Is there a good dermatologist in Tucson or Phoenix?


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Sorry to "cross the line" into this forum, but I figured you ladies would know better than the guys, since most guys who are losing there hair just assume they have male pattern baldness, and they might not investigate it any further.

I have experienced diffuse thinning ALL OVER MY HEAD in a very short period of time, and after a crash diet (lost 20lbs in 1.5 months). So I would like to at least consider the possibility of Telogen Effluvium. I live in Tucson, AZ, and was wondering if anybody can recommend a good dermatologist who really knows about hair, and can give a good diagnosis.

I've visited 3 dermatologists in Tucson already, and they didn't even know the acronym "male pattern baldness". They didn't know squat about hair.

I appreciate any help you can give me. Thank you.