Is creatine still the king?



I've lost a substantial amount of fat over the last few months and I'm shifting my weight training away from circuit training now, and over to individual muscle groups with heavy weights to increase my mass now. I could stay the way I am now but I look pretty skinny (clothed). I figure if I'm going to be lifting light weights, might as well just lift HEAVY ones anyways.

I haven't done that in about 10 years but I'm ready to get back into that shape.

I've been out of this loop for a while so I'm curious if creatine is still considered one of the kings of supplements for increasing muscle mass (besides protein of course).

While I'm on this, what would be the "Big 3" of gaining muscle?


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i take creatine 5 grams one hour before workout,glutamine 2g in the mornning 2g after workout and 2 more somtime in the day
AAKG(arginine) 8g and OKG 4g before sleep on an empty stomech
and whey protein after workout and whenever i feel like i need some


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I take 5mg in the morning and then 5mg before and after a workout. It really helps with 'cramping' for me. I usually mix it with some whey protein and skim milk.


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socks said:
I take 5mg in the morning and then 5mg before and after a workout. It really helps with 'cramping' for me. I usually mix it with some whey protein and skim milk.

That's too much creatine. If you overload on creatine, your body converts it into creatinine, which is toxic for you liver. All the crazies that take tons of creatine every day will most likely have liver damage when they get older.


Harie said:
socks said:
I take 5mg in the morning and then 5mg before and after a workout. It really helps with 'cramping' for me. I usually mix it with some whey protein and skim milk.

That's too much creatine. If you overload on creatine, your body converts it into creatinine, which is toxic for you liver. All the crazies that take tons of creatine every day will most likely have liver damage when they get older.

Are you still supposed to load when you first start taking it? Also aren't you supposed to take it with a fruit juice to help with absorption?

Any thoughts on a "Big 3" for muscle building? I'm guessing it's just Protein, Creatine, and something else..........Geez, I remember in my day when Vanadyl Sulfate was one of the top supps and then it phased out when it was realized it didn't do much.


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FairTaxNow said:
Are you still supposed to load when you first start taking it? Also aren't you supposed to take it with a fruit juice to help with absorption?

Any thoughts on a "Big 3" for muscle building? I'm guessing it's just Protein, Creatine, and something else..........Geez, I remember in my day when Vanadyl Sulfate was one of the top supps and then it phased out when it was realized it didn't do much.

Honestly, your body can't really even use 10g of Creatine per day...And a lot of it just gets removed from your body when you pee. If you want to load Creatine, take 2.5g 2x/day. If you really want to take 10g/day, it's ok so long as you only do that for a week or 2. 10g/day for extended periods of time is bad...And a waste of $$.

If I had to pick a big 3 for muscle building, it would be Protein, Creatine & EFA's. Honestly, there are a lot of things you could use for the 3rd thing in the big 3, but it depends on how you respond to them. A lot of people love NO2 supps, but they don't seem to do anything for me.

Maybe caffeine, Tyrosine & Arginine before lifting if you find your energy drops quickly. I have to take 200 - 400mg of caffeine before I lift, or I have absolutely no energy after a few sets. Whatever works for you though. :)


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Actually, creatine is affected by your body weight. I dont have a link off-hand but over 170lbs - 180lbs the recommended dose is 10mg not 5mg. I'm 185lbs. Also, it is always a good idea to:

1. Cycle the creatine

2. Always have a yearly physical (which would include blood work) to make sure you're 'healthy'


So 169lbs and you're supposed to use 5mg but 170lbs you're supposed to double it?

If it's by weight than it's probably x milligrams per pound of bodyweight right?


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creatine will help you grow more muscle. Definitely worth it. You will get craps from dehydration only if you take a lot, just like salt. The first few grams have the most effect, and you get deminishing returns after that, with very little after 5 grams. Vegitarians get the most benifit from it, since meat eaters get 2g per day from meet. it is naturally in your muscles. I just take about 2-3 grams per day, 40 minutes before my workout. You can get 1000g for $16 at


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FairTaxNow said:
So 169lbs and you're supposed to use 5mg but 170lbs you're supposed to double it?

If it's by weight than it's probably x milligrams per pound of bodyweight right?

Correct. I think to make it simple though for the average 'meat head' they just have weight ranges. Now of course I could be wrong as I'm not an expert in this field. I'm just going by what I read a while back when I was doing a lot of looking into creatine.


collegechemistrystudent said:
Vegitarians get the most benifit from it, since meat eaters get 2g per day from meet.

This is only in red meat and fish though right? I don't recall poultry containing much creatine in it.

Ok, now that I know that creatine is sitll good for muscle mass is it STILL Creatine Monohydrate supplements or is there some other kind now?


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FairTaxNow said:
collegechemistrystudent said:
Vegitarians get the most benifit from it, since meat eaters get 2g per day from meet.

This is only in red meat and fish though right? I don't recall poultry containing much creatine in it.

LoL @ 2g of creatine from meat... Not unless you eat pounds of meat a day. Where do you get this info from CCS? Please tell me it isnt your sister's boyfriend! Jesus.


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socks said:
Actually, creatine is affected by your body weight. I dont have a link off-hand but over 170lbs - 180lbs the recommended dose is 10mg not 5mg.

Like I said, check out creatinine...It's what CEE/Kre-Alkalyn & Creatine Momo turns into if you take too much of it. :) And was your link that said 10g/day from the makers of Creatine?


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I read that on a bodybuilding site somewhere.


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i've always wondered why people don't take this questions to bodybuilding/fitness specific websites.... no gripe, just think it would be more efficient.


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Now I remember I read this in men's health or newsweek. one of those. there was a short article about the benifits of creatine.


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Creatine is still king. Monohydrate either works for you or not. You can be a responder or not. If you are a responder you will know because you are stronger, get no bloating and you are good on 5g maintenance after loading.
It basically works for you and have no complaints.

Now the other half, non-responders should use Ethel/esther-Creatine. It's more expensive, require no loading and there is even less gastrointestinal distress involved with it. Overall just nicer.

That's what I take and I am a responder because I just take it on workout days. This enables me to not have to keep loaded on Mono over 6 weeks. The better creatine just goes to muscle fast when you take it, you work out, burn it.


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1 pound of beef contains about 2g and your body can use pretty much all of it!

2/3rds of the Creatine you take comes out in your piss!

Again I will say get your diet right!!!!! then start thinking about supplements!

10g a day would be a better bet but take it mixed with the meat in your meals! less chance of most of it coming out in your piss! space it out!


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oni said:
1 pound of beef contains about 2g and your body can use pretty much all of it!

2/3rds of the Creatine you take comes out in your piss!

Again I will say get your diet right!!!!! then start thinking about supplements!

10g a day would be a better bet but take it mixed with the meat in your meals! less chance of most of it coming out in your piss! space it out!
eaating one pound of beef a day isnt such a great idea is it?
and so what if 2/3 are lost 1/3 isnt lost! and that's much better then nothing
besides this stuff is really cheap and it works so whats your problem with it?


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I hope you did not mean 10gr a day supplemented. That is way to much. If you are a responder to Mono then that means your body does not hurt itself trying to absorb it and therefore 5gr a day for maintenance is plenty. Cycle off 2 weeks.

Look I did Mono for a long time and there is nothing wrong with it. It's actually healthy.

But there is better stuff now, and if you can't handle mono it's your only option. Middle of the road would be Micronized Mono. It's all the same for most people but some have problems with just Mono.