Intentionally pulling out my hairs... Anyone heard of this?


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stop being a dumbass aplunk. girls dont care whether your masking baldness or not, just if you look good. so shaving your head if you have a well shaped head is a good idea. and killing yourself if you go bald? you think you have that little to offer otherwise?

either way it sounds like OCD to a certain point. cigarettes will do nothing but help you go bald faster. the people who have success are those who pick a regime, stick to it like sperm on a curtain, and just get on with their lives


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Maybe I am being a dumbass... I usually don't b**ch about this sh*t... but I dunno what's wrong with me.

In any case, I've finally scheduled an appointment with a psychiatrist to discuss the issue. It's set for Monday night. I'll probably get off my present ADHD medication (Strattera) and get on an anti-depressant/anti-anxiety.

Maybe this can help me change my view on things... I mean, turn this negative situation into a positive.


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Thinning said:
I intentionally pull out hairs, but only from my nose.
I do that myself at times. Hurts like hell too. :lol:

Alpunk if your scalp is that itchy you really need to wash your hair with nizoral. Need to get rid of that dry flakey stuff. Before I started using nizoral I use to to scratch the hell out of my scalp. Just could'nt stand that itchy scalp. Stopped using the minoxidil because of it. Can't really rember what got me started coming here except for the results of the minoxidil just were'nt doing my hair loss any help. I must say that is forum and the users here have been very helpful.


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Thanks, Z, and a few others who are providing genuine assistance.

As for the nose-hair pulling, I don't really find these comments useful. But thanks for trying to cheer me up, if that was your intention.


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Tonight I finally got all the brown off my scalp..

at the expense of taking a blunt object to get all of the flakes off.

I probably pulled about 300 hairs out of my head doing it.

It looks bad.

It looks really thin.

I shaved it down to a 3mm, 1/8", and the bald spot is glaringly obvious to anyone. Glaringly obvious.

I don't know if I can take this anymore.

I'm going to shampoo my head more rigorously from now on and apply even less minoxidil to prevent any minoxidil flakes.

I hate this, and doubt I can really take it anymore. I'm 20, clearly balding, and a college dropout with nowhere to go, with no one.

This is bad.

Man, I just wish things could be different.


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Don't lose hope. Don't be self defeating. I really know how you feel. I have had some bad thoughts numerous times. Some how I always pull through. You need something or someone to help take your mind off your problems. I have been really down about my job lately and my life in general. Remeber that there are people out that have it worse then you or I. Find something you really enjoy and that will take your mind off your problems. I like to watch the scifi channel and Stargate SG1 and Stargate Atlantis. Turn to other people for help. I know that can be hard to do. But you seem to be doing that very thing when you post your messages here. Have you seen Deuce Bigalo European Giggolo that movie is very funny. You need a good laugh.


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Steve4263 said:
Don't lose hope. Don't be self defeating. I really know how you feel. I have had some bad thoughts numerous times. Some how I always pull through. You need something or someone to help take your mind off your problems. I have been really down about my job lately and my life in general. Remeber that there are people out that have it worse then you or I. Find something you really enjoy and that will take your mind off your problems. I like to watch the scifi channel and Stargate SG1 and Stargate Atlantis. Turn to other people for help. I know that can be hard to do. But you seem to be doing that very thing when you post your messages here. Have you seen Deuce Bigalo European Giggolo that movie is very funny. You need a good laugh.

Haha, I saw that movie last night. It was great. Although, I kept thinking. You know the main guy (Damn, I forgot his name. He was in SNL) Well, he used to be balding. I wonder how he got his hair back to it... You can see his bald spot in McHale's Navy or whatever that movie is-- Now it's totally gone. I don't think he wears a wig, either.

But thanks, man. I know my anti-anxiety medications are helping tons. I really got to stop worrying about my hair. I'm applying way less minoxidil after each application... only a very thin layer, which should leave no large flakes that I usually get. I guess in about 3 weeks time I should see those hairs popping up again...

Just gotta wait.

But thanks, I really appreciate your advice.


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college dropout? i thought you said a little while back you were just starting college? don't know if this relates to your situation but i failed two years of university because of working in hospitality. they always ask you to take on a little more responsibility until your running the show and the really important things get less and less time. plus you work till late and obviously sleep in a bit and miss a few classes, then it happens more and more. it seems like such a good job because the money is good and the hours fit around school, but it tends to take over your life. finally finished my degree because i cut back on hours and found different less time consuming ways to make money. i think most people on this board would agree that your education is more important than your hair or the immediate dollar. i apologise if this doesnt in any way pertain to your situation but you said you worked in a quite high class busy restaurant and i know how those places can suck you in and chew till theres nothing left.


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PowerSam said:
college dropout? i thought you said a little while back you were just starting college? don't know if this relates to your situation but i failed two years of university because of working in hospitality. they always ask you to take on a little more responsibility until your running the show and the really important things get less and less time. plus you work till late and obviously sleep in a bit and miss a few classes, then it happens more and more. it seems like such a good job because the money is good and the hours fit around school, but it tends to take over your life. finally finished my degree because i cut back on hours and found different less time consuming ways to make money. i think most people on this board would agree that your education is more important than your hair or the immediate dollar. i apologise if this doesnt in any way pertain to your situation but you said you worked in a quite high class busy restaurant and i know how those places can suck you in and chew till theres nothing left.

I did start up again, only to fail.

This post sums up everything. I'm glad I can relate to someone. However, PowerSam, I am just really hoping that I can get some hair maintenance (which it seems to be doing on my current regimen) so that I can carry on with my life...


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Maybe you should try Procede. I've heard mixed things as far as results go, but most people do say it gives their scalp a hardcore cleansing.

It's expensive though. Hit the blackjack tables for a night, then you can afford it.


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Haha, maybe a good scalp peel would do me good. But I'm going to try shampooing more rigorously (I find t-gel works better for minoxidil flakes) and using less minoxidil... about 1 ml only.