Intentionally pulling out my hairs... Anyone heard of this?


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Is this a disorder? I think I read something about this a while back... Anyway, here's my problem.

Lately, I've been having good progress. A lot thicker lately...

But sometimes, my scalp itches. I always have big flakes of dried minoxidil underneath my hair, and although unnoticeable to anyone else, I get pleasure out of removing them.

I usually take a dull knife and scratch the surface of my scalp. All over. I have to dig into the skin a little bit, but I get these huge flakes.

I don't know what it is. I get the greatest pleasure from digging them off my scalp, but at the expense of feeling tremendously guilty afterwords. I usually force out about 20 hairs out of my head. And, although I'm not shedding or anything, I still manage to pull these hairs off my head.

This is contrary to my intentions, but sometimes I cannot help myself.

I think I have a problem. Has anyone heard of this before?

It's been months since I've had a break from minoxidil. I will take tomorrow off, and only use Tricomin.

My hair now successfully looks like sh*t, again! I always f*** it up. My life is becoming unbearable. Please give me some advice. I cannot control myself.


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i hear this first..but most of us have some psychological troubles,affairs and extraordinary actions..etc..


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Re: Intentionally pulling out my hairs... Anyone heard of th

Aplunk1 said:
It's been months since I've had a break from minoxidil. I will take tomorrow off, and only use Tricomin.

My hair now successfully looks like $#iT, again! I always f*** it up. My life is becoming unbearable. Please give me some advice. I cannot control myself.

I don't get it..? is your hair getting better or worse? I thought you told me it's great now!?

i'm confused.


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Is this for real. If so, then stop. You recognize it is not right and also recognize that you may have a problem, those are the most important aspects in battling disorders. If you want to be dedicated to your regime then you must stop. Every time you have the desire remind yourself that this is not only going ot pullout hairs but also irritate your scalp which is terrible for those with male pattern baldness. The immediate pleasure of ripping your scalp in two does not compare with the sorrow you will (or have) experienced *** your hair thins and looks terrible.


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Jeffsss, it looks great when it grows out, but I do, I mean DO, end up f*****g it up.

Johnny, it's not that easy man. Sometimes I just do it. But I will try harder. It's wrong, and I feel really guilty. Anyway,

Thanks for the comments guys.


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Plunk! Just stop it man!

Aplunk1 said:
Jeffsss, it looks great when it grows out, but I do, I mean DO, end up f****ing it up.

Johnny, it's not that easy man. Sometimes I just do it. But I will try harder. It's wrong, and I feel really guilty. Anyway,

Thanks for the comments guys.


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Curious, since I do a simillar thing, but with my nails and never so hard I can pull a hair out. It´s joyous to extract flakes from pores in the scalp.

I touch my scalp more than what I consider healthy and that makes me feel guilty, still I found enormous please in doing so.

Guess is just a mania. I can control it when I´m public or focused in another thing, so I don´t give it more importance. If this is an issue for you try to occupate your time playing video-games or something that involves both hand operation.

And don´t get too distressed, mate, I bet you know many nervous guys and girls that bite their nails ´til them are bleeding... and they finish controlling it just with a bit of inner strength.

We are made weird.


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You need to be slapped coupla times by somebody u love a lot.

that fixes a lotta things.

heard of Slap/Spank therapy?


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goddammit, I did it again. What the f*** is wrong with me?

I managed to only pull out 1 hair this time, but I still feel guilty and like sh*t for doing it. Should I be meditating or something?

f***, I'm an a**h**.


I have the solution:



I do it from time to time with a MACH3 Turbo, and it feels great!


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No, I would look absolutely awful. I'm seriously considering buzzing it down to a 1, but i don't know how I'd look.

I don't want it to look like I'm masking my hairloss by cutting it so short... confusion.


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I've been at it again. I can honestly say that I've pulled out about 200 hairs tonight, probably cut up my scalp a bit, and have lost a considerable amount of density.

Why do I do this to myself?

I can't control it. f***. What should I do guys? I'll do it.

I can't just stop. I've tried it.

Take up smoking? Everytime I want to pull out my hair have a cigarette?



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And I can honestly say that I've raised my Norwood up a little bit tonight.



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Aplunk1 said:
goddammit, I did it again. What the f*** is wrong with me?

I managed to only pull out 1 hair this time, but I still feel guilty and like $#iT for doing it. Should I be meditating or something?

f***, I'm an a**h**.

Hi Plunk, You're behavior is indeed a bit odd, but instead of worring about a disorder I think it's more important you're going to seek some help. I'm a psychologist myself (with good old male pattern baldness) and i've read a lot of post of you in the past. Some posts did worry me a bit and ofcourse this forum gives all of us some great support how to deal with male pattern baldness, talking in real life to a person who is really listening to other (related) problems can give great relief.

I'm not saying there's something wrong with you and psychologist are going to make you're life better. But i would really appreciate it if you're going to talk to one. Report me how it was,
succes with it!


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My ex-gf had the same problem. She went to a psychologist and psychiatrist, and with treatments from both, it slowly stopped her 'self-mutilation'. We broke up a few years ago, so I cannot tell you her progress to this day. Last time I checked with her, she was getting her doctorate in psychology. And saw some people with her same condition getting treatment. Her problem was actually the inspiration for her to go into psychology. Anyway, I think you should seek a psychologist and/or psychiatrist to help you with this. I wish the best of luck.


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Thanks, Krazy,
that's a little comforting. I'll definitely make an appointment.


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I still haven't made my appointment.

God, I'm such a fuckup.

I am getting great f*****g results... GREAT f*****g RESULTS on my regimen... It's just that I keep pulling out my hair... I can't stop myself and I feel like such a pussy. I'd normally make fun of a guy who pulled out his hair, but I cannot stop. I keep promising myself I'll put my hands down, but I keep pulling out my hair... I pulled out about 50 hairs yesterday... I can't f*****g believe it..

Man, I don't know why I do this to myself... I take 5g of MSM to try to speed up the growth, but it still doesn't make me feel any better...

My insurance provider only gets me 1 psychiatrist who is close by, and they never return my calls or anything... They probably think I'm some stupid fuckup, white kid who fucks himself over...

I wish this pain would end... I really wish I had some Xanax so I could move on with my life... f***...


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On another note,
if I go bald, if I INDEED, go bald within the next decade, I WILL kill myself. No doubt.. I will do it.