Is male pattern baldness always gradual, or can it happen rapidly?


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I was just wondering. Would it be unusual for you to have a thick full head of hair and lose it all within a 1 year period? Most people say male pattern baldness takes 15-25 years . But if you start having male pattern baldness noticeably at 21 or so, that would mean you were balding at 5 years old or less. So not sure how that would work.

Could someone lose it in as little as 1-5 year period? Or would that probably be something else?


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It can take from as little as three years to as much as 30 years or even longer to go from NW1 to NW7. It is all determined by your genes. Generally speaking, the younger male pattern baldness strikes, the faster is progresses, although this is not always the case. male pattern baldness can be unpredictable.

If you begin visibly balding at age 16, you will most likely be completely bald by your early 20s. If you begin balding in your late 20s, you'll probably not be completely bald until your early 40s or later.


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can very pretty wildly, in some cases people can go from full head of hair to almost completely bald in a year, for some it's a slow process over decades

Agustin Araujo

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Male Pattern Baldness is very unpredictable and is all based on genetics. It can progress gradually or quite rapidly.


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Male Pattern Baldness is very unpredictable and is all based on genetics. It can progress gradually or quite rapidly.

People put so much emphasis on genetics. I'm not saying genetics don't equate much or most of hair loss, but really its only half of it. Even identical twins do not turn out the same- and they are genetically close as possible. So I believe hair loss is genetics PLUS environment. Especially if it happens in a short amount of time.


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Can very wildly. For example, I went from a NW1 with a full head of hair, to a diffuse NW6 without sideburns in a year or so, at age 17.


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At what stage you are now,and what you done to minimize that?

Its hard to say. I recently lost a patch of hair in front . Its like an oval shape . Ive always had mediocre hair. But I would say I'm probably early stages of some hair loss even though I'm incredibly young and only in my mid 30s. My hair loss is intermittent. I lose it, and then it returns. Mostly I deal with hair that breaks easily and gets brittle. I have chronic fatigue and thyroid issues.

Armando Jose

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Can very wildly. For example, I went from a NW1 with a full head of hair, to a diffuse NW6 without sideburns in a year or so, at age 17.
woww, i am sorry for you, but can you say us which type of hair you have? density, thikness, colour, etc. TIA

Cincinnati Kid

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Well on my dad's side of the family it seems to affect the men more slowly, minus my 23 year old cousin that receded at 15 and was completely bald by 19. My dad and his brothers all had NW1 or 2 into their early 30s, but each of them are now NW4 or worse in their 50s. My mom's side of the family has some more aggressive balding, albeit not til early 30s. My maternal grandfather had a full head of hair all through his 20s, but was Norwood 6 by 35.

My older brother is 28 and still a Norwood 2. I noticed my hair thinning around 24, now 26 and haven't lost a ton of ground despite being on very little treatment. Aggressiveness of each individual's male pattern baldness is a total crapshoot, but I figure I'll maybe last until my early 30s with enough hair to be able to at least resemble some semblance of fullness. I'm just hoping to get to my early 30s and trick some chick into popping out a few of my kids before I'm forced to go full Mr. Clean.

Wolf Pack

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^ I wasn't on treatment from 24 to 29, didn't change much from a Norwood 2.5. It really is hard to predict even if you get to 29 and can look at your "final pattern". Even that's only a guide. Plus you don't know when **** will hit the fan, you never truly do.


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it varies

It can vary from person to person I started balding at 16 I'm in my early 20s and have a solid NW5 so it does seem to be the earlier you get it the worse you are off.


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very unpredictable.

I started loosing at sixteen, didn't start taking finasteride till 20, and maintained a NW2-3 until treatment. Took it for about a year then stopped, and started up two years later, and haven't been off since. Hairline stayed the same the whole time.

To boost, i'm on harsh steroid compounds such as tren acetate, and it hasn't given me a single itch, burning sensation let alone any signs of thinning.

It's varies


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No its not environment quit spreading lies without factual proof. male pattern baldness is genetic. I started thinning at probably 16 but it was like a 1-2% overall thin so I didn't really notice it, I started the big 3 at 18 and have been going strong ever since.

male pattern baldness- genetic, but I was talking about hair loss in general. And people want to sell stuff, so they will tell you no matter what you do you will be bald.

- - - Updated - - -

Does male pattern baldness reach a point where it could stop for some people? Or does it just continue to progress until its all gone? I mean, can it just stop at a certain point?


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Does male pattern baldness reach a point where it could stop for some people? Or does it just continue to progress until its all gone? I mean, can it just stop at a certain point?

I would say once it starts the process continues until completed (where your genetic makeup deemed you to end up on the Norwood scale). As if a switch was turned on. Obviously people will vary in how long it takes for them to get to this stage.


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Yeah it can definitely go rapidly. NW0 to NW6 in a year is probably only happening extremely rarely though. Seems like for most people either it's a slow and gradual 10-20 year process, perhaps starting in their early 20s... or it's like it was for me, and they progress from NW0 to a NW4-6 quite quickly - I started noticeably receding/balding at 16 and by 22 y/o I was a NW5 and probably just a year or two away from being a NW7.


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Mine started in freshman year of college

I went from a full head of hair to noticeably thinning crown in less than two semesters. I think stress has a lot to do with it, though.


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I had a few comments from people about thinning back in 2012, but couldn't see anything myself, then in the space of about 2 months last year I shed like crazy, 5-10 hairs on my hand every time I touched my head. Lost a ****load of density to the point it's now too thin over about 75% of the top to grow beyond a #2 at a push