Is A Hair System For Me? Pics Attached

Lost Boy

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My apologies in advance for the long post.







Okay guys I linked some pics of of my hair loss & was wondering if you guys think a hair system is right for me. I’ve tried:
- Rogaine for 5 months (didn’t work)
- Dermarolling (didn’t work)
- NoFap (didn’t work)
- Propecia (has slowed down hair loss & im still using)
- A whole bunch of natural remedies (almond oil, aloe vera, inversion method, etc)
& through all of this, nothing gave me a tiny bit of regrowth. I know male pattern baldness is very aggressive in my family because every male is bald & my brother is in his freshman year of highschool & is losing his hair. I’ve been suggested Toppik but I feel like that really limits my activities & to be honest i don’t know if that’s any better than where I’m at now. I don’t think i’d be doing the maintenance for a hair system for the first couple months, I’d let the salon do the work. It’s only $50 once a month & i don’t think that’s bad. For now I just don’t want that stress until I’m really confident with this. Having this on top of school, work, a social life, & many more factors is a bit much. I’ve lost a lot of my confidence, don’t leave the house unless it’s for work (where i wear a hat) & just don’t feel like myself anymore. I don’t want to be inside the house this whole summer I want to celebrate my youth! My temples aren’t bad at all it looks just like a mature hairline, so i’m thinking a hair system would look pretty natural. I was going to go for a french crop hairstyle where the hairline is covered. Anyway please let me know what you guys think of my situation & all that good stuff. All answers are welcomed. Thanks to whoever read this, you guys are the best.


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The French crop is a great style for hiding the hairline and looks awesome with your hair texture (crop is all about texture).

If you hide the hairline, you don't need to go the glue route and can use tape all around. Makes maintenance really easy.

You really can learn to do your own maintenance... you probably don't need to go months.

Let us know if you need any recommendations... etc.

Good luck, I hope you share the results with us.


Lost Boy

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The French crop is a great style for hiding the hairline and looks awesome with your hair texture (crop is all about texture).

If you hide the hairline, you don't need to go the glue route and can use tape all around. Makes maintenance really easy.

You really can learn to do your own maintenance... you probably don't need to go months.

Let us know if you need any recommendations... etc.

Good luck, I hope you share the results with us.

Hey Steve, I appreciate you answering. So after looking at my photos do you think a hair system would be suitable for me? & Yeah i may pick up on a few things with maintenance maybe i’m just being over anxious. I’ll definitely share the results with you guys after everything you guys have done haha. Thanks again bro


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Hey Steve, I appreciate you answering. So after looking at my photos do you think a hair system would be suitable for me? & Yeah i may pick up on a few things with maintenance maybe i’m just being over anxious. I’ll definitely share the results with you guys after everything you guys have done haha. Thanks again bro

I don't see why not. At least from the pics, you shared.


Lost Boy

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I think hair fibers and other concealers would probably work well on you, as your hairline seems to be ok, but you are thinning on top. People often underestimate how much can be done with concealers.
tbh i’d rather not. Especially with not being able to get wet, sweat too much, having to worry about it rubbing off, etc. it’s no actual freedom. It may work for a night out or a special event but i want something more consistent than that.


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You have too much hair for a hair system. Having that much hair under the system will in itself cause you issues.

Really, don't panic and go for a system already. Try the fibres... I managed to get a good few years out of concealers before I jumped into hair pieces.

There is a right time for everything.

With concealers, try Dermmatch and fibres. There is a waterproof one too, Aquamatch or something it's called.


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I think hair fibers and other concealers would probably work well on you, as your hairline seems to be ok, but you are thinning on top. People often underestimate how much can be done with concealers.
I also only went for a system when I was too far gone for concealers to work, and tried shaved and buzzed for a long time. I'm not saying a system is only a last resort, because it's not permanent, it's more that you still have a lot of less drastic options still available. Even growing the top longer and going for a driver look on top.


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I don’t think it’s time for a hair system. I almost jumped the gun and I’m happy I didn’t. Concealers with hairspray work all day for me without issue.

Of course I can’t get my hair wet but I’d rather that than have to worry about someone finding out I’m wearing fake hair. (Personal issue)

With that being said, I do plan on switching over when it gets worse, but it’s a last resort. Once you pull the trigger, it’ll be hard to stop unless you don’t mind being shaved until your real hair grows back out.


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Maybe I'll go to a good stylist and ask them to recommend me a good hairstyle for covering up the receding hairline.
I mean, it depends upon the recessed hairline, but if it's the classic "M" pattern, it's kind of a style unto itself. WHen I still had stuff to work with on top, I would generally wear styles that sort of minimized it yet rocked it. Sometimes it was a brush forward, but with hair not so long it looked like I was hiding something. And the other style was a bit of a part. I'd part one side, and push it over the other - so I'd show off one widow's peak and cover the other. Just some ideas.


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Are you just thinning on top, or do you also have hairline issues?
Not much of a hairline issue, just thinning on top. Mostly in the crown, hence my name. You can check my update where I’ve posted tons of photos.

Lost Boy

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You have too much hair for a hair system. Having that much hair under the system will in itself cause you issues.

Really, don't panic and go for a system already. Try the fibres... I managed to get a good few years out of concealers before I jumped into hair pieces.

There is a right time for everything.

With concealers, try Dermmatch and fibres. There is a waterproof one too, Aquamatch or something it's called.
I’ve always wanted to try concealers but i feel as if they only sound reasonable on paper. Instant hair if you sprinkle this on your head! I’d love for that to be true but i think the reality is that you can’t get intimate with women (when they touch your hair), can’t sweat, it doesn’t look natural when you’re up close with someone, rubs off on things etc. The point is nothing is guaranteed with concealers. That creates a huge sense of cautiousness that’s far too uncomfortable for everyday living. With a system there is a lot more freedom. You can go play basketball with your friends & sweat, take showers normally, don’t have to spend 30 mins in the bathroom making sure every detail looks natural enough so people don’t notice anything. Trust me I’d love to be convinced to try concealers as they’re a lot less expensive but i’m not sure if i can given the evidence I’ve presented. I’d love to hear your side though, thanks for answering btw :)

Lost Boy

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I don’t think it’s time for a hair system. I almost jumped the gun and I’m happy I didn’t. Concealers with hairspray work all day for me without issue.

Of course I can’t get my hair wet but I’d rather that than have to worry about someone finding out I’m wearing fake hair. (Personal issue)

With that being said, I do plan on switching over when it gets worse, but it’s a last resort. Once you pull the trigger, it’ll be hard to stop unless you don’t mind being shaved until your real hair grows back out.
but see that’s the thing. Freedom is a huge factor for me. I mean doesn’t it bother you that you have to limit yourself to certain activities just so people don’t know you have concealers in? I’m only 20 & I’m looking to getting back my spontaneous lifestyle i led before my hair loss & Im not sure if i can do that if i’m constantly worried about the toppik looking natural on my head ya know?

Lost Boy

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Well to each their own, maybe concealers aren't for you.

I'll just say that it doesn't cost much compared to hair systems, so if I were you I'd give it a shot for a while, and if it doesn't suit your needs, switch to systems. Why not? You don't have much to lose.

I think there's a good chance you'll be shocked how well that stuff works. I think fibers work best on the crown and mid-scalp zones, and Dermmatch works best on the hairline. I never tried swimming with concealers, but I heard that Dermmatch is waterproof and fibers sort of are. I have walked around in mild/moderate rain with my fibers in, and it seems to be no problem for me.
Well i’ll be quite honest with you after you guys suggested it to me i did some research last night on concealers & turns out Dermatch gives you a lot of freedom. it only washes off with shampoo! Idk tho do you think i could be too far gone for concealers to help? i mean the last thing i want is looking like i have paint on my head haha.


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Well i’ll be quite honest with you after you guys suggested it to me i did some research last night on concealers & turns out Dermatch gives you a lot of freedom. it only washes off with shampoo! Idk tho do you think i could be too far gone for concealers to help? i mean the last thing i want is looking like i have paint on my head haha.

Well, you can always try it... , and if it looks bad, you can wash it out, and continue looking for a hair system.


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To be honest, I thought you’ve tried concealers already. If you haven’t, I think it’s be extremely naive to just jump straight into a system. Believe me, I was in your position and everyone here told me to try concealers. It works very well and I don’t have to worry about the costs/constant upkeep of a system.

I recommend toppik with some heavy duty hairspray. I use Aussie extreme hold. My hair is longer than yours so hairspray keeps it all in place while also keeping the fibers in ALL DAY.

If you haven’t tried finasteride, I’d recommend that too. I’ve been on for a year and I’ve had no side effects. At the same time, I haven’t had much benefit either, but most people do.


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@Lost Boy take my advice in this case and try one thing before you escalate up to hair systems.

Try Dermatch or try Mane. Don't even go for the fibres yet, because I really don't think you need them just yet - you might in a couple of years, but not yet.

Dermatch applied to your scalp AND to your hair will make your hair look thicker right away.

Mane is like a black spray, which you can apply to wherever you have bald patches or thinning hair. It is sprayed into the hair but aimed at the scalp. In some ways I preferred using this because I didn't need to rub it in like with Dermatch, i.e. the rubbing can cause increased hair loss.

In my view both will give you visibly better results instantly. Mane is actually longer lasting and will stay on you longer than Dermatch. You can also use hairspray on top to make both of these last even longer.

Fibres are a mess and a pain, but still a natural step to take after Dermatch/Mane, and before hair systems.


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Hi Dr D

When I first started using concealers, I still had a reasonable amount of hair but it was noticeably thinning in the crown. Dermatch was the first concealer I used. I wet the applicator and applied the Dermatch powder to the hairs and some to the skin, on the crown. I then brushed it through. I found that it thickened all the hairs, and plus it coloured the scalp darker, which meant that the bald areas were not visible any more.

I used Dermatch on its own probably for 2 or 3 years, after which I started using fibres in combination with it. The combination lasted me another 3 years or so, after which I needed a hair system. The combination works really well when you have more advanced thinning.

The advantage of Dermatch is that it doesn't come off easily. Fibres come off too easily, like if you bump your head or get caught in rain or go swimming, even if you hairspray them. But at that point my experience was that I was using fibres on very thinning hair, almost bald on the crown!

Actually I did at some point substitute Mane for Dermatch, because Mane colours the scalp black and then the fibres are used to build the hair on top. Mane lasts longer than Dermatch.

Worth trying all these products at least once... they're so cheap and easy compared to hair systems :D

Hello deg_dilemma,

That's interesting, could you explain why you think Dermmatch is the better product if you still have a good bit of hair? Do you think Dermmatch is also better for the crown area?

I myself have mainly had thinning around the crown area so far, and have used Gofybr to cover it up. I've been very happy with the results.


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Hi Dr D

When I first started using concealers, I still had a reasonable amount of hair but it was noticeably thinning in the crown. Dermatch was the first concealer I used. I wet the applicator and applied the Dermatch powder to the hairs and some to the skin, on the crown. I then brushed it through. I found that it thickened all the hairs, and plus it coloured the scalp darker, which meant that the bald areas were not visible any more.

I used Dermatch on its own probably for 2 or 3 years, after which I started using fibres in combination with it. The combination lasted me another 3 years or so, after which I needed a hair system. The combination works really well when you have more advanced thinning.

The advantage of Dermatch is that it doesn't come off easily. Fibres come off too easily, like if you bump your head or get caught in rain or go swimming, even if you hairspray them. But at that point my experience was that I was using fibres on very thinning hair, almost bald on the crown!

Actually I did at some point substitute Mane for Dermatch, because Mane colours the scalp black and then the fibres are used to build the hair on top. Mane lasts longer than Dermatch.

Worth trying all these products at least once... they're so cheap and easy compared to hair systems :D

Great advice man. I have pretty minor thinning (although kinda advanced for my age, 22) in the crown. I’ve been really happy with toppik but maybe I should try dermatch as well and see how that works.

Just curious, did you try medications? And if you did, did they work?


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Great advice man. I have pretty minor thinning (although kinda advanced for my age, 22) in the crown. I’ve been really happy with toppik but maybe I should try dermatch as well and see how that works.

Just curious, did you try medications? And if you did, did they work?

Hey man, yes I tried Fina for a year or so, it messed me up real bad. I got over the hormone/sex drive thing after a few months but after that my mind started going hazy and I couldn't think clearly... I don't think I ever have recovered from that. In terms of hair loss, I believe the Fina did stop loss for a few months. But the side effects were just too much.

Minoxdil worked for a while but stopped after a few months too.

Definitely try Dermatch and Mane, seperately. I still use them on my side hair, with a topper hair system.