Is My Hair Thinning Or Is This Normal?


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Hi, I’m not sure whether I’m being overly paranoid or what but I’ve never really noticed my part before. Last pic is how I normally part my hair. I haven’t washed it in 4 days and it’s pretty long so could it just be weighed down? Sorry for the bad pics and sorry if this post ends up just being a waste of time for whoever reads it, ha :oops:


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Here’s a better picture. You can kind of see that on the outer bits (?) of my part scalp is kind of visible? Is this normal or have I gone nuts?? Don’t mind the dandruff


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I think its a bit thinning. You can try to go salon or doctor to check it 100%. Any way to prevent this problem you need to stay healthy, try vitamins, use special shampoo and hair mask. You can try to change your brush, for husband very helps wooden brush. I read a lot online and buy him one, you can also read some examples like on Monica's blog. Also, you can try to change hot and cold water a few times when you wash your hair, it makes your hair stronger and grows quicker.


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I've been dealing with thinning for awhile, and found this girl on youtube who's videos have helped me so much. Just thought I'd share and say youtube is a great place to find info. Best of luck to you!

Sophia Bergner

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NO! It is not thinning. This is exactly what my part looks like and I have been told a million times by my hair specialist/doctor that it is completely normal. You have dark hair, makes a white scalp stick out more visibly. You are normal.


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I am having a similar problem. My hair was always so thick, and really strong. They are curly and quite long. I have never had a hair loss problem, although every time i shampooed my hair, the loss would be insane, but i had great hair birth. This year i started seeing much more hair in the bathroom, and they became a lot thinner. I did all the necessary medical exams, my doctor said that there is nothing wrong with me, so it is probably due to stress, mostly because this pandemic has caused me a great depression. I have been taking food supplements for hair loss with vitamins, and i have already started to see my hair become stronger!!!


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Here’s a better picture. You can kind of see that on the outer bits (?) of my part scalp is kind of visible? Is this normal or have I gone nuts?? Don’t mind the dandruff
Most people have at least once experienced the problem of hair loss in their adult life, which can cause a lot of problems especially if you are trying to keep your hair long. You must remember that the reason for your hair loss is because of the genetic factor, but many times these problems are not too serious and can be treated easily.

However, the problem of the hair falling out may not be something that can be cured easily. There are also a lot of people who do not know why their hair fell out or if they even have it. So, if this is happening to you or a friend then it is important to get to know the causes of it.

There are some instances when the problem of the thinning hair is quite common. In fact, it is the most common issue among people, so it is one of the most common reasons for the hair falling out. When there are hormonal changes in the body, the follicles in the head tend to start producing less of a hormone called DHT (dihydrotestosterone). This can actually cause the hair to lose its structure, colour, and texture.

If you are not careful with the changes in the hormones in your body, you will end up having very thin hair. When this happens, it will start to fall out and will continue to do so, unless you are taking any medication to stop the production of this hormone. So, if you are not sure whether you have this problem or not, it is better to get a doctor to take a look at your health history.

The next time that you see the problem of hair loss in your body, you need to have a chat with your doctor about it. This way, he will help you decide on the right treatment for yourself, and it will also give you an idea about how it is caused by the hormonal changes in the body. This will help you choose the right and trustworthy hair loss treatment.

Here you can see the result
