A topical anti-androgen would help, but may be expensive for you. You can make your own spironolactone cream for $10 per month. That blocks the androgen receptors in your scalp from DHT and all other androgens to a small degree, but is good only in conjunction with finasteride or dutasteride. An even cheaper topical anti-androgen is gama-linolenic acid and alpha-linolenic acid and linoleic acid. Revivogen has them but I don't know how much. You can make it yourself with water and flax seed oil in a pressure cooker, or much faster if you have access to a lab with sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid and a stirrer. I can make it pure less than 5% what Revivogen charges. But first get on the easy stuff:
Get a prescription for proscar, which is the same as propecia but with 5x the dose of active ingredient per pill. Cut it in 4ths for $7.50 per month. Then order dutas (generic Avodart) from
http://www.inhousepharmacy.com for $13.50 per strip of ten and take 3 per week. That is much stronger than the finasteride, and safe.
Minoxidil does help, but you should get the 5% generic minoxidil in the equate brand at walmart or walgreens for $18 for 3, or go to
http://www.minoxidildirect.com and get 4 for $26 plus shipping.
You need SODs. Read about them at
http://www.drproctor.com. The cheapest one is folligen, which if diluted 50% with water and used every day at 4mL per application will run you about $4 per month.
Get nizoral 1% shampoo, not the 2%. It is $15. Use 1/2 tea spoon twice a week.
If you are on a budget, you can still get knock off NANO shampoo at lef.org for $22 for 8 oz and use 1/2 tea spoon three times per week.
Also supplement your diet with arginine, which your body needs to make NO.
The big three will probably give you some regrowth, but don't expect anything major. I really think you should at least do the dutas and the folligen. The proscar is just a back up incase by some small chance the dutas is fake, but I doubt that.