Is this diffuse thinning? Problems with thyroid...


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So I just buzzed my hair really short because I'm leaving the country for vacation and wanted to have it short. Also wanted to see the pattern with which I am losing my hair.

Been noticing a lot of hairs in the shower the last few months and thought it was all from my hairline up front, but now I'm now so sure. Posted earlier pics with long hair when I first thought my front was going and also some picture with the buzz cut. Is this diffuse thinning or does it just look like that because it's cut so short?

Diagnosed with De Quervain's Thyroiditis, which the doctor said could take 4-8 months to recover from. I have had it for a month now, I'm in the hyperthyroid phase, then I'll probably be hypothyroid for a few months, then hopefully back to normal.

My hair loss started months before I got this (I think) but it could be that the symptoms were much more mild before last month. Both stages (hyper and hypo) cause elevated levels of DHT supposedly but I don't know if my levels are elevated.

So what do you guys think? I know the front is REALLY thinning, but what about all over?

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Some more pictures.


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Established Member
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Looks good to me, check your sides to see if there's a difference in density, but from the vertex picture, everything looks fine !


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My Regimen
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I'd kill for that kind of hair.... although society would kill me for my current hair loss too.


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Well the last two pictures were from about a month or so ago, before I got the thyroid problem. The front is definitely thinning. I just wanted to see if the vertex/crown/all over was diffuse thinning or not (first 6 pictures).


Established Member
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It looks like your hairline is more susceptible than the rest of your hair to thinning. However, you appear to be managing quite well. Keep it up and you'll be fine!


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I am thinning in the same area as you and I have Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Don't know if your type of thyroiditis differs from mine.


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I am thinning in the same area as you and I have Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Don't know if your type of thyroiditis differs from mine.

By same area do you mean near the front or do you mean more in the front but diffuse all over? De Quervain's Thyroiditis is like having Graves' thyroiditis (hyperthyroid) for 3 months then Hashimoto's (hypo) for a few months, then a return to normal.

Endocrinologist said that I will have low testosterone but that both hyperthyroid and hypothyroid cause a high T to DHT conversion rate. So I suppose I may have a lot of DHT compared to my normal self.

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I am thinning in the same area as you and I have Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Don't know if your type of thyroiditis differs from mine.

By same area do you mean near the front or do you mean more in the front but diffuse all over? De Quervain's Thyroiditis is like having Graves' thyroiditis (hyperthyroid) for 3 months then Hashimoto's (hypo) for a few months, then a return to normal.

Endocrinologist said that I will have low testosterone but that both hyperthyroid and hypothyroid cause a high T to DHT conversion rate. So I suppose I may have a lot of DHT compared to my normal self.


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My situation looks exactly like yours. My hair loss pattern is exactly like yours. Thinning at the hair line in a NW2A pattern. Regardless we both have an autoimmune condition. As you know finasteride does not help our situation. Minoxidil or Neogenic would work better. Also SODs work better too. And if you follow a autoimmune diet that would help too.


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Funny thing happened yesterday though. I was in the lab and one of the younger grad students (age ~23) came into the lab. We were talking and my hyperthyroid condition came up. He told me that he has a rare hyperthyroid problem as well that can't be treated. He is just slightly hyperthyroid I think.

He told me he has been this way since he was a kid and that in his late teens he started balding because of it. Then he mentioned that the doctors just gave him a pill to swallow everyday to keep his hair. When I said "finasteride?" he said "oh yea that's it". He has been taking it over 5 years with no problems. He didn't regain much but hasn't lost any hair since. He also said that when he was off of it for a week his scalp started itching like crazy. Just thought I'd share that.

Most people don't go to forums, it's definitely true. People say the percentage of people that get sides "has to be higher" but I think it's spot on.

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My situation looks exactly like yours. My hair loss pattern is exactly like yours. Thinning at the hair line in a NW2A pattern. Regardless we both have an autoimmune condition. As you know finasteride does not help our situation. Minoxidil or Neogenic would work better. Also SODs work better too. And if you follow a autoimmune diet that would help too.

The thinning in the front may or may not have preceded the thyroid condition. I have been thinning up front for months and I am not sure the thyroid problem goes back that far. Why would finasteride not help our situation? It did with my coworker....


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If your hair improves on finasteride, its because you have androgenic alopecia too. You can have both thyroid hair loss with androgenic hair loss.


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If your hair improves on finasteride, its because you have androgenic alopecia too. You can have both thyroid hair loss with androgenic hair loss.

Yes, I think the thyroid malfunction is accelerating the hair loss most likely and not just the primary cause.