Is a myth that eunuchs dont lose the hair?


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it is not a myth.

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it is not a myth. but even if it were itd be irrelevant, since there are numerous other angles which support the core androgen mediated theory as noted by hair science: ie - those with 5 alpha reductase deficiency never experience male pattern hair loss, that interfering with androgens brings about positive cosmetic changes in the condition (and that the use of these drugs was predicated on the finding of 5AR deficiency syndrome, and a desire to mimic it pharmacologically), finding of increased androgen receptor density, finding of those with male pattern baldness with mutation in the AR gene causing overexpression of the androgen receptor, etc, etc.

Disputing the role of androgens in androgenetic alopecia is either dishonest, malicious, stupid, or some combination of all three.


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True yet here we all are 20 years after finasteride with no good solid way of actually stopping the androgens. I think CB will be big if it all pans out because for the first time a treatment that will interfere with both T and DHT at receptors. So if its powerful enough we finally get to see what can happen when T is partially removed from the equation. I suspect CB will prevent male pattern baldness completely and forever short of the body adjusting or adapting to make it less effective long term which is certainly possible.

Armando Jose

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Try to explain common hairloss only with androgens is ridiculous. The pattern and the first stages of this multifactorial event could be the key
Note that I don´t write "androgenetic alopecia".


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We know male pattern baldness is far more complex then just androgens but we have to intervene somewhere and androgens have been proven to be one such spot in the process. We just need stronger and safer ones again such as CB 03 01 to help with not only DHT but also T. I still believe male pattern baldness can be prevented if we had a powerful enough anti androgen and can figure out the deal with upregulation and receptors like how the body responds to the change in androgen levels.
I personally am scared to try propecia because if I ever quit I worry about the much higher receptors and upregulation that happens from lowering DHT. I dont know of any studies that showed proof those receptors go back to normal and that worries me it could speed up hair loss if you ever quit. Im not sure there is proof either way


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