Is it gay to transition to female, and have exclusively lesbian sex?


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Weighing my options right now. Incase I transition once the hairloss gets bad enough. f***.
I think you have too many "labels" in your title. It is confusing but from what I have learned, your sexuality and gender are two different traits. If you were born male and have gender dysphoria it has nothing to do with your sexuality. I always thought that maybe some people with gender dysphoria who are attracted to the same sex think that if you become the opposite gender they can call themselves straight so they can fulfill what religious groups view as the norm. I later learned they are independent traits. So for example Bruce Jenner was always attracted to women. He transitioned into a women and still is only attracted to women. Does that make him a lesbian now. No, his sexuality is straight but his gender is now female. Another words, forget the labels. I am sure @JaneyElizabeth would know better than I do.


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I think you have too many "labels" in your title. It is confusing but from what I have learned, your sexuality and gender are two different traits. If you were born male and have gender dysphoria it has nothing to do with your sexuality. I always thought that maybe some people with gender dysphoria who are attracted to the same sex think that if you become the opposite gender they can call themselves straight so they can fulfill what religious groups view as the norm. I later learned they are independent traits. So for example Bruce Jenner was always attracted to women. He transitioned into a women and still is only attracted to women. Does that make him a lesbian now. No, his sexuality is straight but his gender is now female. Another words, forget the labels. I am sure @JaneyElizabeth would know better than I do.
Many use the terms androphilic and gynephilic so that the terms gay and lesbian have become obsolete.


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jesus christ thats suicide inducing lol. imagine ruining your life to become a freak of nature just to get more hair back and you still end up bald except now with gynecomastia and thinned out body hair

Hahaha I mean, thats self inflicted.

Never touch Estrogens as a cis men, unless you want to transition, despite of the fact that it COULD give you a few more strands lol.


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HRT is not guaranteed to hold your hair lol.

Many trannies wear wigs.
Not for that reason as an expression of post hoc ergo prompter hoc.

Most transgender females see all hair loss stop. Some see regrowth but wigs often continue to be used because even all but perfect "male" hair will get a person clocked. A wig could too but many cis-gender females wear wigs. There's a person on bridge's thread with an amazing recovery from HRT in a "male" context. She isn't even close to being able to pass without her wig from the pics I have seen though. I am always struck by how much more I look like a "dyke" without my wig due to the shortness of my hair and because I don't have full cis-female consistency.

I note that some transgender people are offended by use of the term "tranny". MtF, or person on MtF HRT is preferable, perhaps. The term doesn't bother me so much unless it is clear that it is being used rudely or to disparage like "such and such thread has been taken over by the trannies...."


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GunnersUp lets be real I know you are 100% incel like the Catagan guy on this forum.

if you're gonna transition you'll pass as a female and that you will be on "Chads" target list. If this makes you feel better.


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If you can't be with someone you love, love the one you're with! And the younger you start the better as it's harder to regrow hair than keep what you already have. You also want to avoid the ages of increasing beard growth.