Let's all call Oprah!!!


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Hello everyone,
I was just sitting here with my husband eating dinner and watching Oprah as she was talking about beauty products and aging. All I could think about is her having a show on hairloss and how meaningful it would be if she could broadcast it to everyone that yes..... its happening to people of all ages (25 was my golden age). Then if a couple of us are lucky enough to attend the taping...(would be nice to meet you all)...maybe she'll give the audience like a year supply of Minoxidil...... I don't know... what are your thoughts??? 8)


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That would be fab :D
though in all honesty I don't know that I'd be brave enough to go! :freaked:


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I'm in. It would be the quickest and best way to get exposure for this disease. Happy New Year everyone! Teester


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That is a great idea... I can hardly believe that Oprah has never done a show on hairloss??? She's covered so many other important topics!


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I'd love to be on her show... its too bad though because I'm in Canada.. she would probably prefer guests to be from the States so she could offer good resources. ( not that there isn't any in Canada). I could so see her doing a show on this... now Dr. Phil on the other hand....hmmm I'm not sure... maybe.


I am also a member of wigsupport on msn.. and a bunch of us wrote letters to oprah.. one of the members who makes cookies for her business is going to make cookies and send all the letters to oprah.. at the end of january... hopefully she will decide to do a show...i would definetly go.. we need more public awareness on alopecia in females..



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Oh Melanie that is awesome news!!! I hope the Oprah show listens carefully and does a show on this. Please keep us posted on any news on what happens with the letters.... :)
That just made my day....


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Melanie said:
I am also a member of wigsupport on msn.. and a bunch of us wrote letters to oprah.. one of the members who makes cookies for her business is going to make cookies and send all the letters to oprah.. at the end of january... hopefully she will decide to do a show...i would definetly go.. we need more public awareness on alopecia in females..


Hi Mel! I thought that was you. Thanks for coming to the site. Would you mind posting your story in the Tell Your Story section? Only if you feel comfortable, of course.



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Too funny!

I JUST emailed Oprah last week begging for her to do a show on women and hair loss.

As embarassing as it is, I would appear on her show in a heart beat and hope they'd do some sort of study where they can give me all the treatments possible and track my progress for FREE. LOL

I hope she does a show on hair loss soon!

Roxy :)


I'm in, sign me up.

I'd love to go on National Television and tell the rest of the world my Hairloss fears. I'm ready for my close-up. I'll need a little powder for the shine on my forehead though :oops: . Sure we may be loosing our hair but that doesn't make us less "woman". Sign me up, I'm going to Oprah.