justwanthair's story - (What should i use?(with pictures)


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I'm 19. My hairline is already receeding quite bad at the front and also on the back. This gets so bad sometimes that i feel suicidal.

I really wanna fight this problem, and block if from gettin any worse and (if possible) grow it back.

i am new to all this stuff so could someone point out what they think is the best stuff i should be using, and also where to get it from?

thank you very very much


Experienced Member
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i know the feeling mate. but do you have any pictures to show ur hair loss?

the best possible chance (proven) to give a shot at is:

propecia 1mg
minoxidil 2x1ml per day
nizoral shampoo

these are known as the big 3. u can buy from various places. the minoxidil is especially cheap and the nizoral is reasonable. the propecia is fairly expensive, but u cud get a generic version which is much cheaper. i personally go for the genuine Merck branded propecia. i get this from my chemists or pharmacy2u, althought the later is a UK website.

if u have any questions feel free to ask.


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this is the back:


this is the front(sorry about the size)


i hope in a way it makes a lot of you feel a lot better about you'reselves when you realise how bad mine is at the age of 19.


I personally do not enjoy other people suffering and your hair loss doesn´t make me feel better in any way. :( I personally wish my hair loss would stop and I could leave this awful, depressing forum. You should get on the "big three" as Andrew recommended to you. Additions to your regimen could be some dietary supplements such as Zinc, Biotin, Multivitamines and other stuff. I am not sure myself it will help you, but it definetly wouldn´t do you any harm.

Good Luck


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Im in the same boat as you... Just took my first Propecia today, even though im a little younger than you, turning 19 in November. Get on Propecia, and nizoral asap, and minoxidil if you want. I'm also taking the following supplements: green tea extract, grape seed, brewers yeast, flax, zinc and a multivitamin.


Established Member
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If you get on the Big 3 and follow it religiously, you can probably fill in that bald spot in the back.


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you need to get on the propecia, being young and blond (my personal experience and observations) you should be a good responder!


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A topical anti-androgen would help, but may be expensive for you. You can make your own spironolactone cream for $10 per month. That blocks the androgen receptors in your scalp from DHT and all other androgens to a small degree, but is good only in conjunction with finasteride or dutasteride. An even cheaper topical anti-androgen is gama-linolenic acid and alpha-linolenic acid and linoleic acid. Revivogen has them but I don't know how much. You can make it yourself with water and flax seed oil in a pressure cooker, or much faster if you have access to a lab with sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid and a stirrer. I can make it pure less than 5% what Revivogen charges. But first get on the easy stuff:

Get a prescription for proscar, which is the same as propecia but with 5x the dose of active ingredient per pill. Cut it in 4ths for $7.50 per month. Then order dutas (generic Avodart) from http://www.inhousepharmacy.com for $13.50 per strip of ten and take 3 per week. That is much stronger than the finasteride, and safe.

Minoxidil does help, but you should get the 5% generic minoxidil in the equate brand at walmart or walgreens for $18 for 3, or go to http://www.minoxidildirect.com and get 4 for $26 plus shipping.

You need SODs. Read about them at http://www.drproctor.com. The cheapest one is folligen, which if diluted 50% with water and used every day at 4mL per application will run you about $4 per month.

Get nizoral 1% shampoo, not the 2%. It is $15. Use 1/2 tea spoon twice a week.

If you are on a budget, you can still get knock off NANO shampoo at lef.org for $22 for 8 oz and use 1/2 tea spoon three times per week.

Also supplement your diet with arginine, which your body needs to make NO.

The big three will probably give you some regrowth, but don't expect anything major. I really think you should at least do the dutas and the folligen. The proscar is just a back up incase by some small chance the dutas is fake, but I doubt that.


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I'd recommend you buzz your head before starting on drugs. That way you will see if it suits you and any regrowth will be more visible.


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I recommend you start the drugs and buzz your head at the same time. It will make application easier, and if you look good buzzed, you won't be as depressed. But definitely take the drugs. Your head looks like you might look good buzzed. I can tell.


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how about that for a reply, nicely done once again college. :)


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ok thanks for that.

so i should be using all the following?



nizoral shampoo



and also when you say about cuttin the pills in 1/4. does this mean takin 4 times less? eg- 1/4 of a pill twice a day.

thankyou very much


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proscar or propecia (some thing different dosage) 1mg is recommended for male pattern baldness, proscar is 5mg, propeica is 1mg, take ~1mg 1x daily

nizoral has some anti-androgen properties, helps remove itch and irritation from male pattern baldness (which i bet you have), 3x weekly

minoxidil, if you want, i would use on temples, though it irritated my skin too much

dutas is you "last" option as it's not FDA approved for male pattern baldness and a optimal dosage is not yet known for male pattern baldness, let alone specific trials...


Established Member
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Judging by these questions I suggest you do a lot more reading because you should be more informed about the drugs you are about to take. These are not vitamins.


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I agree that he needs to read more, and not just take what we say on faith. the pills are safer than some vitamins, but I could tell him to take some other prescription pill that would mess him up and ... well I guess he'd read about it at the site and figure out not to buy it. But I'm to tired to answer his proscar cutting quetion.

yeah, read my other posts. i answered that 200 times at least.


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Take the big 3 and a multi vitamin Also, you have good hair for Dermmatch get some of that asap and use the big 3 and you'll be very happy in just a years time and Dermmatch will do wonders right now concealing!


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You need to cut Proscar in fourths Propecia is Proscar but Proscar is 5 times stronger so you cut it up and its cheaper this way. Just keep reading and getting info I wouldn't go with the Dutas just use Proscar cut it in 1/4's and that will be fine. Dutas is expensive. Look at peoples regimen and see what works for the but the big 3 and a multi vitamin along with Dermmatch is your best bet. imho


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decided to shave my hair off.

heres a picture half way through :lol:


actually quite happy with how its looking so far but i am still gonna get on the proscar, min etc