Major Recession. Should I Shave It All Off? (m26)


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If you are afraid of Finasteride, you'll eventually go bald. That's the fact. Its antiandrogens or baldness.

But you can slow it dow for a while with Minoxidil, Stemoxydine, dermarolling / microneedling, hair vitamins, good shampoo and scalp massages. It won't be the final solution, but it'll give you a few more years.

You can also try topical antiandroges, like Finastopic or RU or CB.


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Don't listen to justbeconfident, he is bald so he wants everyone else to be bald too. It looks like you still have thick hair, just recession, so there's no need to shave it. You could get on finasteride and get a hair transplant, and you'll be all set. Don't be a bald, delusional loser like justbeconfident. Everyone laughs at the deluded fool who has confidence when none is warranted.

Thanks for your reply.
I'm actually looking at a hair transplant and have an appointment set in 2 weeks time.
Any drugs like finasteride are not an option for me for personal reasons but a hair transplant or platelets I am willing to try.


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Just an update, I've tried different hairstyles, derma rolling, alot of hair thickening shampoos and conditioners and scalp massaging to keep hair loss at a minimum.
I go for a consultation for a hair transplant in 2 weeks time.
How do things look when my hair is styled?
Is the recession/hair loss noticeable?


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Do you have hair loss in your family? It's usually hereditary.

Before shaving head, try different hair styles or keep the current hair style as long as you can before needing to buzz cut or shave head.


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Do you have hair loss in your family? It's usually hereditary.

Before shaving head, try different hair styles or keep the current hair style as long as you can before needing to buzz cut or shave head.

Yes, my dad had recession way worse than mine is at 27.
My uncles are mainly bald apart from 2 of them.

I was thinking shaven sides and keeping the top.


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You’re not gonna go bald. You’d look terrible with a shaved head.

- do you have strands of hair on your hands or in the bathtub after you take a shower?
- can you gently pull hair from your scalp and they come out?
- do you have itch or redness on a daily basis?

You have minimal recession. If you must have a transplant, wait a bit and see if you’re stable. Don’t touch medications of any kind if you got none of the aforementioned circumstances. A 2500 graft transplant will more than enough fix it but if you do it in the wrong doctor, the blending won’t be good (since your hair is thick) and a dozen things can go wrong.

Thanks for replying.

Only a few fall out in the shower or when I gel my hair, like maximum of 5-10 I'd say.

Not if I gently pull, only if I move it to put it back as a quiff will one or two fall out.

No itching as of such, only after I derma roll but that's normal.

No worries. I go for the consultation in two weeks so will know more about the transplant then to see how bad my hairline is.


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As long as you’re not taking anything topically that has minoxidil, hair shouldn’t just fall out while styling back. I may hate this drug but if you do end up losing more, propecia is the only way. Don’t even touch anything else. I’d check thyroid if I were you, this may be a cause (if you had a very stressful period recently). TSH, T4, T3, free T4, free T3, antitpo. Don’t neglect this because if you do have Hashimoto, you need to act fast (with animal thyroid medication that will not work on replacing the gland but rather work on the liver to stop hashimoto, or so they claim). Don’t jump on the transplant wagon yet, 26 is early (and frankly your hair looks very good for now).

The hair gel I use is quite think so might be why 5 - 10 hair fall out when styling?
Other than that it sheds a little but again, only like 5-10 hairs a time. Is this not normal?

I'm also looking into platelets for hair growth.


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You need to get on finasteride ASAP. Stop being a fuc*ing wimp if you want to save your hair.

Here is your f*cking prescription since you asked:
1) Topical finasteride (0.1%) mixed with minoxidil (5%). Your chances of side effects are probably less than 0.01% with this.
2) Dermarolling once a week.
3) Consider a hair transplant if you want to correct your recession.
4) Stop being a p&ssy.

You can add nizoral shampoo three times a week if you want. It will do little to anything anyway.


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You need to get on finasteride ASAP. Stop being a fuc*ing wimp if you want to save your hair.

Here is your f*cking prescription since you asked:
1) Topical finasteride (0.1%) mixed with minoxidil (5%). Your chances of side effects are probably less than 0.01% with this.
2) Dermarolling once a week.
3) Consider a hair transplant if you want to correct your recession.
4) Stop being a p&ssy.

You can add nizoral shampoo three times a week if you want. It will do little to anything anyway.

Oh, look at you being all hard and calling someone a p*ssy over the Internet....

Some of us have reason we can't take the drugs your f***ING moron so yes, I am looking at other options to deal with it.

Some people.


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It really depends on how important your hair is to you. I noticed my hair was receding from the age of 27 but I was in denial for a while as it was only slight and it wasn’t super obvious. A few years later and it had also started to thin at the front and I could deny it was happening any more.

Luckily I jumped on finasteride when I still had a decent amount of hair (like you) and 18 months later my hair looks about the same. I have absolutely no stress about my hair anymore which is a blessing. I don’t have side effects either

Mandar kumthekar

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No need to shave just make the bad look good.dermaroll isn't solution but I am doing it solely to find out if it work or not.


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It really depends on how important your hair is to you. I noticed my hair was receding from the age of 27 but I was in denial for a while as it was only slight and it wasn’t super obvious. A few years later and it had also started to thin at the front and I could deny it was happening any more.

Luckily I jumped on finasteride when I still had a decent amount of hair (like you) and 18 months later my hair looks about the same. I have absolutely no stress about my hair anymore which is a blessing. I don’t have side effects either

Thanks for the response.

Unfortunately for me drugs aren't an option as I've had bad sides to other medication before.

How bad is it for me at the moment?


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Thanks for the response.

Unfortunately for me drugs aren't an option as I've had bad sides to other medication before.

How bad is it for me at the moment?

At the moment your hair looks absolutely fine imo. Even though you are receding the quality of your hair is pretty decent. There are a lot of people that would chop of their right arm to have your hair. Shame you can’t take medication. How about minoxidil?


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At the moment your hair looks absolutely fine imo. Even though you are receding the quality of your hair is pretty decent. There are a lot of people that would chop of their right arm to have your hair. Shame you can’t take medication. How about minoxidil?

Thank you.
I can see it thinning at the temple but I'm not sure just how bad it is myself.
How long would you say I've got left?

Maybe ill have to look a little more into Minoxidol.


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Thank you.
I can see it thinning at the temple but I'm not sure just how bad it is myself.
How long would you say I've got left?

Maybe ill have to look a little more into Minoxidol.

It’s hard to say. A few years - 3-5 years before you would need to buzz it if I had to guess. Maybe longer maybe less. Minoxidil would definitely help and I would get on it if I wasn’t against taking finasteride


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Oh, look at you being all hard and calling someone a p*ssy over the Internet....

Some of us have reason we can't take the drugs your f***ING moron so yes, I am looking at other options to deal with it.

Some people.

Let's be honest you have no reasons not to take topical finasteride. None that you have explained, aside from being scared of the boogey monster.

You may want to have a word with yourself first to figure out what you want to do first.

If you want to avoid further hair loss you need AA. There are no way two ways about it.

If you want something to keep yourself ticking a little for a year or two you can try minoxidil. Your recession may not continue as badly for a year, but it will continue without doubt. You have are 26 and you are receding badly, minoxidil is only a stimulant.

If you want to waste your time keep dreaming of another solution. Which does not exist. You can always try the snake oil section for suggestions.

Only you can help yourself.

It's finasteride or a bald head by 30. Your choice.
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It’s hard to say. A few years - 3-5 years before you would need to buzz it if I had to guess. Maybe longer maybe less. Minoxidil would definitely help and I would get on it if I wasn’t against taking finasteride

That's crazy that that's all the time I've got left. Pretty shitty really. Good job I can grow a beard and get a nose job to be honest. I'll try platelets and hair transplant when it comes down to it.


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Let's be honest you have no reasons not to take topical finasteride. None that you have explained, aside from being scared of the boogey monster.

You may want to have a word with yourself first to figure out what you want to do first.

If you want to avoid further hair loss you need AA. There are no way two ways about it.

If you want something to keep yourself ticking a little for a year or two you can try minoxidil. Your recession may not continue as badly for a year, but it will continue without doubt. You have are 26 and you are receding badly, minoxidil is only a stimulant.

If you want to waste your time keep dreaming of another solution. Which does not exist. You can always try the snake oil section for suggestions.

Only you can help yourself.

It's finasteride or a bald head by 30. Your choice.

I do have reasons, ant depressants killed me dick and gave me ED for a year and there's no way I'm going through that sh*t again. And anyone that say sides aren't real, well they are for some people so I'm not risking my sex life again, it's out the question.

Doesn't make me a p*ssy, just makes me realise what's more important in my opinion.

So no, I won't take finasteride. But I'll do anything else I can to halt it as best as I can for the time being.