Long Hair and Receding Hairline


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I'm not sure what to do guys. I've been growing my hair long about a year now, and the reality of how far my hair has receded is hitting me hard. In my younger days, I kept kinda going between shaggy and buzzed hair. The last time I got my hair buzzed my wife finally opened up to me about how she didn't like it and didn't think it looked good on me. I already kinda knew this because I never thought it was very flattering, but it's not until you hear it from someone else that it really hits you. So, I thought I would try growing my hair long, something I've never done before.

Well, it's been growing for several months now and I like the way it looks on the back and sides, but the damn hairline is just being a real eyesore. I have done some reading about hair transplants and so forth and am seriously considering it. I just don't really know if it's a good idea since the grown hair starts out as a tiny follicle and has to regrow from scratch. I think it would really conflict with the hair I have already grown.

I've read about the propecia and rogaine regimens and those don't sound all that great either - having to use it forever and the shedding stage (yikes). I know I'm going to eventually have to decide something, but it sounds like I'm having to pick my poison.

And the only other option seems to be the go-to answer for everyone - buzz it. I really really don't want to do that. I'd almost rather wear a toupee.

Is there any other long-haired men out there that have been in this position? What did you do? Do you think I should give up or keep trying? (see pic)

Thanks in advance!


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Well all the data and information points to finasteride not leading to any actual shedding. the shedding people encounter isn't related to finasteride, it's just the natural balding process that occurs before finasteride kicks in and starts to work.


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Well all the data and information points to finasteride not leading to any actual shedding. the shedding people encounter isn't related to finasteride, it's just the natural balding process that occurs before finasteride kicks in and starts to work.

Is that definitely true would you say?


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even if you get a hair transplant you will require finasteride because otherwise u will keep thinning in non transplanted areas. It honestly looks like ur entire frontal portion is almost gone but some regrowth is likely. Some people do shed on finasteride, I been on it for about 9 months and experienced so such shedding.

if you care at all about keeping ur hair, you will absolutely need finasteride.


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Long hair and balding accentuates the appearance of male pattern baldness and what ya lack so to speak
Generally speaking the shorter the better


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What I don't understand is why NW4 or more would wear a pony tail. I see these NW6/7 with pony tails and I don't understand why? I know this man who is in his late 70's that has a NW7 and a pony tail.


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Long hair and balding accentuates the appearance of male pattern baldness and what ya lack so to speak
Generally speaking the shorter the better

I do not entirely agree with this, it depends.

OP: NW2 here with only empty temples (hairline is still in its original place), today I complete my 5th month on finasteride and I am starting to see some tiny hairs on the temples (but that could also be attributed to minoxidil which I have started using it almost 1 month ago), I have waist-length hair by the way.

While empty temples are not something to be happy about, I have some factors that help me to look like NW0 (or 1, whatever), really. First, I do part my hair in the middle which covers the temples, however doing this for the past 5 years may have hid any receding temples and I could have acted more quickly to recover my temples back. 2nd, I have curly hair which adds some volume.

Oh and I also suffer from retrograde alopecia: thin sides, behind the ears and napline. However, my ponytail hides this pretty much but yeah it's annoying when I put my hair in a bun.

To summarize, it's really up to you, I do not agree with people who would say like NW3 or NW4 doesn't mix with long hair, it's totally a personal choice of aestethics. But do get on both finasteride and minoxidil, they could really be critical in your case.

Here's my thread with pics: http://www.hairlosstalk.com/interac...r-here-mature-hairline-or-MBP-hairline-(Pics)


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No surprise. You have thick hair and he has thin hair... of course u can sport a longer mane


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Thanks for the replies. I'm 34. I guess I will talk with a Doctor about getting put on finasteride and/or minoxidil. I know I'm late in deciding to take action. I guess the problem just happened before I really realized it. I normally kept my hair buzzed so it didn't really seem that obvious at the time. I was also hesitant because I had doubts of how something that can cause shedding is supposed to help me keep my hair. Is it true you have to continue using finasteride/minoxidil indefinitely or all hair you've regrown will just fall out? Can they regrow lost hair or only keep what you have? Again, I appreciate the insightful answers.

- - - Updated - - -

So I started digging into the cost of everything and I've been blown away. Just to get a consultation from the Doctor is $125. And I'm sure you all are familiar with the high cost of finasteride and minoxidil, never mind the huge cost of a transplant. I don't think I'm really in a position for all this cost right now, so I'm going to have to either wait and hope it's not too late in the future or just deal with slowly losing it all. Pretty depressing...


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when it comes to hairloss, prevention is the best solution which is why its always advisable to get on finasteride as soon as you experience it assuming you care at all about your hair. The results from finasteride vary wildly. Some don't get much regrowth some get a lot. If you get regrowth on finasteride of course you will have to keep on it otherwise you will just go back to thinning. When it comes to rogaine, even if you are on finasteride, the hair that is regrown will still fall out if you ever stop rogaine. Rogaine grown hairs are highly dependent on rogaine I am fairly sure although someone might want to correct me on this?


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OP I'm sorry to hear about your situation, I really am. Hair loss is depressing as hell and I wouldn't even wish my worst enemy to be cursed with hairloss.

Anyways, like I said in an earlier post finasteride doesn't lead to shedding. It's a simple 'correlation does not equal causation' issue in my opinion. Through all the websites i've been on and read through there is no documented link to Finasteride and shedding. It just appears to be the natural process of male pattern baldness occuring before finasteride has an affect on your body.

Don't pay for a 125$ visit to your doctor, he'll just tell you what you already know and will give you a prescription you'll most likely have to pay for. Buy generic proscar online, it's much much cheaper. I use inhousepharmacy, they don't require a prescription and sell a variety of products. Just make sure that the proscar you're buying is made in America! I don't have any experience with rogaine but I'm sure you can buy that on inhousepharmacy as well.

Good luck and keep us updated OP

Cue Bald

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Without finasteride I would say you will be a NW5 in 2 years. (NW5 is for all intents and purposes bald)

Agustin Araujo

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JustBrian, you'll need to at least get on Finasteride ASAP in order to keep what you have left of your hair. You need to take action now otherwise your hair loss is going to keep getting worse, and from the pics you provided, it looks like you're heading straight to devoloping a Norwood 5 pattern. Time is not on your side, get on treatment.


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Thanks you guys for the advice and support. I already ended up deciding to take the plunge and pay the consultation, my appointment isn't for another 4 weeks though. The only reason I want the consult is to get the doctor's opinion on viability to getting hair transplant done now. I figure it would be cheaper and require fewer grafts now vs waiting until it's all fallen out.

I know I am at risk for more surgeries in the future as my hair falls, but if I'm on a regimen of finasteride and minoxidil, I'm -hoping- that will slow hair falling so that it doesn't become an issue? But who knows. I'll update you guys when I find out what the Doctor says. Thanks again!

Oh, side question. For those of you with spouses - does your spouse give you grief about spending so much money on hair treatments? Mine did, but after talking about it a while I think she -sort of- understands now. Just curious.

Agustin Araujo

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Thanks you guys for the advice and support. I already ended up deciding to take the plunge and pay the consultation, my appointment isn't for another 4 weeks though. The only reason I want the consult is to get the doctor's opinion on viability to getting hair transplant done now. I figure it would be cheaper and require fewer grafts now vs waiting until it's all fallen out.

I know I am at risk for more surgeries in the future as my hair falls, but if I'm on a regimen of finasteride and minoxidil, I'm -hoping- that will slow hair falling so that it doesn't become an issue? But who knows. I'll update you guys when I find out what the Doctor says. Thanks again!

Oh, side question. For those of you with spouses - does your spouse give you grief about spending so much money on hair treatments? Mine did, but after talking about it a while I think she -sort of- understands now. Just curious.

Good to know you're taking action to treat your hair loss. :)

Getting on a regimen combining Finasteride and Minoxidil and responding well to those treatments, you can keep the hair you have left for life along with getting a great hair transplant. Just don't focus too much on what others think that money is spent on hair loss treatments, it's one of those things that should only be done for one's self and not for anyone.


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I've been there man, look at my before and after photos, finasteride is the way to go, I'm actively looking into a hair transplant now to tidy things up a bit.


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I'm not sure what to do guys. I've been growing my hair long about a year now, and the reality of how far my hair has receded is hitting me hard. In my younger days, I kept kinda going between shaggy and buzzed hair. The last time I got my hair buzzed my wife finally opened up to me about how she didn't like it and didn't think it looked good on me. I already kinda knew this because I never thought it was very flattering, but it's not until you hear it from someone else that it really hits you. So, I thought I would try growing my hair long, something I've never done before.

Well, it's been growing for several months now and I like the way it looks on the back and sides, but the damn hairline is just being a real eyesore. I have done some reading about hair transplants and so forth and am seriously considering it. I just don't really know if it's a good idea since the grown hair starts out as a tiny follicle and has to regrow from scratch. I think it would really conflict with the hair I have already grown.

I've read about the propecia and rogaine regimens and those don't sound all that great either - having to use it forever and the shedding stage (yikes). I know I'm going to eventually have to decide something, but it sounds like I'm having to pick my poison.

And the only other option seems to be the go-to answer for everyone - buzz it. I really really don't want to do that. I'd almost rather wear a toupee.

Is there any other long-haired men out there that have been in this position? What did you do? Do you think I should give up or keep trying? (see pic)
View attachment 35579View attachment 35580

Thanks in advance!

I remember I grew out my hair in college. Looked great, then my hairline began receding a few years later. Got it cut so it looks better but still gotta worry about balding.