, sarcasm, or "I'm offended" card. Let's please stick to the facts and realize that a huge, huge world-altering claim has been made here that many desperate people (like me) are taking seriously. There's nothing wrong with asking for photos if the method works. ...

Nice post.

Yep. Weird isn't it how these guys are so very defensive in response to reasonable requests for any proof that there is anything to their claims which as you rightly say are pretty 'huge' in the scheme of things.


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hairhoper said:
That's not what the forum says Shilly McShill-Pants. Your opening post for this thread was in January 2011, almost 14 months ago:

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 3:30 pm

Wow okay so now we are name calling. How mature.


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No, but you're just amazingly psyched about something which... 1 year later, still smells just as scammy and has still shown no results.

Weird. :dunno:


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hairhoper said:
No, but you're just amazingly psyched about something which... 1 year later, still smells just as scammy and has still shown no results.

You seem to keep forgetting that none of us have been doing this for close to a year, yet you base your judgements off the misconception that we have.

That's like me going into the general discussion forum and saying that I have been considering taking propecia for a year, but only started 5 months ago, but still no results so it must be full of crap.

Which, btw, if I were to post in that forum saying that i've been on mainstream meds for 5 months and had no results, I would get a flood of people telling me to not even evaluate until I've been doing it a year or longer.


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Let me preface this by stating I applaud your skepticism for products. I am the same way and its how we weed out products in the long term.

However, at this point the conversation isn't really going anywhere.

Lets let these guys who are trying this a little breathing room and let them discuss it. These guys have been fair in that they haven't created dozens of threads on this and they haven't lost their temper.

Skepticism site wide is what this site is about but I also want to give everyone room to discuss new treatments.