Internet Advice And How Dangerous It Is

Heinrich Harrer

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Hello, I’m Heinrich

Over the years I’ve read forums about fitness, diet, supplementation and pharma drugs.

People are so delusional and misinformed it’s crazy. Example being finasteride users, dutasteride users, estrogen users, bodybuilding forum users and so on.

Latest example: dude gets gyno. Decides to fight it because he “knows”. Takes letro, letro is “fine” as said by “experienced” members. Bye bye, dude fucks up his axis permanently. I then look up letro in actual literature books from a doctor. Femera, serms, etc. Mind. Blown.

Another dude gets gyno. Decides to overdose b6 p5p, it’s harmless “I swear” and “proven to work”. Turns out p5p doesn’t just drop prolactin and “if you get tingles stop it”. It tanks other hormones (google it) and will also tank your... guess? GUESS? Yes, your e2. No waaay. Yes way. Gyno as fat present, excessive fat gain from tanked e2 (oh yeah, very low E will also cause massive fat gains), tanked T, good job.

User swears by antiandrogens: “no sides I’m fine”. Did you take a blood test? “Don’t need one pf I’m on ncbi ed man”. Confident enough the new user buys propecia, he’s ready! Well, problem is he’s also on mid-low T levels as most people nowadays but a healthy shbg and consequently free T ratio. Takes propecia, LH and FSH tank and then the hormonal imbalance party begins. Sides flying right and left “but my e2 is fine damn it!”. Oh but it’s not that is it stupid?

For the record: e2 value 10 (11-44), regrowing hair ED using dermaroller only and existing vellus hairs alive and well. Thanks Merck and MTF people here for opening my eyes about the importance of high estrogen in hair regrowth as seen in many useless, random articles presenting reputable studies done by rats in humans. Had the laugh of my life. Meanwhile, low shbg with low T, free T values absolutely normal so by definition NO hypogonadism (yet). Thanks propecia for destroying my hypophysis considerably. Harmless drug. You bet.

For all those who make fun of us, those who do thorough search and choose to read actual books instead of reading online bs articles, cu in ten years on dutasteride. I will pay for your blood work done.

Finasteride/dutasteride is poison. Stay away from it. Be bald and healthy like me instead.

michel sapin

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hard choice bro .
not any one can have the bald look and look good .
what blood test do you advice ?
Does raloxifen disrupt the axis ?

Heinrich Harrer

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Hair isn't worth the sides to you?

Nah man. Growing tits, gaining the weirdest fat ever, penis goes to sleep, free T plummets, face changes. Oh and my sleep was top notch too, I kept dreaming @itsjustsimon avatar staring and spitting at me, waving ncbi citings around screaming “where is your proof Heinrich!”

I like hair but if it’s gonna f*** up everything else, what’s the point. I want hair so I can enjoy everything else but if it’s ruined then it doesn’t make sense.


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Working dick is like priority number 1.

Next to my gym we had a cool lady selling nutritius and other supplements. A group of young jerks came in and asked for anabolica and steroids. The lady just replied so you are a vergin.
The young boy no of course not. And the lady than you know what you will miss when you take steroids.
And the boys left in shame :D.

Maybe we just need to wait 2-3 years till we can have hair and a healthy body. I will never trade my health for hair!


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Nah man. Growing tits, gaining the weirdest fat ever, penis goes to sleep, free T plummets, face changes. Oh and my sleep was top notch too, I kept dreaming @itsjustsimon avatar staring and spitting at me, waving ncbi citings around screaming “where is your proof Heinrich!”

I like hair but if it’s gonna f*** up everything else, what’s the point. I want hair so I can enjoy everything else but if it’s ruined then it doesn’t make sense.
I respect your decision of health over Vanity. I wish I could say the same, but my looks are the only thing going for me, my crippling social anxiety prevents me from approaching people. So far I've been lucky enough to have the girls pursue me, I would still be a virgin otherwise.

Heinrich Harrer

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I respect your decision of health over Vanity. I wish I could say the same, but my looks are the only thing going for me, my crippling social anxiety prevents me from approaching people. So far I've been lucky enough to have the girls pursue me, I would still be a virgin otherwise.

If girls pursue you then what’s the problem? Just let go and chips fall where they may.


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For all those who make fun of us, those who do thorough search and choose to read actual books instead of reading online bs articles

Yep stick to studies, don't take advice from blogs, forums, uneducated guesses at what a study might conclude (read the actual conclusion, if it's on mice and you're not a mouse then move on).

Finasteride/dutasteride is poison. Stay away from it. Be bald and healthy like me instead.

Unfortunately I was told by @Heinrich Harrer not to follow advice given to me on the net and to stick to studies, so I don't take it that finasteride is poison :p
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Heinrich Harrer

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Yep stick to studies, don't take advice from blogs, forums, uneducated guesses at what a study might conclude (read the actual conclusion, if it's on mice and you're not a mouse then move on).

Unfortunately I was told by @Heinrich Harrer not to follow advice given to me on the net and to stick to studies, so I don't take it that finasteride is poison :p

If bald and healthy on the same sentence doesn’t scream sarcasm I don’t know what is. :p


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In general i agree, however...medication such as minoxidil and Finasteride that is proven more or less harmless is not something that will kill anyone.