Male, 18 - Am I balding


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Also I don't think it's a shed because they were falling out as I was applying the oil

If this is really what happened, then it's either what you bought was definitely not rosemary oil but rather something really harsh or you had a really low quality oil that probably didn't even resemble rosemary oil in the first place and your scalp is super sensitive which caused it to react that way + you'd probably still have had to used the essential oil straight with no carrier oil for such to happen (because diluting it in the amount of Carrier Oil you supposedly used would definitely not give it any harsh effects, not even skin irritation).

I literally just did a Google search to see if theres any articles or anything at all about Rosemary Oil and shedding or accelerated hair loss. And there is absolutely nothing. Literally nothing, zero, nada, zilch. You're actually the first person on the entire internet to claim that Rosemary caused hairloss lol.

Rosemary Oil has an absolute flawless track record in terms of such claims lol seriously search for yourself. At absolute worst I can understand if someone said they had no positive results, but hearing someone actually lost several hairs instantly - sounds unbelievable

I can only imagine how many more hairs you'd lose if you applied a far stronger topical like Minoxidil...

But yes the decision is all yours. Infact I'll only be visiting this thread in 3 months time at the very least (if I still remember) because right now you're too emotional and not giving anything enough time.


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I agree with Micky, it looks the same to me. And the way you were holding your hair on the first pic (Pulling the hair on your right temple) is different than on the second pic and makes your hairline look worse. Having to start thinking about this stupid condition at 18 years old is a huge blow dude, but you gotta chill out. You won't go bald soon unless you start losing huge strands of hair once you turn 19, ala Patrick Stewart, the role model for many bald dudes worldwide. So do your best to take it easy, and try to focus on your exams.

I'm not knowledgeable on natural treatments because personally I don't think they're of much use for treating hair loss, and I'd rather trust science. But both Finasteride and Minoxidil can cause hair to fall out (This is called a shed) when you start taking them, and this is a sign that they're working. For some people these sheds can be huge (I'm talking 100+ hairs daily) that's why I'll shave my head before starting finasteride, to avoid anxiety just in case I have a big shed. So, you losing hair when you started using these oils could be a sign that they're working, although 2 weeks is too early in my opinion. It could simply be that you lose this amount of hair (People can lose 30-100 hairs daily) when you style it and you just noticed now. I lost a good amount of hair (10-20 daily) while styling my hair with a bit of wax when I was 19-21 years old, and never put much thought into it even though I knew a fair bit about baldness, because my temples looked okay and my front wasn't thinning noticeably to me. The most important factor on baldness isn't how much hair you lose, but how many follicles die and don't grow back due to DHT destroying them, and leaving the area barren for a long time. So don't put too much thought into how many hairs you are losing daily, but take pics every 2-3 months or so to compare.

I agree with Nicky here. I also respect his decision to go with FDA approved treatments only.

However, there have been multiple studies proving that Rosemary Oil stimulates hair growth. There was even a study done which compared Minoxidil to Rosemary Oil and they had similar results.

Sometimes the simple things work. Science is great, it's interesting, but there's many things than science doesn't know and when everything isn't known, facts can't be drawn about everything.

Similarly to how scientists can't explain how Ketoconazole Shampoo has anti-androgenic characteristics and promotes hair growth even in people without dandruff/seborrheic dermatitis. Yet Ketoconazole Shampoo/Nizoral is in the "Big 3" treatments for Hairloss.

For such reasons I believe it's always good to keep an opened mind.


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I agree with Nicky here. I also respect his decision to go with FDA approved treatments only.

However, there have been multiple studies proving that Rosemary Oil stimulates hair growth. There was even a study done which compared Minoxidil to Rosemary Oil and they had similar results.

Sometimes the simple things work. Science is great, it's interesting, but there's many things than science doesn't know and when everything isn't known, facts can't be drawn about everything.

Similarly to how scientists can't explain how Ketoconazole Shampoo has anti-androgenic characteristics and promotes hair growth even in people without dandruff/seborrheic dermatitis. Yet Ketoconazole Shampoo/Nizoral is in the "Big 3" treatments for Hairloss.

For such reasons I believe it's always good to keep an opened mind.
Hey man, I think that I didn't dilute the rosemary oil enough, or I didn't buy pure rosemary oil. Either way, I stand by what I've experienced, that being that I've noticed more hair fall / thinning since applying it, I'm not attacking rosemary oil as a treatment, I'm just saying my experience with it was probably due to buying crap oil, and putting too much in my hair


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Ok I'm gonna take a break from this forum and tressless for a couple of weeks, because I think that some of the things I'm reading are making me increasingly paranoid
Good idea, see you in 3 months, take note of the things I pointed out regarding taking of pictures for when you take your before and after set of pictures. Try to take pictures that are consistent every 3 months. Same camera angle, same brightness, same head angle, same arms length distance, same hair length, same hair style, same amount of pressure on the hair when raising your hair to show your hairline.

Good luck with tests and exams.


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Hey man, I think that I didn't dilute the rosemary oil enough, or I didn't buy pure rosemary oil. Either way, I stand by what I've experienced, that being that I've noticed more hair fall / thinning since applying it, I'm not attacking rosemary oil as a treatment, I'm just saying my experience with it was probably due to buying crap oil, and putting too much in my hair


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This is what's happened to me


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Friend, listen to me please. I think there's some thinning going on, and you are still pretty young... We all know Finasteride is the best drug to fight male pattern baldness, so, if you don't want to take it because you think it will make your dick fall, at least get some natural 5ar inhibitor, like saw palmetto...
I think there are many trolls on this forum. I can't believe someone actually told you not to use finasteride and just said "don't masturbate and don't stress out" LOL. What the hell is that supposed to mean? You will never fight male pattern baldness just not stressing out and not masturbating, this MUST be a troll, i can't believe someone actually said that. You are really really young, and the thinning is already pretty visible, you can start with something natural (saw palmetto, as I told you), but you will have to use Finasteride eventually, at least if you want to keep your hair on your head.
Finasteride+minoxidil works pretty well on the hairline too, especially when your hair is just thinning and not completely gone.
Yeah I think I'm gonna skip straight to Finasteride


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Ok so the moral of my story is don't f*** with these shitty natural oils bullshit. They literally made me lose so much hair.
I wouldn't blame the natural oils. It's either as you say, the fact that you bought a sh*t oil, possibly not even 100% pure or possibly not even rosemary oil but some fake sh*t that's possibly harmful. That's why whatever you buy, make sure it's high quality. I'm sure I mentioned that somewhere. So really not any blame to rosemary oil.
I'm not f*****g around with this sh*t natural treatments. I am a good example of why they are terrible. I'm so f*****g pissed off right now. I'd much rather take a drug that has been used in FDA trials than some oil I bought of Amazon. I don't know why you are so defensive of it. The oil I bought claimed to be 100%.

Guys if there's anything to learn from my story is don't put any sh*t that isn't FDA approved in your hair.
I agree with Micky, it looks the same to me. And the way you were holding your hair on the first pic (Pulling the hair on your right temple) is different
I tried to recreate the photo in the same lighting and angle, but it just wasn't possible. Because I've lost my entire temple from it.

It is much worse in real life even my family noticed.

I was gonna take a break from the forum, but I am so pissed off right now that I need to come back on here and vent.


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Friend, listen to me please. I think there's some thinning going on, and you are still pretty young... We all know Finasteride is the best drug to fight male pattern baldness, so, if you don't want to take it because you think it will make your dick fall, at least get some natural 5ar inhibitor, like saw palmetto...
I think there are many trolls on this forum. I can't believe someone actually told you not to use finasteride and just said "don't masturbate and don't stress out" LOL. What the hell is that supposed to mean? You will never fight male pattern baldness just not stressing out and not masturbating, this MUST be a troll, i can't believe someone actually said that. You are really really young, and the thinning is already pretty visible, you can start with something natural (saw palmetto, as I told you), but you will have to use Finasteride eventually, at least if you want to keep your hair on your head.
Finasteride+minoxidil works pretty well on the hairline too, especially when your hair is just thinning and not completely gone.
The thinning is from the rosemary oil, it made all the hairs on my temple fall out


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Friend, listen to me please. I think there's some thinning going on, and you are still pretty young... We all know Finasteride is the best drug to fight male pattern baldness, so, if you don't want to take it because you think it will make your dick fall, at least get some natural 5ar inhibitor, like saw palmetto...
I think there are many trolls on this forum. I can't believe someone actually told you not to use finasteride and just said "don't masturbate and don't stress out" LOL. What the hell is that supposed to mean? You will never fight male pattern baldness just not stressing out and not masturbating, this MUST be a troll, i can't believe someone actually said that. You are really really young, and the thinning is already pretty visible, you can start with something natural (saw palmetto, as I told you), but you will have to use Finasteride eventually, at least if you want to keep your hair on your head.
Finasteride+minoxidil works pretty well on the hairline too, especially when your hair is just thinning and not completely gone.
The thinning is from the rosemary oil, it made all the hairs on my temple fall


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The hairs from my temple are all gone. I've gone from a Norwood 1.5 to a 2 on that temple in a matter two weeks. I hope this hair regrows, but I doubt it will


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The hairs from my temple are all gone. I've gone from a Norwood 1.5 to a 2 on that temple in a matter two weeks. I hope this hair regrows, but I doubt it will
Lol hair doesn’t go that fast unless you’re experiencing Telogen Effluvium. It’s in your head. Maybe your shampooing habits have changed or maybe you’re brushing it in a weird way. Maybe pulling back your hairline constantly has distorted your perspective of what your hairline looks like. Trust me, it would take months, not weeks for your hairline to change. Each hair cycle is 3 months so measure your thinning based on that.

Anyways, tell your mom that you’re depressed from this and that you’re old enough to make decisions about hair loss. Start rogaine and microneedling, do that for two more years and then start finasteride. I also second the recommendation of using keto (2%) shampoo. It has anti androgenic effects on your scalp and will slow down hair loss according to studies. You need to leave it on for a while though, like ten or 15 mins


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The hairs from my temple are all gone. I've gone from a Norwood 1.5 to a 2 on that temple in a matter two weeks. I hope this hair regrows, but I doubt it will
Trust Selb man, he knows a lot about this stuff. If it's any relief you could try oral castor oil along with the keto shampoo and Minoxidil 5%+dermarolling later on if your parents don't let you use it yet. I haven't seen any big conclusive studies on oral castor oil but there are some success stories where guys used it and people who've been dealing with hair loss for a while, like Derek from More Plates More Dates said it could be of some use to grow some hair and facial hair. I'm considering going this route along with the keto shampoo I've been using for a month and the Finasteride that I'll start taking next week since microneedling alone without any minoxidil may be kinda useless. Plus, maybe this stuff could let me gain a bit more density for my handlebar+musketeer beard so maybe it could help you grow facial hair too. I couldn't grow any decent facial hair back when I was 18, only a weak moustache and a crappy soul patch.


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keto (2%) shampoo. It has anti androgenic effects on your scalp and will slow down hair loss according to studies. You need to leave it on for a while though, like ten or 15 mins
Hey, I was looking at nizoral shampoo reviews, and apparently it is really harsh on your hair, like nizoral fried hair, how often should I use it?


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Anyways, tell your mom that you’re depressed from this and that you’re old enough to make decisions about hair loss. Start rogaine and microneedling,
I've been told to stop self pitying and just accept it and get over it as there's nothing I can do. Which is making me more depressed because I know there's stuff I can do.

Saving up for a DermaPen, and waiting till I can see a dermatologist to use minoxodil, as they don't want me meeting with the trichologist that I previously arranged to meet up with, as they have this conspiracy theory that trichologists are scammers and trying to get me hooked on fake health treatments for life
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Trust Selb man, he knows a lot about this stuff. If it's any relief you could try oral castor oil along with the keto shampoo and Minoxidil 5%+dermarolling later on if your parents don't let you use it yet. I haven't seen any big conclusive studies on oral castor oil but there are some success stories where guys used it and people who've been dealing with hair loss for a while, like Derek from More Plates More Dates said it could be of some use to grow some hair and facial hair. I'm considering going this route along with the keto shampoo I've been using for a month and the Finasteride that I'll start taking next week since microneedling alone without any minoxidil may be kinda useless. Plus, maybe this stuff could let me gain a bit more density for my handlebar+musketeer beard so maybe it could help you grow facial hair too. I couldn't grow any decent facial hair back when I was 18, only a weak moustache and a crappy soul patch.
Grow your hair long into a manbun and go for the look of Sean Connery in this pic:



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Didn't Sean Connery wear a hair piece?
Yeah in the James Bond movies and some other movies he did. I've read he started balding at 21. He had pretty bad hair loss at 36:


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Lol hair doesn’t go that fast unless you’re experiencing Telogen Effluvium. It’s in your head. Maybe your shampooing habits have changed or maybe you’re brushing it in a weird way. Maybe pulling back your hairline constantly has distorted your perspective of what your hairline looks like. Trust me, it would take months, not weeks for your hairline to change. Each hair cycle is 3 months so measure your thinning based on that.
I think I experienced a reaction to the rosemary oil, and it made my hairs fall out. When I was applying it, 10-20 hairs would fall off straight away. Now I've stopped applying it, my shedding has decreased greatly. It was also making my scalp burn intensely. Glad I only took it for two weeks would've screwed me over more if I didn't stop it
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