I've Given Up. Rock Bottom. There's No Reason To Live Anymore With Hair Loss Like This


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Mate, if this isn't a joke, you really need to get your head sorted pronto.

You're not going to have a family unless you learn to love yourself and be happy with who you are because no self-respecting single woman is going to want to date a whiny, self-hating drip absolutely obsessed with hairloss. If you can't love yourself, why would you expect someone else to?! Seriously.

You allude to being in shape and having a decent career. That's a lot more than most people have.

You've got to be happy about your lot before you even consider dating someone and raising a family. Why would you want to raise a family if you're not happy with yourself? What kind of environment is that for a child?!

A very good friend of mine is 5ft 4, skinny and was a Norwood 7 at 22. His wife is f**king beautiful with a body to die for. He's just an average guy with a fairly decent job who found the right girl. It can happen.


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Just check this out, if you're young and have very aggressive hairloss get a system:

Yeah, not my style.
But a decent hair system is life changing, providing it looks real and not like your typical toupee/piece that IS noticable/fake.

Correct density,colour match, and skilled styling is critical.