Jason Statham still successful with women


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Primo said:
How many times have I gotta say this???? Do some fuckin' research dammit!:roll:

Beyonce was more internationally recognised and famous than Jay-Z when they met in 2002....

She didn't need his "fame" or money at the time, she was already huge all over the world with Destiny's Child!

If you guys want to bury your heads in the sand and act like no ugly guys ever got hot girls, then fine, but your full of sh*t... just like Kanye, your attitude is always getting in your way with women and you don't even realise it...

No one said ugly guys don't get chicks. What was said is that ugly guys without fame don't get chicks.

You keep refering to Beyonce and Jay-Z as an example to bolster your argument and all it does is refute it. In 02 he may have not been as huge as he is now, but, as others have repeatedly said, he was already famous in the music industry, was a sought after producer and had many albums under his belt. Of course she didn't need him, but in her world (the music biz) he was a big shot, a very powerful guy. She'd she other guys deferring to him and giving him tons of respect ....which is a function of his fame and power... and that's what she was attracted to it.

If Jay-z was working a corporate desk job pulling in 65K a year and he met Beyonce, do you really think she would have gone for him and all his charisma?


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Mr. Z said:
[If Jay-z was working a corporate desk job pulling in 65K a year and he met Beyonce, do you really think she would have gone for him and all his charisma?

Bingo!!! :stupid:


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In my opinion Jay-Z despite all these record sales, has not produced one album I would consider great... as a rapper he is deeply flawed and always has been...

It's his charisma, infectious charm and swagger that has made him what he is, without that he would be on trash heap with all the other rappers that have quickly come anf gone... for the record he's also a sh*t producer and relies heavily on Kanye to make most of his good beats.

Also FinFighter you may call Beyonce a 3/10, but rating women out of 10 is a very subjective and pointless thing to argue over, for example I thought that many of the girls posted on that "favourite pornstar" thread looked absolutely rancid & I wouldn't go near them... but hey that's my personal opinion!...

Also you correctly observe that Beyonce does indeed wear make up and wigs/hair extensions and I'd just like to inform you that she's not alone... 95% of other female celebrities do this also black/white/asian.., it's really nothing new....

You guys all want to delude yourselves out of bitterness that attractive girls only go for preening, gym-obsessed, NW1 male-bimbos... I don't know why... maybe cos you've all got no game??


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Earlier tonight I met a really cute 19 year old chick who is LIVING WITH a NW5 27 year old. It blew my mind. He wasn't just bald though, he was about 5'7 and pretty hefty, so I'm pretty sure hair wasn't Telogen Effluvium only mitigating factor (he even grew it out Costanza style)

Then I found out he makes 170k a year.


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No your right Jay-Z is a fat, ugly loser about as attractive as Donald Trump... He could never possibly attract a girl without fame or money as he obviously doesn't possess the natural characteristics to do so.

Personality, intelligence and charm are all completely redundant in any relationship.. the only thing that will ever make a woman fall in love with you is a pretty face and a full head of hair! There... are you guys happy now?? I've joined the misery club!


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Primo said:
Personality, intelligence and charm are all completely redundant in any relationship.. the only thing that will ever make a woman fall in love with you is a pretty face and a full head of hair!

No one on here ever said that, it was you making out that Jay-Z had nothing other than his personality to use on Beyonce' and everyone else was pointing out that he did infact have plenty of other things going for him.

Anyway whenever I've see him interviewed he always comes across to me as extremly dull.

The fact is girls will be very attracted to any guy with a good personality - however if they are not also physicaly attracted to his appearance they're just likely to put him into 'freind' catagory.

Same with us guys theres plenty of single fat chicks out there with great personality and also plenty of hot looking self centred b****s with guys vying for their attention.


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The fact is girls will be very attracted to any guy with a good personality - however if they are not also physicaly attracted to his appearance they're just likely to put him into 'freind' catagory.

Same with us guys theres plenty of single fat chicks out there with great personality and also plenty of hot looking self centred b****s with guys vying for their attention.


Yes S.A.F. but as you stated on another thread vanity is a feminine and not a masculine trait... Above all women will be attracted to strong powerful men who assert themselves in all situations i.e. those with good personalities and high confidence... hair and appearance is of secondary importance for males..

The whole attraction of Jason Statham is that he oozes masculinity and total self confidence... secretly I'm sure he is devasted about his hairloss, but in public he rocks it like he doesn't give a f*ck, he's and old skool man and has no time for vanity.

I guarantee any women will find this much more attractive than a preening metrosexual b**ch, who spends half his day looking in the mirror.

Any attractive girl with INTELLIGENCE does not look solely at physical appearance when deciding on a long-term partner. Hot girls get hit on so often that simply being a good looking guy or a NW1 really just becomes a homogeneous characteristic... they need a strong personality that complements them not a vanity-obsessed pussy who clashes with them constantly.


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Primo said:
Yes S.A.F. but as you stated on another thread vanity is a feminine and not a masculine trait... Above all women will be attracted to strong powerful men who assert themselves in all situations i.e. those with good personalities and high confidence... The whole attraction of Jason Statham is that he oozes masculinity and total self confidence... secretly I'm sure he is devasted about his hairloss, but in public he rocks it like he doesn't give a f*ck, he's and old skool man and has no time for vanity.

I guarantee any women will find this much more attractive than a preening metrosexual b**ch, who spends half his day looking in the mirror.

This is exactly what I've been trying to say in the other thread, how come you did'nt back me up there?

Primo said:
Any attractive girl with INTELLIGENCE does not look solely at physical appearance when deciding on a long-term partner. Hot girls get hit on so often that simply being a good looking guy or a NW1 really just becomes a homogeneous characteristic... they need a strong personality that complements them not a vanity-obsessed pussy who clashes with them constantly. hair and appearance is of secondary importance for males..

I would'nt say go as far as to say its secondary. A woman still needs to be physicaly attracted to the guy. In evolutionary terms humans (like all animals) are geneticly predisposed to choose their mate by looking for the best genetic qualities - ie the healthiest strongest genes.
No matter what anyone says this is something that has been hardwired into our psyche over 100,000's of years.
So I'd say that a goodlooking guy with a bad personality will still be able to attract as many women as a badlooking guy with good personality.

The fact is we're always attracted to the looks first and hoping that everything else is as good and it usualy is'nt.

uncomfortable man

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@ Primo, I'm guessing your optimistic perspective comes from a lack of knowledge as to what it is really like for average bald men when it comes to attracting women and thus is purely hypothetical. I'm guessing your an NW1.5, 2 tops so you have not felt the womens scorn for baldness yourself..... personally. If you had, you would better understand what we are up against.... which just so happens to be a very strong prejudice.


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TheGrayMan2001 said:
Earlier tonight I met a really cute 19 year old chick who is LIVING WITH a NW5 27 year old. It blew my mind. He wasn't just bald though, he was about 5'7 and pretty hefty, so I'm pretty sure hair wasn't Telogen Effluvium only mitigating factor (he even grew it out Costanza style)

Then I found out he makes 170k a year.

Guys, every few months threads like this re-appear; but you have to understand that attraction and relationships are not as simple and black and white as some people on here seem to think. I have to wonder sometimes if some regulars here have ever even spoken to a member of the opposite sex, never mind gained enough insight to make all these broad statements and proclaim absolute truths.

Yes, there are things which physically attract people to each other initially but countless studies have shown that it's different for both sexes and often different people; it's also vastly more complex than whether someone is bald or not; for men and women the whole package comes into play (to different degrees) and a snap decision is made based on many factors about the person.

The guy above who is earning 170k for example, at 27 years old may well also have a lot of other things going for him (assuming he actually exists). People who are successful will be quite driven and focussed, they may have a certain intensity or have a lot of confidence and outgoing personality. Sure, there are gold diggers who go after the cash too, but people who are successful legitimately also tend to be good judges of character and as such will spot a skank a mile away.

My point is, many of you are obsessed that the rules of attraction are black and white and absolute, and that is simply not the case.


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Having said that ...... :whistle:

There are plenty of NW2/3's on here who believe they are in the same boat as a NW5/6/7's when the fact is they are'nt.

Ucman may offer some of the most depressing views on here but you've got to understand how it feels when someone who by comparison has a full head of hair tells you how you should feel.


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OK lets put the record straight....

I'm not some clueless teen with a perfect head of hair!

My father is a NW6, and I'm 24 and a NW3. I've been steadily receding since 17. Please don't preach to me like I'm a f*****g child.

Also I'm not what you would describe as classically good looking, with a fat jaw and a forehead that was already big enough without any male pattern baldness!

Together with male pattern baldness issues, I'm also relatively short at 5ft 8... now this should dictate that I'm genetically unattracive to most females right?.... WRONG!!!

I still get girls all the time, in fact if anything I get more girls now than when I was 18 when my hair looked a lot better simply probably because I have more confidence + better game and dress sense!... Yes it's not nice when girls looking at my NW3 and large forehead, but if I wasn't spazzing out about my hair and blaming it for everything, then I'd probably just be blaming my height instead....( I used to when I was 17)

Uncomfortable Man, if I look anything like as good as you when I'm bald, I'll be very happy....


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Also at no point in this thread was I telling any NW5/6 how they should FEEL or ACT!

I was purely stating throughout that it's not IMPOSSIBLE for non-metrosexual men to attract hot women!

I know this point may seem ridiculous on a forum like this where there's so much negativity and doom, but it's pretty reasonable I think.

uncomfortable man

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Sorry Primo, in another thread I read that you are NW3 but in that statement you said your friends openly rip on bald guys (while they don't rip on you?) so my point is that baldism is alive and well in society and THAT is what I have a problem with.


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UCM, the friend I was referring to in that thread has ripped on me since I was 15 about balding/receding, he's just an insensitive a**h** like that! He'll take time to point out male pattern baldness on anyone whether it be a NW2 or an NW6/7

At 15 he pointed out very tactlessly that I was bound to lose my hair given the shape of my hairline, then again at 18 he pointed out my early recession in front of mates and two girls! Extremely embarrassing, but hey I don't actually no anyone else who would do that.

If he wasn't my friend I could easily come back on him and say some very personal sh*t about his facial features and weight issues, but I'm just not that way inclined and I don't think most people are either

He's just a very insecure guy when it comes to looks and appearance and I think many others like him who rip on guys with male pattern baldness are the same.

People who are happy and comfortable within their own skin don't feel the need to go around hating all day.