Laser Comb arrived + a question


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Well.. the reason is that if you use it too much your scalp can grow accustomed to the treatment and essentially immune it it, and your scalp will no longer react to the light. I don't know how true this claim is but after spending this much on a device i'm going to use it just how they tell me to :) . But I used it yesterday and thought it was pretty awesome (not that it did anything, just that it felt like I was helping my hair by using it). I've been itching (literally)to use it all day, but i'm gona be patient and use as directed.


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I agree, I always get the itch to use it everyday, but hold off. Hopefully in a few weeks I will be raving about the benefits! Only time will tell....



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Through their research they found that using the comb 3x per week achieved the most optimal results. Hairmax says using it more than 3x per week could actually impede results (possible regrowth, thickening, etc.). It does not have anything to do with the scalp becoming "immune" to "photo-bio-stimulation". I would use it exactly like they say, 3x per week no more. I know I'm always itching to use it during the day also. However, using it more than prescribed will not speed up results.


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Red Rose, excellent link that you gave! I find it very very interesting though that even a big name like Bauman now is giving LLL treatments to his patients! WOW! Folks, we are going to see some major advances in hair loss and the LC just could be in the limlight! MHO.

BTW don't you think that if Bauman was in anyway affiliated with the makers of the LC that he would OBVIOUSLY have a link to their website? That link though is strangely missing.



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Are you affiliated with Hairmax, honestly? Cause it's one thing to like a product, but every post you seem like Lexington's 'yes-man'. And not just in this forum, i've read your posts on other sites, too.


I mean it's not like you're trying to mislead people, you have posted your pictures and they're by no means fake, so it's not like you're false advertising, but I can't help but get the impression you're affiliated with them. You seem a bit too finatical.

Just an opinion.


First lasering session today.

I did my whole head as directed by lexington but I dont really want my side hair to get thicker.

Should I still do it or just the top of the head (potentially bald area)?

My face felt kind of warm later after using - a bit like i'd caught the sun a little on my face. Not sure if it was my imagination though.


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That will be the blood pumping... don't bother with the sides man, waste of time...just do the potential male pattern baldness areas


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I felt that warm sensation from it too. I do the whole head only because I have dandruff on my whole head, this is supposed to help with that. If you're not suffering from scalp irritation on the non male pattern baldness sides then I cant think of a reason to use it on the sides. It's hard to imagine this red light is going to help my scalp that much... fingers crossed.


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i agree...greg1 is giving off too much of a salesman attitude in his writing. u got to step it down a little man. And stop signing your name at the end of every post....that's what all the guys from the hairmax site do...not so many from most regular posters.


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Greg1 said:
BTW don't you think that if Bauman was in anyway affiliated with the makers of the LC that he would OBVIOUSLY have a link to their website? That link though is strangely missing.


Not if they didnt want you to know that the site was just one big advertisement for Hairmax.

As I twirl my mustache and bang my pitchfork on the ground a few times. Muahaha.

Fallout Boy

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How long untill the FDA trials on the Laser Comb are complete and we will know if it infacts stimulates hair to grow or atleast stops hair from falling out?? Anyone know? I think its going through FDA trials right now anyways .. could be wrong.


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Oh gees guys! I hear where you're coming from but if you think that the only product that I post for is the LC... think again. I have this thing for helping out other people if I've found something that really works for me, I've got to tell somebody:) I also have a Sony Aibo ERS-7 robot and post to other users about that. In fact, to this day, I'm still Aiboard's #5 poster. BUT I DON'T WORK FOR SONY. And I've become a regular poster on other sites as well for their products. Not because I'm their salesman but because I like what they've got to offer in the way of benefits to other people like myself. Life's too short and if I can cheer up or help make someone else's path a little easier, I'm there.

That said, hmmmm...I always seek to be as professional whenever I'm on the net. It has to do with my faith convictions. So I'll step it down jimstanley as you mentioned:)